Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 89 Gunshots!

Chapter 89 Gunshots!

In Liang Yunfei's heart, the Chen Jia in front of him was just a stunned young man, as long as he frightened him, he would kowtow and beg for mercy.

However, he underestimated Chen Jia. He thought that Chen Jia was afraid of him by not speaking, but it was not the case. Chen Jia did not speak just because he wanted to break a few bones in his body later.

one?It's too light, this person hates at least ten!But ten seems to be a bit too much, I guess he will pass out from the pain later, so let's break his five bones later, it will improve his memory, Chen Jia thought so.

As for what Liang Yunfei said about asking the police to arrest him, I'm sorry, do you want to arrest him?Not to mention the police, but a team of super special forces probably couldn't even touch his hair, and even an aircraft carrier formation couldn't do anything to him.

In the movie, Uncle Wolf can even withstand the attack of a nuclear bomb, and now Chen Jia, whose recovery ability is many times stronger than Uncle Wolf, believes that as long as he is not directly hit by the nuclear bomb, he can continue to play happily on the earth.

Just when Chen Jia was thinking about breaking Liang Yunfei's bones.

'boom! .boom!boom!boom!boom!boom! '

An intermittent gunshot suddenly came into the house, yes!That's right, it's gunshots!
Chen Jia was very surprised that gunshots could be heard in Huaguo, where gun control is so strict, and Chen Jia could tell right away that the gunshots were coming from behind him and very close, that is to say, The place where the gunshot should have been in private room No. [-].

Listening to this continuous loud noise, everyone in the room was in a state of bewilderment.

"What! What's going on outside? Fireworks?!"

Not everyone has touched a gun like Chen Jia. In Huaguo, most people are unfamiliar with gunshots. Now when they hear a gunshot, some people even think it is fireworks.

And there are not a few people who think so. You must know that the distance from the person who shot the gun is no more than 50 meters from them. This group of people is in danger of life at any time, but they don't feel anything about it.

However, there are still some knowledgeable people in this group, such as Liang Yunfei in front of Chen Jia.

His father is the deputy director of the Yun City Police Department, and it is easy to touch a gun, so Liang Yunfei is still very familiar with gunshots and guns.

Now after hearing the gunshot, Liang Yunfei's face immediately changed wildly!Then quickly rushed towards a wall, which was a depression, and if someone came in through the gate with a gun, he would not be able to see it. Most importantly, there was a fire staircase there, and he could go directly downstairs.

In fact, Liang Yunfei would not be so afraid if it was an ordinary pistol, because the pistol is not very powerful, as long as it does not hit a vital point with one shot, or is shot a few more times, it will be easy to be rescued in the operating room.

But Liang Yunfei could hear the gunshot just now, it was the gunshot of an automatic rifle!
Get hit by a rifle, it's easy to die!Moreover, the Wanding Hotel is in the city center, and Liang Yunfei couldn't even imagine the power of those who dared to openly shoot in the city center!

So at this moment, Liang Yunfei only had one thought in his mind, and that was to run for his life!

What about Yang Chen, Chen Jia, and the mysterious guests, get the hell out of here!

While Liang Yunfei was running, some of the classmates also heard gunshots, but at most they could hear that it was a gunshot, but they didn't know what kind of gun it was.

However, this did not hinder their fear. A fat man in the crowd stood up and shouted: "Find a cover! Everyone f**king find a cover to hide! Someone is shooting!"

While screaming, the fat man also rushed towards the stairs quickly.

At this time, after hearing the fat man's shout, a small number of people immediately panicked and followed him to the stairs, but most people were very confused at this time, gunshots?What the hell?

They couldn't believe that someone was shooting here, a gun battle, isn't that the plot that only appears in movies?How come it exists in the real world?

With this kind of thought in mind, they didn't realize it yet, but seeing people running towards the stairs, they subconsciously followed them.

For a while, the sound of cursing, noise, and crying lingered in the room.

"Jiazi, let's run!" At this moment, Yang Chen leaned over with a face full of fear.

In fact, Yang Chen also wanted to run, but seeing Chen Jia standing there motionless, he couldn't run alone, just now Chen Jia was standing up for himself, abandoning him and running away, Yang Chen couldn't do it at all come out!
However, in response to Yang Chen's shout, Chen Jia smiled slightly: "Old Yang, let's go, I'll go over there and have a look."

With that said, Chen Jia walked towards the door of the room.

Gunshots came and went, Chen Jia still heard some inexplicable fighting sounds there, and after Chen Jia sensed them carefully for a while, he found that these sounds came from Room [-], and Room [-] was exactly the beautiful woman from before. Run to the room.

So at this time, Chen Jia seemed very curious about what happened in Room [-].

"Jiazi?! Are you crazy?! There is a gun battle happening there! Are you going to seek death?!" In Yang Chen's eyes, Chen Jia is just a stunned young man. He dared to go to such a life-threatening thing as a gun battle. Could it be a summer vacation? Fitness is silly, right?
"It's okay, I have a way to protect myself!" After speaking, without waiting for Yang Chen's reaction, Chen Jia rushed out.

Chen Jia was extremely fast and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

Looking at the door where Chen Jia left, and then at the crowd behind him who were frantically crowding towards the stairs, Yang Chen frantically struggled on the spot with a complicated face.

But when the people at the stairs were almost gone, Yang Chen stomped on the spot, and sneaked towards Chen Jia.

"Death is like a bird, Jiazi, I will accompany you crazy this time!"

Not to mention what happened to Yang Chen here, after Chen Jia came out just now, he found that the gunshots seemed to have disappeared. Regarding this, Chen Jia became even more unscrupulous. After all, Chen Jia didn't want to expose his superpowers in the real world. It wasn't because he was afraid, but because he found it troublesome. .

Think about it, if his abilities were reported on TV, how many people would come to him?

Even though Chen Jia wasn't afraid that he would be dragged to be sliced ​​or something, people would come to him every day, and he was so annoyed to death, how could he play happily?

Chen Jia’s idea was that if an emergency happened, he would not be exposed if he could not expose his superpowers. Originally, Chen Jia thought that the real world is not the world of movies, so how could he meet an emergency, but it hasn’t been long before his idea came into being. This happened.
Uh. It's far away. Now that Chen Jia heard the voices in the room gradually disappearing, he didn't talk too much. Chen Jia ran over and kicked the door open.

But when Chen Jia kicked the door open, he froze!

PS: Pay the ticket and don't kill, otherwise everyone will die!hey-hey.
(End of this chapter)

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