Chapter 10
(PS: I am very happy today, and finally won the first place on the rookie list. In order to thank you brothers for your support, there will be another chapter in the afternoon. Hands down, thank you)

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The golden sunset has long been slowly disappearing under the distant horizon.

The sky has gradually become dark and gloomy.

Yang Feihu looked up at the sky, reckoning that in another quarter of an hour, the sky would be completely dark, and by then, it would be the beginning of their narrow escape.

Thinking of this, Yang Feihu lowered his head, put down the shiny steel knife in his hand, and sighed deeply.

At this moment, Zhang Dazhuang did not know when he appeared behind him. Seeing that his expression was depressed, he couldn't help but said: "Old Yang, now two hundred well-equipped officers and soldiers in Guangji County are nearby, and the village master decided to rob them." Zhuang?"

Yang Feihu nodded helplessly, and said dejectedly: "The village master said that fifteen minutes is enough to accomplish things, no matter how much I try to persuade you!"

Hearing this, the scar on Zhang Dazhuang's bald head turned red in a hurry, "Is the village master crazy? How can we do it in a quarter of an hour? Even if we succeed in robbing the village, how can we have time to retreat? How can we have time to escape back to Heifeng Ridge?" ?Once we are overtaken by Gao Batian and Gao Xiongtian's men, we will be in a tight siege, in a dilemma, which is clearly sending us to our death!"

Yang Feihu shook his head with a wry smile, and said, "Okay, Da Zhuang, don't say any more, you don't know the temper of the village master? If he made a determined decision, who can dissuade him? How many times have we tried to dissuade the two witches in Wangqing Palace, is it useless? That time we hurt so many brothers, even the village master... He almost died. I thought that after the last lesson, the village master, His personality will change. As a result, he only restrained himself for a month, and now he has returned to his original self-willed appearance. Hey, I really miss the days when the two old village masters were still alive..."

Seeing him mentioning the old village master, Zhang Dazhuang's expression instantly became extremely respectful.

Before he knew it, Zhang Dazhuang also squatted down and sat down next to Yang Feihu.

After being silent for a while, Yang Feihu suddenly murmured: "Da Zhuang, our two lives were rescued by the old village master Nie from the hands of the officers and soldiers at the risk of a narrow escape. Back then, if it weren't for the old village master Nie, We are long dead. Do you still remember the oath we swore before the old village master died?"

Zhang Dazhuang nodded, and said dejectedly: "Of course I remember, never abandon Heifengzhai, never abandon the Young Master!"

Hearing this, Yang Feihu smiled slightly and murmured to himself: "It was Old Village Master Nie who took our lives back from the officers and soldiers back then. Tonight, it seems that we are going to return this humble life to the officers and soldiers for the sake of the Shao Village Master, haha... ...Da Zhuang, do you believe in the cycle of karma in this world?"

Zhang Dazhuang slowly lowered his head and remained silent...


Two quarters of an hour later, it was finally completely dark.

At this time, Nie Zheng strode out of the woods under the support of Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and others.

Looking up at the night sky, I saw that the starry sky was pitch black, and there was no sign of the moon at all.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and ordered loudly: "When the moon is dark and the wind is high, when people kill people and rob the village! Brothers, follow me and go straight to Gaojiazhuang!"

In an instant, two hundred elite bandits, under the leadership of Nie Zheng and several leaders, rushed towards Gaojiazhuang aggressively.

Soon, everyone turned over the tea mountain and appeared above Gaojiazhuang.

Standing on a sloping field, Nie Zheng raised his eyes and saw that Gaojiazhuang was on a field not far away.

The building scale of Gaojiazhuang is quite large, covering an area of ​​at least tens of acres.

Due to the darkness of the night, Nie Zheng couldn't see the detailed appearance of Gaojiazhuang, but judging from the bright lights in Gaojiazhuang, this huge Zhuangzi has at least hundreds of halls and halls.

Especially in the four corners of Gaojiazhuang, watchtowers and defensive arrow towers with a height of seven or eight meters have been built one after another. Weapons, walk around and investigate inside the watchtower and arrow tower.

Seeing this scene, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and immediately raised his right hand and made a special gesture.

Immediately, Zhang Dazhuang, Yang Feihu and other leaders followed the strategy discussed in the woods before, divided into four groups, and quietly moved towards the front gate, backyard, and the walls on the left and right sides of Gaojiazhuang.

Zhang Dazhuang and Yang Feihu, each with fifty bandits, surrounded the left and right sides of Gaojiazhuang, while Nie Zheng personally led Zhang Long, Zhaohu, and the three brothers Chen Jiafu, Lushou, and Chen Jiafu to attack from the main gate of Gaojiazhuang. .

The remaining [-] elite bandits were handed over to a few cottage bosses to enter from the backyard of Gaojiazhuang.

The four teams, each performing their duties, approached Gaojiazhuang cautiously under the cover of the night.

At this moment, Nie Zheng led dozens of people and sneaked to a hundred meters away from the main entrance of Gaojiazhuang.

After making a gesture, dozens of bandit elites following behind Nie Zheng all held their breath and stopped.

At this time, Nie Zheng raised his head and looked forward carefully.

It has to be said that Gao Batian built his Zhuangzi with great style.

The entire Gaojiazhuang was surrounded by a wall more than three meters high with old fire bricks by Gao Batian.

Inside the main gate of Gaojiazhuang, there are two arrow towers and a watchtower built inside the courtyard walls on the left and right sides.

Within the three towers, according to Nie Zheng's visual estimation, there are at least twenty evil servants and thugs stationed inside.

On both sides of the vermilion gate of Gaojiazhuang, there are two huge and mighty stone lions. At the same time, under the red lanterns on the left and right sides of the gate, there are two tall and fierce servants standing.

These two gatekeepers each held a whistle stick as thick as a wine glass, and stood at the gate, laughing and cursing, chatting enthusiastically, completely unaware that the danger was approaching.

However, these villainous servants and thugs of Gaojiazhuang have always been used to bullying their neighbors and being arrogant and domineering. They don't believe that there will be some unscrupulous thieves who dare to come to Gaojiazhuang to act wildly.

You know, Master Gao's younger brother is the city defense school lieutenant of Guangji County, and the soldiers in Gao's village are strong and powerful, like those ordinary bandits and bandits, Master Gao never pays attention to them.

Before Longhu Mountain, a few bandits came to rob the village, but those who were killed by Master Gao threw away their helmets and armor, and returned in defeat.Since then, the gang of evil servants and thugs in Gaojiazhuang have become more arrogant and conceited.

After finding out the guarding force at the main entrance of Gaojiazhuang, Nie Zheng was inevitably a little nervous. After all, this was the first time he was reborn to lead a team to do business in person, and he was a powerful family like robbery of Gaojiazhuang.

Thinking of this, Nie Zheng took a deep breath, and said to Zhang Long, Zhao Hu and others who were following behind him: "Zhang Long, Zhao Hu, you two quietly touched the gate, and looked for a chance to take the two guys guarding the gate. Get rid of it. Chen Fu, Chen Lu, Chen Shou, you three brothers take the lead, as long as you are within the effective range, shoot and kill the archers in the three towers, and you must not give them a chance to draw their bows and fight back."

"Obey, village master!" Chen Fu and the others nodded their heads and went after hearing the order.

After deploying the battle plan, Nie Zheng waved his hand violently, and ordered in a deep voice: "Brothers, rob the village now!"

After finishing speaking, Nie Zheng stood up and led fifty bandit elites who were like wolves and tigers, and rushed straight to the main gate of Gaojiazhuang.

Soon, the rustling footsteps from far away from the gate aroused the vigilance of the guards in Gaojiazhuang.

At that moment, the expressions of the two evil servants guarding the gate sank, and they shouted loudly: "Who is it? Come out sneakily for me..."

Before the two evil doorkeepers could finish their words, two black shadows sprang out like lightning, and then hit the back of their heads fiercely with lightning speed.

Immediately, the two guards didn't even have time to make a sound, they just fell to the ground limply.

After seeing Zhang Long and Zhao Hu succeed, Nie Zheng was overjoyed, he raised his pistol hastily, and charged faster with his men and horses.

At this time, the dozen or so archers stationed on the tower of the Arrow Tower heard that the two guards at the door only shouted, and then suddenly fell silent. Immediately, they sensed that something was wrong, and they all picked up their longbows and prepared to Bow and nock an arrow.

However, at this moment, the fifty elite bandits led by Nie Zheng appeared within the illumination of the lantern with a murderous look.

In an instant, the archers guarding the archery tower found a group of uninvited guests outside the village. They were all dressed up with white knives, with fierce expressions, and they did not look like good people.

Seeing this scene, the guards on the archery tower all changed their faces and shouted loudly: "This is Gaojiazhuang, who are you? Stop quickly, otherwise, we will shoot arrows!"

Hearing this, Nie Zheng's face turned cold, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and he shouted loudly: "Shoot, kill them!"

As soon as the words fell, the three brothers of the Chen family who had already lurked within the range raised their pistols one after another and pulled the triggers towards the archery tower.

bang bang bang! ! !
For a moment, the dense gunfire sounded like a firecracker, crackling and resounding throughout Gaojiazhuang.

Immediately, half of the more than a dozen archers guarding the three towers fell from the sky with blood bursting out of their chests, screaming and wailing.

Watching corpses fall from the high archery tower, the few remaining archers guarding the tower were stunned!Seeing the bleeding holes in the chests of their companions one after another, falling to the ground and dying with blood splattering, they were so terrified at this moment that they even forgot to shoot arrows to fight back.

In addition to the guards in Gaojiazhuang who were shocked by the terrifying power of the pistol, even the fifty unsuspecting bandit elites who followed behind Nie Zheng were stunned by the strange scene in front of them!

Everyone present, except for Nie Zheng and the three brothers of the Chen family, no one knew what was going on?

Where did the sudden sound of firecrackers just now come from?Why did the enemies guarding the tower die one by one after the explosion?
Suddenly, a group of bandits suddenly discovered that there was a dark and strange iron lump in the hand of the village master. They saw that the village master raised the strange iron lump and aimed it at a man on the watchtower who was bending over. Archery enemies with bow.

With a dull bang, everyone saw the iron lump in the village master's hand shooting out a burst of flames. Then, the archer who was dozens of steps away had a bloody hole in the middle of his eyebrows. Before even uttering a scream, he fell to the ground and died on the spot, splashed with blood.

Seeing this scene, the bandits were so shocked that they couldn't even breathe involuntarily.

What kind of hidden weapon is in the hands of the village master?Why is it so powerful?To be able to kill people invisibly from dozens of steps away?This hidden weapon is simply too... so terrifying!

After witnessing the terrifying methods of the village master, for a while, the dozens of bandits who followed behind him looked at Nie Zheng's eyes and became more and more awed.

(End of this chapter)

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