Chapter 12
Facing the mountains of copper coins in the warehouse, Nie Zheng and others didn't have time to count them. He turned his head to look at the big housekeeper, and asked coldly, "How much money is there in this warehouse?"

The butler replied tremblingly: "If you are a hero, there are more than [-] copper coins in this warehouse, and other miscellaneous things such as silk, satin and precious medicinal materials are also worth thousands of coins."

Hearing this, Nie Zheng nodded, and told Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and others: "You stay outside, and I will go into the warehouse to have a look."

After speaking, he quickly walked into the warehouse, searching around anxiously.

After searching the warehouse for a long time, Nie Zheng didn't even find a single gold or silver ingot. Suddenly, his face changed, and his heart was filled with anger.

The reason he was looking for the warehouse so anxiously was because of Gao Batian's gold and silver. If he didn't have the real gold and silver, he wouldn't be able to go to the Arms Pedestrian Street to buy guns and ammunition.

Although there are thousands of copper coins piled up in the warehouse, these copper coins are really useless to Nie Zheng.You must know that in the Arms Commercial Street, only real gold and silver are accepted. No matter how many copper coins there are, they cannot be traded.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng was extremely anxious.

To rob the village tonight, he actually took a big risk, especially when he learned that Gao Batian’s younger brother Gao Gaowei led two hundred city defense troops, Nie Zheng knew in his heart that he would succeed in robbing the village tonight. Otherwise, the consequences will be disastrous.

As long as he succeeds in robbing the village and grabbing a large amount of real money in it, he can immediately enter the Arms Commercial Street to buy weapons. At that time, let alone two hundred officers and soldiers, even if there are several times more officers and soldiers, Nie Zheng will not do it at all. fear.

But now there is no real money in the warehouse, what should I do?

"This Gao Batian has been rich and benevolent for many years. In addition to this copper coin warehouse, there must be a treasure house. That treasure house must be full of a lot of gold, silver and jewelry. Otherwise, how could there be a real valuable coin in this money house?" Are there any antique treasures?"

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng's heart moved, he hurriedly exited the warehouse, came to the housekeeper with a gloomy expression, and said in a cold voice: "How dare you lie to me, you lifeless old man? Believe it or not, I'll kill you right now! Tell me quickly, where are Gao Batian's gold, silver and jewels hidden?"

Seeing Nie Zheng's fierce expression, the big housekeeper collapsed on the spot in fright, and wept in horror: "Heroic man, spare your life, good man, spare your life, the villain really doesn't know where Mr. Gao's gold, silver and jewels are hidden. Where, even if there is, Master Gao will not tell the villain this secret..."

Seeing the old guy crying miserably with snot and tears, Nie Zheng immediately frowned, waved his hands impatiently, and asked Zhang Long to drag him aside.

After careful analysis, Nie Zheng felt that what the butler said was not unreasonable. If he was Gao Batian, even if he had the treasure house, he would never tell others.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng pondered for a moment, and then ordered Zhao Hu who was guarding the side: "Go and gather a group of people right away, and search the entire Gaojiazhuang for me, especially Gao Batian's bedroom. , I must go through it several times, even if I turn the Gaojiazhuang upside down, I must find out the gold, silver and jewels hidden by Gao Batian!"

"Obey, village master!"

After receiving Nie Zheng's order, Zhao Hu hurried to do it.

Suddenly, at this moment, Yang Feihu hurried to Nie Zhen with a few cronies.

"Village Master, something is wrong! That Gao Batian has already learned that his lair has been robbed, and at this time he and Gao Gaowei are rushing towards Gaojiazhuang with hundreds of troops, and it is estimated that they will arrive soon. How should we deal with it now? ?”

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's face changed, and he immediately ordered: "Master Yang, you go back immediately and order everyone to occupy all the arrow towers and watchtowers in Gaojiazhuang. Relying on the strong fortifications of Gaojiazhuang, we It should be able to resist for a while."

Yang Feihu nodded and said: "Before the subordinates came down, the arrangements have been made. Basically, all the important entrances in the Gaojiazhuang have been guarded by elite troops. It's just that we have too few troops, and at the same time, we have to send people to keep an eye on the entrances in the village. Those captives, I am afraid that after a long time, after the arrows are exhausted, they will not be able to hold on for too long."

Nie Zhen took a deep breath and said, "Don't worry, as long as we successfully find the gold, silver and jewels hidden by Gao Batian, then no matter how many people Gao Batian comes tonight, I have absolute confidence to kill them all. !"

Yang Feihu was stunned for a moment, and frowned secretly: "Is the village master confused? At this time, he is still thinking about Gao Batian's gold and silver jewels. Even if he finds the gold, silver and jewels, so what? Holding gold, silver and jewels and smashing back the hundreds of people Gao Batian?"

But slander belongs to slander, Yang Feihu dare not say these words in front of Nie Zheng.

At the moment, he still persuaded patiently: "Village Master, if we retreat, as long as we don't bring any belongings, we may still have a glimmer of life. If it's later, we probably won't be able to leave even if we want to."

After finally capturing Gaojiazhuang, Gao Batian's gold, silver and jewels were not snatched. How could Nie Zheng be willing to retreat? His face darkened immediately, and he said: "Even if we retreat now, with Gao Batian's cruelty that must be repaid Character, do you think we can go? Besides, there are two hundred officers and soldiers of the High School Lieutenant outside. They are much stronger than our troops in terms of weapons, equipment and combat effectiveness. We are now riding a tiger and must stick to the end. As long as we Finding Gao Batian's treasure house will turn the situation around and save the day."

"But the village master..."

"No, but! I am the owner of the village, and I have the final say. You just have to follow my orders!" Nie Zheng coldly interrupted Yang Feihu's persuasion, not giving him a chance to persuade him again.

Yang Feihu stood where he was, with his head bowed, silent for a long time.

At this time, Nie Zheng knew that he must have some resentment in his heart, and he also felt a little bit sorry, so he sighed softly, and said slowly: "Master Yang, please believe me, I will definitely lead the brothers unscathed Returning to Heifengzhai will definitely not put everyone in danger."

Hearing this, Yang Feihu raised his head slowly, cupped his hands towards Nie Zheng, and said, "This subordinate will go to the front door and lead the brothers to guard to the death."

After saying that, Yang Feihu left quickly.

Looking at the back of Yang Feihu leaving in a hurry, Nie Zheng told the three brothers of the Chen family behind him: "The three of you prepare your guns and ammunition, and go to the front door with me to help defend!"

"Yes, Village Master!..."

Under the leadership of Nie Zheng, the four picked up their pistols and went straight to the front gate of Gaojiazhuang.

Nie Zheng knew very well in his heart that although his men took advantage of the opportunity to occupy Gaojiazhuang, Gao Batian would definitely not let it go. A landlord and bully like him who is used to rampant and domineering will suffer the most, let alone this kind of man. Big loss.

It is estimated that in a few minutes, Gao Batian's hundreds of villainous servants and thugs, plus the two hundred officers and soldiers of his brother Gao Gaowei, will rush back to seize the village.

At that time, with only two hundred bandits, it would be difficult to defend against them.

Therefore, before Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and the others found Gao Batian's private treasure house, Nie Zheng had to take the three brothers of the Chen family to help Yang Feihu and the others defend it.

With the four 92-type pistols of myself and others to help out, no matter what, I can support it for a while.

As long as they can find the gold, silver and jewels before Gao Batian and the others break through their defense, then Nie Zheng will have absolute confidence in winning.

Soon, Nie Zheng and the three brothers of the Chen family came to the front yard of Gaojiazhuang.

At this moment, under the orders of Yang Feihu, Zhang Dazhuang and other cottage leaders, nearly [-] bandits were stationed at the front gate and backyard of Gaojiazhuang.

Especially the six watchtowers and twelve arrow towers built in the village, all of which were garrisoned by elite troops.

This time Heifengzhai attacked Gaojiazhuang at night, all of them went into battle lightly.

And considering that Gaojiazhuang has many walls and tall buildings, and it needs long-range attack and defense, Nie Zheng ordered everyone to carry a large number of bows and arrows with them, including fifty long bows and more than 1000 arrows of various kinds.

Although Yang Feihu and Zhang Dazhuang consumed some arrows when attacking the two sides of the manor, there are still more than 800 arrows left.

In addition to these bows and arrows brought from Heifengzhai, after Nie Zheng and the others successfully occupied Gaojiazhuang, they also confiscated dozens of high-quality wooden bows from various arrow towers and watchtowers. Inside the watchtower and arrow tower, there are also nearly a thousand arrows stored in pieces.

For the men and horses of Heifengzhai, these things are undoubtedly a timely help, greatly strengthening the defensive strength of Nie Zheng and others.

With the support of the three brothers of the Chen family, Nie Zheng quickly climbed up a watchtower near the front gate of Gaojiazhuang.

At this moment, on top of the nearly eight-meter-high watchtower, more than a dozen strong bandits were deployed for defense, while the head of the second hall, Yang Feihu, was standing on the top of the watchtower under the guard of two cronies.

After Nie Zheng boarded the watchtower, the bandits guarding the watchtower saluted him respectfully, and Nie Zheng nodded in response.

At this time, Yang Feihu, who was standing on the top floor, came to him hurriedly after learning of the village master's arrival, clasped his fists and saluted, "Village master, why are you here?"

Nie Zheng waved his hand, motioning for him to excuse himself, and said, "How is it? Have all the important entrances and exits in this village been guarded by people and horses?"

Yang Feihu nodded and said: "All the troops have been arranged. Now we have nearly a hundred long bows and more than 600 arrows in our hands. As long as Gao Batian and the others don't have reinforcements, we should be able to defend for a while. "

In the words, Yang Feihu often glanced at the pistols in the hands of Nie Zheng and others intentionally or unintentionally. Obviously, he was very curious about the black iron lumps in the hands of the village owner and others.

When he first came to defend the front door, Yang Feihu heard many bandits hiding aside and whispering non-stop. Basically, what everyone was discussing was the strange shape used by the village owner when he led the three brothers of the Chen family to attack the front door. The terrible hidden weapon.

After hearing the news, Yang Feihu was secretly surprised, thinking, no wonder the village master and the others broke through the main entrance with the strongest defense in Gaojiazhuang so quickly. It turned out that they had mysterious hidden weapons in their hands.It's really strange, when did the village master possess such a weird and terrifying hidden weapon, since he has such a powerful hidden weapon, why didn't he tell everyone in advance?
However, strange is strange, Yang Feihu did not dare to ask Nie Zheng these things rashly.

Because, he knew very well in his heart that there must be a big secret in it. Since the village master refused to say it, it is best not to ask them as subordinates, otherwise, it will be uncomfortable to annoy Master Nie.

Now that Nie Zheng has come to the front yard, the defense of the front door must be left to the village master to direct. They subordinates only need to follow the village master's orders.

At this time, Nie Zheng went to the top of the watchtower accompanied by Yang Feihu and the others after he inspected the tower.

Standing on the top of the building, Nie Zheng looked into the distance, only to hear the sound of footsteps running fast on the road outside the main entrance of Gaojiazhuang.

A moment later, a middle-aged general in the military uniform of the Colonel of the Great Song Dynasty appeared in everyone's line of sight, leading hundreds of officers and soldiers in green clothes.

Seeing this scene, everyone was shocked and secretly said: "This Gao Batian finally led his troops back!..."

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(End of this chapter)

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