heavy weapon is king

Chapter 136 Dropping Depth Charges (2 more)

Chapter 136 Dropping Depth Charges (Second Update)

Thousands of red-haired water monkeys flew over from the upper reaches of the Yuanjiang River. When they came to the nearby river, suddenly, they all disappeared into the river with a "plop plop" in the blink of an eye.

Obviously, the natives of Da Yue who fled to the other side were probably scared out of their wits after trying out the power of Nie Zheng's weapons.

The purpose of calling the water monkeys here at this moment is to let them hide in the bottom of the river in advance to prevent the enemy from rushing across the river.

Nie Zheng and the others stood by the river and found that the river was completely silent, except for the rushing water, there was nothing unusual.

If it hadn't been for seeing thousands of water monkeys appearing with their own eyes before, Nie Zheng and the others probably wouldn't have believed that there were actually a huge number of red-haired monsters hidden under the seemingly calm water of the Yuan River.

Now that the depth charges have been taken out, the next step is the main event.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng turned around and told the leaders: "Now go and choose two hundred brothers with strong strength, and the strength must be above the third-rank warrior."

After hearing Nie Zheng's order, all the leaders went down to obey.

Before they left, they looked at the ten bucket-shaped depth charges placed by the river, and secretly wondered, what kind of fairy weapon was the thing summoned by the lord this time?Why does it look like an iron bucket? "

Facing everyone's suspicious eyes, Nie Zheng didn't bother to waste time explaining to them that after the explosion of these depth charges, everyone at the scene would naturally experience the terrifying power of these depth charges.

Soon, Shi Zheng, Niu Meng, Xu Shijie and others selected two hundred powerful bandit elites from their respective subordinates and brought them to Nie Zheng.

Looking at the two hundred elite dragons and tigers standing in front of them, they are all tall and strong, and their strength is at least above the third-rank warrior.

After seeing these elites, Nie Zheng nodded with satisfaction and said, "Brothers, I have selected you this time, and I have a very important task for you. I hope you will not let me down."

Hearing that the leader had given them an important task, all of the two hundred dragon and tiger elites were looking forward to it, eager to try it.

"Leader, please order, I will live up to my expectations and complete it successfully..."

Facing everyone's sudden response, Nie Zheng smiled slightly, and ordered on the spot: "You 200 people, divided into ten teams, with 20 people in each team, each carrying ten rafts and one depth charge, and headed to the nearby river bank to wait. Life……"

Under Nie Zheng's order, two hundred selected elite bandits lifted up ten newly built rafts one after another, and rushed towards the river bank at a fast pace.

Ten depth charges were placed on each of the ten rafts.

These depth charges weighing hundreds of kilograms were all fixed on the raft to prevent them from falling halfway.

At the same time, under the order of Nie Zheng, ten clone soldiers followed behind the ten raft teams respectively. When they got down to the middle of the river, they would activate the water pressure detonation device of the bomb. Will explode underwater.

I learned from Jack that these depth charges during World War II are extremely powerful and are specially used to deal with submarines.

It is said that once these depth charges explode, even submarines 30 meters away will be sunk, not to mention people or animals.

It is conservatively predicted that once these bombs explode, all creatures within a hundred meters will be shocked to death. Even if those water monkeys have the blood of ancient alien beasts and have strong defenses, they will probably be stunned. Once they faint under the water In the past, it is estimated that death is not far away.

You must know that when a bomb explodes underwater, due to the relatively high density of water, the transmitted energy will be very concentrated, so the power is naturally extremely terrifying.

Since these ten depth charges are relatively powerful, according to Nie Zheng's arrangement, it is enough to drop one for every 100 meters of river surface on average.

Ten depth charges can completely cover the one-kilometer-long river surface within the killing range. By then, all the water monkeys hiding in this river area will not be spared, and they will all be killed by Nie Zheng.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, two hundred elite dragons and tigers quickly carried ten rafts, and quickly threw them into the water according to the area specified by Nie Zheng.

At this moment, the ten clone soldiers who were closely following them immediately boarded the raft with bamboo poles, oars and other tools for crossing the river.

Before they boarded the raft, the ropes that Nie Zheng had just ordered Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and the others to prepare were also passed on one after another.

A group of bandits tied the ropes to the clone soldiers, and then handed the other end of the ropes to the twenty elite dragon and tigers on the shore.

According to Nie Zheng's plan, ten clone soldiers were tied with ropes, and each of them controlled a raft, and slowly rowed to the deep water area of ​​the river, and when they were about [-] meters away from the shore, they ordered the people on the shore , Qi Qi pulled all these clone soldiers back in the air. At that time, those rafts floating in the river will definitely attract the siege of the water monkeys underwater.

Once the ten rafts carrying depth charges are scuttled by those water monkeys, it won't be long before the depth charges sink to a certain depth and will explode automatically.

Soon, ten rafts loaded with bombs, under the control of ten clone soldiers, slowly left the river bank and headed for the deep water area ahead.

At this moment, Nie Zheng was standing on a sloping land by the bank, holding a telescope in his hand, observing the movement of the river with a serious expression.

The clone soldiers, holding poles in their hands, quickly supported the raft and moved towards the opposite bank.

Unknowingly, the ten rafts moved tens of meters away from the shore, but the river was still silent.

Obviously, those water monkeys hiding at the bottom of the river are also very cunning. They are going to wait for the enemy's rafts to enter the most rapid and deepest area of ​​the river, and scuttle all the enemy's rafts with a thunderous force.

After a while, the clone soldiers had already controlled the raft and traveled a distance of nearly [-] meters.

At this time, Nie Zheng realized that the ropes tied to the clone soldiers were obviously not enough, and on the spot, he ordered suddenly: "Take it!"

As soon as an order was given, the two hundred dragon and tiger elites who had been preparing for a long time on the shore let out a burst of explosive shouts at the same time. At this moment, everyone exerted their strength at the same time. All pulled back in the air.

Looking from a distance, the ten clone soldiers with ropes tied around their waists were like a flock of big birds flying through the air, darting towards the shore extremely quickly.

However, just as these clone soldiers were pulled back to the shore, suddenly there was movement under the river...

(End of this chapter)

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