Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 95 Learning Taoism

Chapter 95 Learning Taoism
Seeing Chen Jia's insistence, Uncle Jiu didn't feel hypocritical, and accepted the money. In Uncle Jiu's heart, Chen Jia paid so much money at one time, and he would probably live for a long time. It seems that we can chat with him more .

A person who has traveled all over the world has so much knowledge. Hearing Chen Jia talk about those things abroad, I feel that life will become much more interesting.

At this time, Uncle Jiu has already begun to look forward to the next life.

Seeing that Uncle Jiu finally accepted the money, Chen Jia smiled and said, "Uncle Jiu, I don't know which room is my room?"

"Oh! Chen Jia, come with me, and I'll take you there."

More than an hour later, Chen Jia was lying on the newly made bed, looking up at the sky outside the window.

Just after Uncle Jiu brought Chen Jia to the room, Wencai came back with a big bag of things, and after helping Wencai arrange everything, it was time for dinner.

Although Chen Jia ate a lot before, but with his strong digestion ability, he didn't feel anything for a long time.

But this time eating in such a novel atmosphere, Chen Jia ate very comfortably.After eating with Uncle Jiu and the others, Chen Jia lay down in the room to rest.

It's been a day since I came to another world, and it's time to check the situation of the system.

Thinking about it, Chen Jia said silently in her heart: Open the skill list!
Chen Jia really wanted to learn the Maoshan Taoism of catching ghosts and catching zombies, and after some contact with Uncle Jiu just now, the system must have already collected it, so Chen Jia opened the skill list at this time.

List of currently discovered skills:
Level 20 medium ability: X gene tracking, required learning points: [-]
Level 40 Advanced Ability: Overlord Marksmanship, required learning points: [-]
Remnants of Maoshan Taoism, required learning points: 40
Level 70 peak ability: Power of Earth (young), required learning points: [-]
The power of fire (young), the power of electricity (young), .
Level 100 Elementary Ability: Psychic Power (weak), required learning points: [-]
Level 200 medium ability: Maoshan Secret Art, required learning points: [-]
Remarks: The skills in the skill list require the host to be close to the target with its skills to collect
Ability currently mastered:

Wolverine, Advanced Fighting Technique, Jiaquan, Nianli (young)
Looking at the newly added Maoshan Taoism and Maoshan Secret Technique in the list, Chen Jia's eyes lit up. When I was a child, I watched these Taoist priests defeating demons on TV. It was really a big hit. Now I have the opportunity to learn Taoism Chen Jia seemed a little excited.

Remnants of Maoshan Taoism: The untold secret of the Maoshan Southern School, which can exorcise ghosts, subdue demons, and supersede the undead when practiced. The advanced level of cultivation can reach the realm of real people!
Maoshan secret art: The Maoshan school does not pass on the secret art, which can invite the upper body of the gods when deployed, and the stronger the ability, the more powerful the gods invited!
Looking at these two skills, Chen Jia's originally excited mood gradually cooled down, and then he frowned again.

Why is this Maoshan Taoism just a fragment?And it's still only a remnant of the realm of real people, it's rubbish at first glance
And that secret technique, although it looks very strong, but Chen Jia only has more than 100 learning points, which is not enough at all!
Seemingly realizing Chen Jia's distress, the system suddenly made a sound.

Ding!After learning the remnants, the host can choose to spend [-] learning points to complete the skills to the third-level elementary Maoshan Taoism (South School). Since it is a book-like skill, there is no need to pay additional learning points for this completion.

Huh!Listening to the explanation given by the system, Chen Jia's eyes lit up. Didn't expect such a good thing to happen?It only takes [-] learning points to strengthen the second-level advanced skills to the third-level elementary skills, which is really cool!
Thinking of this, Chen Jia didn't hesitate, and chose to study directly. After studying, Chen Jia quickly strengthened it with [-] learning points.

After strengthening, the fragments of Maoshan Taoism that Chen Jiagang had studied changed.

Maoshan Taoism (Southern School): The untold secret of the Maoshan Southern School, which can exorcise ghosts, subdue demons, and supersede the undead when practiced. If you practice deeply, you can reach the realm of heavenly masters!
While watching the system's explanation, Chen Jia's mind was frantically accepting the flow of information.

The Maoshan School, also known as the Shangqing School, got its name because it is located in Maoshan. A long time ago, Maoshan was divided into two schools, the North and the South. such as.

Both factions take it as their mission to eliminate demons and defend the way, but the northern faction kills too much, and kills demons when they see monsters!Damn it!Regarding evil spirits, they don't show the slightest sympathy, while the Southern School is much more gentle. Generally, except for those harmful ghosts, the others are accepted as they can, and suppressed as they can.

And Uncle Jiu is the successor of the Maoshan Southern School, so the skills Chen Jia learned this time belonged to the Maoshan Southern School.

However, there was a gap in the inheritance of Maoshan Nanpai, and many precious spells were lost. As a result, Jiushu's inheritance is now incomplete. He only knows basic cultivation skills and some talisman seals.

And now it's the Dharma-ending period, the spiritual energy in the world is getting less and less, and the practice is half the effort. Uncle Jiu has practiced Taoism for decades, but he has not stepped into the realm of a real person yet!
No wonder Uncle Jiu is so good in the movie, it turned out to be the same thing, his practice is slow, and he hasn't learned any spells, so it's no wonder he's not good at it!

This time, Chen Jia completed Maoshan Daoshu (Southern School) with learning points, and directly learned a lot of things. He already knew everything about Uncle Nine's situation.

In addition, Chen Jia also understood the division of many things.

For example, Taoism is roughly divided into three major stages. The first major stage is the Qi training period, which is further divided into four small stages, refining essence, transforming Qi, refining Qi, and transforming spirit!
Refining is to absorb the free spiritual energy between the heaven and the earth to purify oneself, so as to achieve the purpose of containing the spiritual energy, and lay a solid foundation for future cultivation. It takes about three months for this, so it is also called a hundred-day construction. base.

And when the first aura of your own is produced in the dantian, it is now the stage of transformation. At this stage, you need to continue to absorb the aura from the heaven and the earth, so that your body can be filled with as much aura as possible.

When the aura in your body is full, you need to compress the aura to form mana for more aura to enter. This stage is called refining!
And after that, your body is full of mana, and you need to refine these gaseous mana into more powerful liquid aura, which is true qi!And this process of transformation is called transforming into a god!
After that, it will be the second major stage of cultivating the Tao. This stage is divided into two small stages, refining the gods and returning the emptiness!Because people who have cultivated to this stage contain great power in their shots, these people are respected as real people, and because of this, this stage is also called the realm of real people!

After a person turns all the mana in his body into true energy, he has reached the realm of a real person, and after that, you need to gather all the true energy together and refine it into a golden pill, and this is called refining the gods!
(End of this chapter)

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