heavy weapon is king

Chapter 134 The Consequences of Provocation

Chapter 134 The Consequences of Provocation

Facing the strange calls and provocations of the group of Da Yue natives on the river, Nie Zheng turned a blind eye to them, but secretly sneered in his heart.

"A bunch of big Yue monkeys who don't know how to live or die, you just jump. When they are all within range, I will beat you to death every minute..."

Soon, the thirteen water ghost warships, under the control of a group of Da Yue natives, rushed down extremely quickly, and without much effort, they entered within the range of 300 meters.

At this time, the scar-faced native leader standing on the bow saw that his provocation just now had successfully aroused the anger of the Han people on the shore, and his expression became more and more complacent. laughed.

When the water ghost warship entered the river area where Nie Zheng and the others were, the scar-faced native leader yelled strangely and made a gesture. Immediately, the thirteen warships speeding on the river gradually slowed down. speed.

Suddenly, the scar-faced native leader suddenly raised his head and laughed wildly, waving the scimitar in his hand, and shouted arrogantly at the dragon and tiger bandits on the bank.

With the scarface aborigines taking the lead, the rest of the thousands of Da Yue aborigines distributed on the thirteen water ghost warships all brandished their weapons and spoke blunt Chinese, grinning at the people on the south bank. The dragon and tiger heroes kept clamoring.

"Han dog! Han dog!"...

Looking at the group of Da Yue natives on the river, they shouted the word "Han Dog" at them in a savage manner. Immediately, Shi Zheng, Niu Meng and others were thousands of dragons, tigers and bandits, their faces were livid with anger, and their fists were clenched. Crackling.

Finally, Shi Zheng, Niu Meng and others couldn't bear it any longer, and came to Nie Zheng one after another to ask for a fight.

"Leader, those Da Yue monkeys are too arrogant, please order the attack immediately!"

"Hall Master Niu is right, I, Shi, can't take it any longer, those damned Da Yue monkeys, if I don't let them suffer a little today, they really think we Han people are easy to bully!"

"Leader, give the order!..."

Facing everyone's angry pleadings, Nie Zheng glanced at them indifferently, and then continued to cast his gaze on the river, watching the water ghost warships one after another, slowly entering the attack range of the bazooka Within, Nie Zheng said indifferently: "What's the hurry? Let's do it after all the Da Yue monkeys are within range. Hmph, a bunch of lifeless creatures, we must let them all be wiped out today!"

Speaking of this, Nie Zheng turned his head to look at Shi Zheng, Niu Meng and other leaders, and said in a deep voice: "Go back and prepare first, and attack when I give the order!"

"Yes, Alliance Leader!"

All the leaders cupped their hands and immediately returned to their respective posts.

At this moment, the natives of Dayue, who were entrenched on the river, saw the Han people on the bank, faced their insults and provocations, and had no intention of going into the water to attack them. Suddenly, their insults became more and more rampant.

In the end, the insulting sound of "Han dog Han dog" from the thirteen water ghost warships spread throughout both sides of the Yuanjiang River, so that Xu Shijie and others who were building rafts several miles away could clearly hear it.

Obviously, this group of Dayue natives who patrolled and guarded the river probably used to insult and clamor across the river when facing the officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty stationed on the south bank. Anyway, they knew very well in their hearts that the officers and soldiers of the Song Dynasty were simply Dare not go into the water to fight back.

Staying on the river all day is boring, and I have to find something to have fun.

But this time, those Da Yue natives on the water ghost warship, they never expected that they would be completely kicked on the iron plate when they met Nie Zheng this time.

In a few minutes, let alone shouting, even crying to Nie Zheng will make them unable to cry.

At this moment, Nie Zheng stood on the bank with a blank face, keeping an eye on the movement on the river.

Finally, all the thirteen water ghost warships entered the envelope of the bazooka in an endless stream.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng's eyes flashed coldly, and he shouted loudly: "Fire, kill me!"

As soon as the order was given, a hundred bazooka launchers who had already been deployed by the river finally couldn't bear the anger in their hearts, and they all roared and pressed the triggers of the bazooka.

call out!call out!call out!
All of a sudden, hundreds of strong tail jets exploded out of thin air like brilliant fireworks along the hundreds of meters long river bank.

Immediately afterwards, hundreds of arm-thick high-explosive rockets, dragging long flame tails, like shooting stars, roared and shot straight at the thirteen water ghost warships on the river.

The natives of Da Yue on the boat hadn't seen clearly what was going on. On the spot, something that terrified them happened.

Boom! ! !
The shrapnel exploded, the flames shot into the sky, and the deafening explosion sounded like thunderstorms on the dry land, resounding through the entire river in an endless stream.

Under the intensive bombardment of hundreds of high-explosive rockets, the thirteen water ghost warships driving on the river on the spot saw sawdust flying and their hulls were broken.

At the same time, the shock waves and powerful shrapnel produced by the successive explosions of hundreds of high-explosive rockets blasted those Dai Viet aborigines who had just been arrogant and provocative, to bloody flesh and blood.

Under the bombardment effect of hundreds of rockets, the entire river surface was instantly disturbed by turbulent water patterns, and the waves rolled.

Facing the bombing of hundreds of rockets, the thirteen water ghost warships had huge cracked holes everywhere, and there were even severely damaged warships. The entire hull was directly blown to pieces and sank into the river on the spot. end.

All of a sudden, a large number of corpses floated on the entire surface of the river, and a large area of ​​the river was stained red with blood.

In such a short confrontation, the water ghost warships that made the natives of Dayue proud and dominated Nanyang were completely annihilated.

More than half of the thousands of indigenous crew members stationed on the ship were killed or injured. The rest of the indigenous crew members who survived were all pale, screamed and fell into the water, and swam frantically towards the opposite bank, fearing that they would swim slowly. Otherwise, they will be bombarded and killed by the group of Han people on the south bank.

At the same time, after Niu Meng and the others fired their bazookas, they immediately bowed and retreated from the river bank, giving the sight of the river to the machine gunner behind.

At this time, dozens of machine gunners deployed in this area fell into chaos when they saw the enemy's water ghost warship being bombed. On the spot, Shi Zheng shouted angrily. "Fire and kill them all!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of Maxim heavy machine guns spewed out dazzling flames almost at the same time.

In an instant, thick and long machine gun bullets poured out like a violent storm, covering all the enemies who jumped into the water and preparing to escape, and immediately killed the group of Dai Yue natives floating on the water , killing screams again and again, blood rolling.

(PS: This is the fourth update today. Master Hou has been writing for a day, and his back is sore. It is not easy to update the [-]D. If you feel comfortable, please subscribe. You can’t let the subscription of this book be too shabby. , monthly ticket monthly ticket, or monthly ticket, please brothers)
(End of this chapter)

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