Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 83 Cloud City

Chapter 83 Cloud City
At 12:[-] p.m. on September [-], Chen Jia got off at Yunshi (the city where Chen Jia University is located) train station.

Yunshi is a coastal city in Huaguo, with a developed economy and a very prosperous trade. The reason why Chen Jia chose to go to university here at the beginning is why Chen Jia wants to laugh now when he thinks about it.

There is no other reason. The biggest reason why Chen Jia came here was to see the sea.
right!It's just so worthless, because Chen Jia has never seen the sea, so when he applied for volunteers, all five of his volunteers were in coastal cities
When he first came to this university, Chen Jia was full of novelty in everything, and on the first day of school, he went to the beach with his parents. He was so happy at that time!

But this kind of happiness didn't last long. After studying for about a semester, Chen Jia found that the consumption in coastal cities was very high.

Chen Jia's family is considered a wealthy person in the county town. After all, the family has opened a small factory, but in Yunshi, this is nothing at all.

Chen Jia's monthly living expenses are more than 1000 yuan, but it is insignificant compared with his classmates' monthly income of tens of thousands.

And Chen Jia is not a person who likes to compare with others, and his personality is somewhat introverted. Since the beginning of school, Chen Jia has not dared to go out with his classmates because they spend money too fast. Jia didn't dare to go at all.

And this kind of situation has formed Chen Jia's habit of being an otaku, and because he has nothing in common with his classmates, coupled with the free learning environment in the university, Chen Jia still doesn't even know most of the students in the class. name.

Even for Chen Jia's roommates, apart from one who is good at playing with similar conditions as him, Chen Jia and them are just nodding acquaintances.

But those will be a thing of the past!The current Chen Jia is not the previous Chen Jia, there is nothing he is afraid to do now!

"Brother, do you take a car? It's cheaper here!" Just as Chen Jia was thinking about this, a car stopped in front of him at some point, and an uncle rolled down the window and shouted.

There are taxis that solicit business everywhere at the train station, and the one in front of you is that.

If it was Chen Jia before, he would not sit at all, because the price is very expensive, and Chen Jia can save as much as possible.

But now.
More than an hour later, the vehicle stopped in front of the school gate. After paying a fare of tens of dollars, Chen Jia got out of the car in a light suit.

Twelve and No.13 are the time for school registration, and No.14 is the time for formal class. Chen Jia came at No.12, but he came early, but when Chen Jia came to the dormitory, he discovered that he was The one who came last.

There are four people in a dormitory, two of them arrived this morning, and the one who is familiar with Chen Jia came earlier yesterday because he was afraid of being late.

"I said Jiazi, why are you here so late? I've been here for two days." As soon as he entered the door, Yang Chen smiled at Chen Jia.

Yang Chen is the one that Chen Jia said he was familiar with. As for the other two, the fatter one is called Li Jun, and his family lives in Yunshi. The other thinner one was called Zhang Pengfei, who also lived in Yunshi. It seemed that his family ran a company and was very rich.

Er. Chen Jia didn't contact them before, so apart from some basic information about their family, he didn't know anything else.
They were all playing on the computer at this time, and they didn't even say a word except for looking back at Chen Jia when they entered the door.

Regarding this, Chen Jia was not surprised, she put the things away, and then said to Yang Chen: "It's too much fun at home, so I'm late!"

"Eh?! Jiazi, I seem to have noticed that you have grown taller and thinner!" I didn't look carefully just now, but now that I got closer, Yang Chen found that Chen Jia's whole body had changed a lot.

But Chen Jia was amused by his sluggish reaction: "I said you just found out? I have been exercising for a whole summer vacation? What about fitness, running, swimming, etc., I have done it all."

When my mother and grandma asked this question at home, Chen Jia always used the excuse of 'I have been exercising and you didn't find out'. The family saw that Chen Jia lost weight and grew taller, and it was too late to be happy, so I won't pursue anything.

But now, Chen Jia said the excuse he had thought up before. Anyway, Yang Chen and the others haven't seen him for two months, so they can brag as much as they want.

"Tsk! Tsk! Tsk! It's incredible! Back then, when I asked you to go to exercise together, you refused to move. I didn't expect that this summer vacation would actually open up!" After speaking, Yang Chen suddenly said mysteriously: " I said, Jiazi, have you fallen in love with a girl? That's why you're like this?"

Looking at Yang Chen's thief-like appearance, Chen Jia said helplessly: "Where is it! I just discovered the beauty of life, and I don't want to continue living in the house."

After hearing Chen Jia's words, Yang Chen said with disbelief: "I don't believe it! I don't believe you won't stay in the house unless you invite me to dinner tonight!"

Yang Chen has a deep understanding of Chen Jia's house, he doesn't believe that after just one summer vacation, Chen Jia will become out of the house.

"Hehe, yes!" Chen Jia replied while spreading the quilt.

If it was Chen Jia from before, he would say to Yang Chen's jokes: 'I've changed so much!Shouldn't you invite me? '

Because he has no money, Chen Jia spends money carefully. For him, the word "treating guests" should only happen to others.Of course, on special days, Chen Jia will also be a little generous.At times like the beginning of school, it is still affordable to invite Yang Chen to a meal and invite Chen Jia, but why pay for Yang Chen to treat Chen Jia?
But now, money is nothing more than a possession to Chen Jia. If Chen Jia wants to make money, he can make it easily, and he doesn't care at all.

"Oh! I really changed my gender! If that's the case, I'll be lucky today!" Chen Jia thought so, but Yang Chen didn't think so. In Yang Chen's heart, Chen Jia's change was really too great. It made him even feel that this Chen Jia was not Chen Jia anymore!

"Hmm." Ignoring the excited Yang Chen, Chen Jiawu made his bed by himself.

At this time, Li Jun and Zhang qingyang each looked away, and then continued to play the game.

When Chen Jia and Yang Chen were talking just now, their attention was all on this side. After all, Chen Jia had changed too much, and both of them were very curious. Now after listening to their conversation, they were slightly surprised, but also I don't feel anything anymore.

After all, in their eyes, Chen Jia and Yang Chen are not at the same level as them. Does a small character like Chen Jia need to pay attention to it?
(End of this chapter)

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