heavy weapon is king

Chapter 15 Reopening the Arms Commercial Street

Chapter 15 Reopening the Arms Commercial Street
(PS: Here is the second update. Regardless of whether there are [-] recommendation votes today, I will update two chapters. Because I am in good condition, I will write a chapter just after eating. The rest of the time depends on the enthusiasm of the recommendation votes of the brothers. I am not enthusiastic anymore, Master Hou has started to work hard recently, please don’t discourage the enthusiasm of Master Hou, quack...)

At this moment, on the plain 60 meters away from the village, Gao Gaowei looked gloomyly at the Gaojiazhuang occupied by the Heifeng bandits, feeling extremely angry in his heart.

In just one confrontation, he injured fifty officers and soldiers, and he was still facing the mob in Heifengzhai.

If this matter is passed on to Shangguan, his career will definitely be stained, which is extremely unfavorable for him who is about to be promoted to the deputy capital of Zhoucheng.

At this moment, a group of officers and soldiers carried more than a dozen injured and screaming wounded to the front of the high school lieutenant.

Lieutenant Gao Gao bent down and carefully observed the injuries of these wounded, and was immediately shocked!
There were blood holes the size of copper coins in the chests, lower abdomen, thighs and other places of more than a dozen wounded. The wounds were bulging and blood flowed horizontally.

Seeing this scene, Gao Gao Lieutenant's face darkened, and he said in a hoarse voice: "Have you seen clearly what kind of weapon these wounds were caused by?"

Hearing this, a corporal leader who led the team to attack before said in shock: "Returning to the words of Captain Captain, there were strange noises everywhere, and the scene was chaotic. The subordinates didn't see what was going on, they only heard a series of words. After the explosion, our people screamed to the end, and they didn't know what kind of weird method those bandits used. In short, the subordinates suspected that the bandits on the opposite side must have the same firearms as Pilizi in their hands. "

"Thunderbolt? Firearm?"

Lieutenant Gao Gao slowly raised his head, lost in thought.

After his observation just now, many of the wounds on the wounded soldiers of one's own side, judging from the appearance characteristics, did seem to be wounded by some kind of firearm or hidden weapon.

If those black wind thieves really have firearms like pilizi, then tonight's affairs will be very difficult.

Thinking of this, Gao Gaowei turned his head to look at another corporal leader, and asked, "Li Erbao, your shield soldiers are the closest to the courtyard wall, did you find anything special at that time?"

Li Bao lowered his head and tried his best to remember. Suddenly, he seemed to remember something, and shouted: "That's right, this subordinate vaguely remembered that just when we were about to attack the wall, from the two sides of the main gate of the manor Inside the courtyard wall, a few heads popped out suddenly, and I don't know what they were holding, and there was a burst of firecrackers, and then we heard our archer fell to the ground injured."

Hearing this, Gao Gaowei's eyes flashed, and he slowly turned his gaze to the courtyard walls on both sides of the main entrance of Gaojiazhuang, muttering thoughtfully: "It seems that these black wind thieves, There are really powerful firearms, could it be that this is their last resort?"

Speaking of this, Gao Gaowei suddenly turned cold, and ordered loudly: "Everyone listen to my orders, immediately gather formation and attack the main gate again!"

After hearing the order, all the officers and soldiers were shocked and responded loudly: "Obey!"

Soon, the remaining more than 100 officers and soldiers immediately formed an offensive formation under the command of the high school lieutenant.

Under the yelling of the commanding soldiers, the officers and soldiers marched in an orderly and dull pace, and once again approached Gaojiazhuang 60 meters away aggressively.

At this moment, Lieutenant Gao Gao stood behind a small tree, picked up a longbow with horns, bent the bow and set up an arrow, and pointed it at the courtyard walls on both sides of the main entrance.

The high school lieutenant sneered in his heart, as long as the thieves using firearms in the courtyard poked their heads out, he would shoot arrows without hesitation and kill all the firearm thieves.

He didn't believe it anymore, a few bandits who used firearms could withstand the attack of two hundred officers and soldiers of his own?
Besides, according to the analysis just now, the gangsters only had a few firearms at most, and it is estimated that after the last confrontation, they have already consumed almost all of them, otherwise, they would have relied on firearms for a long time. Power, snatched gold and silver property and fled.

These bandits are now hiding in Gaojiazhuang, taking advantage of the situation to hold on, obviously lacking in strength, they are afraid of escaping from the village and falling into the danger of being rounded up and killed.

Thinking up to this point, Gao Gaowei became more and more sure that a group of black wind bandits hiding in Gaojiazhuang deliberately took out their firearms to bluff in order to scare off their own troops.

At this time, Nie Zheng stood on the watchtower, watching the officers and soldiers continue to press forward with shield soldiers to cover, and charged forward step by step, the expression on his face could not help but become a little dignified.

As the officers and soldiers launched a second round of attack, the Bandit minions guarding both sides of the front door became visibly panicked.

If it weren't for the pistols of the three brothers of the Chen family that repelled the first attack of the officers and soldiers, these bandits would have lost their fighting spirit long ago and would have collapsed without a fight.

At this moment, the formation composed of 150 officers and soldiers has already pushed forward ten meters against the rain of arrows. At the same time, the archers hiding behind the shield soldiers are also looking for opportunities to shoot arrows to counterattack.

The three brothers of the Chen family were still hiding under the courtyard wall, keeping an eye on the movement ahead. As long as the officers and soldiers came within a range of 30 meters, they would pull the trigger without hesitation and shoot the officers and soldiers rushing to the front door. It has the effect of deterring the enemy.

At this moment, Yang Feihu also dispatched dozens of people from the backyard and the left and right sides of the manor to support the front door.

After all, tonight, the front door was continuously attacked by officers and soldiers led by the high school lieutenant, and the pressure of defense was much greater than other places.

Under the command of Nie Zheng, guarding the arrow towers on both sides of the courtyard wall, more than [-] bandits are bending their bows and setting arrows, and they are constantly shooting arrows at the advancing formation of the officers and soldiers, trying to stop the officers and soldiers from advancing. pace of.

However, since the officers and soldiers have shield protection, Nie Zheng's bows and arrows pose a weaker threat to the officers and soldiers. Their defensive pressure is getting bigger and bigger.

Looking at the formation of officers and soldiers and getting closer to the courtyard wall, Nie Zheng was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, and couldn't help but yelled: "Zhang Long Zhao Hu, these two idiots, what are you doing! Let them find a Treasure house, I haven't replied after searching for so long!..."

While cursing, suddenly, Zhang Long and Zhao Hu rushed out of the front hall with a few minions.

From afar, they could be heard shouting excitedly: "We found it! We found it! Wally Master, we found the treasure house of that old thief Gao Batian!"

Hearing this, Nie Zheng, who was standing on the watchtower, was overjoyed, and immediately rushed down the watchtower at the fastest speed, came to Zhang Long and Zhao Hu, and ordered impatiently: "Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, you two stay behind. Assist in the defense here, and at the same time, the two of you are also responsible for protecting Chen Fu and Chen Lu, lest they be plotted against by the officers and soldiers." After speaking, he ordered Yang Feihu on the watchtower: "Master Yang, Now go to Chen Shou's side and be responsible for protecting his safety. No matter what, you have to grit your teeth and wait for me to come back. As long as I come back, we can solve the crisis and turn defeat into victory!"

"Yes, Zhaizhu!" Yang Feihu and others nodded, and rushed to the side of the three brothers of the Chen family.

At this time, Nie Zheng turned around, and told one of them to search for the treasure house with Zhang Long and Zhao Hu: "You take me to Gao Batian's treasure house right away, and the rest stay and help Master Yang and the others to defend Front door."

"Obey, village master!" All the minions took orders in a loud voice.

At this time, Nie Zheng rushed towards the front hall impatiently, led by that minion.

Soon, I brought Nie Zheng to the door of Gao Batian's bedroom, which is where Gao Batian hid his treasures.

At the door of Gao Batian's bedroom, two bandit minions had already left behind to guard him. When they saw Nie Zheng, they bowed their hands respectfully and said, "Master!"

Nie Zheng didn't have the heart to deal with them at the moment, so he ordered them directly: "You three stay outside the door. Without my order, you must not let anyone step into the bedroom. Anyone who violates it will be shot!"

Hearing this, the three minions were shocked, and they all bowed and said: "Obey, village master!"

Nie Zheng strode into the door, turned around and fastened all the doors and windows in the bedroom, so that no one could see what was going on inside.

After doing all this, Nie Zheng was able to look at the gold, silver and jewelry that Gao Batian had privately collected.

Gao Batian's bedroom is very large, the floor is covered with bearskin carpets, and the decoration is extremely luxurious, especially the many wooden furniture such as chairs and screens, carved with dragons and phoenixes.

At this time, the carpet in the middle of the bedroom had already been turned over messily, and underneath was a neat and smooth bluestone slab.

Among them, there was a stone slab about one meter long and eighty centimeters wide, which had been lifted by Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and others, and suddenly, a dark tunnel entrance appeared below.

At that moment, Nie Zheng picked up a candlestick in the room, and quickly went to the entrance of the tunnel to have a look, and found a wooden ladder slanted upwards.Immediately Nie Zheng took the candlestick and slowly climbed down the wooden ladder.

After climbing down less than three meters, the tunnel came to the end.

At this time, Nie Zheng took a closer look with the help of candlelight, and found that this place was actually a small underground dark room with a radius of less than ten meters.

In the corner of this small dark room, there were five huge thick wooden boxes stacked up. The copper locks on the wooden boxes had already been smashed by Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and the others.

Nie Zheng walked over and opened the box to take a look, and immediately gasped.

I saw that the five large wooden boxes were all piled up with gold, silver and jewelry.

Two boxes of silver ingots, one box of gold ingots, one box of jewelry, and one box of antique calligraphy and paintings and other valuables.

Under the candlelight, these five large boxes of gold and silver treasures shone brightly and were extremely dazzling.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng was extremely excited and ecstatic.

These five large boxes of gold and silver treasures, excluding the other two boxes of jewelry and antique calligraphy and paintings, the two boxes of silver ingots and one box of gold ingots alone are estimated to weigh several hundred kilograms.

Now that the gold and silver are right in front of him, and the officers and soldiers outside are attacking fiercely, he has no time to waste.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng hurriedly took out the super chip from his chest, endured the scorching heat, and pressed down hard with his thumb on the bulging transparent button in the middle.

In an instant, the narrow and dark basement was filled with light!

During the flashes of dazzling brilliance, a gleaming "gate of time and space" appeared in the underground dark room out of thin air.

At this moment, Nie Zheng didn't dare to hesitate. After screaming excitedly, he quickly picked up the silver and gold ingots in the box, and threw them into the "Gate of Time and Space" frantically.

Tonight is destined to be a crazy night! !
(End of this chapter)

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