Chapter 81 Grading
Sixteen times the physical quality, this is already a god-like existence on earth.

It can be said that on Earth, as long as Chen Jia wants to do it, there is probably nothing he cannot do.

Of course, this is just an exaggeration, but 90.00% of the things Chen Jia can do easily.

In an instant, Chen Jia's heart swelled extremely, and he felt that he could do whatever he wanted on the earth, and being an emperor of the earth was not all he could do!
But at this moment, the system sounded a notification sound.

Ding!The next random transmission will start seven days later, and the host can choose the time to enter on that day.

Hearing this prompt, Chen Jia was slightly taken aback, and her originally swollen heart quickly cooled down.

yes!Although I am strong, I have to enter an unknown world every few days. In this world, there may be people who can easily kill him.What is his own strength now?
It seems that I can't be content with the status quo, I still need to work hard to become stronger.

Besides, this is just a third-level advanced skill, and I may encounter fourth-level, fifth-level or even sixth-level skills in the future. If I lose my composure for this now, what should I do in the future?Do you have to be crazy?

Thinking about it this way, Chen Jia only felt that his thoughts just now were like a three-year-old child, which was really ridiculous.

After thinking it through, Chen Jia breathed a sigh of relief, feeling much more comfortable, as if his mood had been sublimated.

What Chen Jia didn't notice was that at the same time, the white light emitted from his forehead gradually decreased until it disappeared.
In fact, what Chen Jia thought before was an evil thought, which is what people often call a demon.

Inner demons often appear when people suddenly or quickly grasp powerful power. Inner demons are invisible, but their shapes are born from the heart. Because they are born from the heart, they appear naturally.

When you react, you have already been recruited, and at this time, it is too late to say anything.

And just now, Chen Jia was eroded by this evil thought and had the idea of ​​wanting to do whatever he wanted. Fortunately, the system discovered it in time and released a calming light, otherwise Chen Jia might regret it too late if he was eroded by the evil thought.

However, Chen Jia is now a blessing in disguise. Not only did his evil thoughts not corrode Chen Jia, but under the light of meditation, Chen Jia's state of mind was greatly improved.

The so-called system produced must be a high-quality product, and it is true!
I believe that as Chen Jia gains more and more knowledge, this situation will not happen in the future.

In fact, Chen Jia's heart should not be so inflated. It is only natural that the third-level advanced skills have such an effect. Why am I surprised?

Chen Jia now has some understanding of some classifications of the system.

Level [-] skills can be acquired by ordinary people through long-term practice, and the difference between junior high school and high peak is just the length of time.

Level [-] skills cannot be acquired by ordinary people through long-term practice. People who know level [-] skills are usually special people, such as some weak mutants, or geniuses with different talents. Master-level characters, the skills possessed by these people can be defined as second-level skills.

As for the third-level skills, they are already very powerful skills. Each ability is very powerful, and in the eyes of ordinary people, it is even a means of a god. Even Chen Jia is yearning for it now.

And for the second-level and third-level skills, Chen Jia can also use the classification of mutants in the X-Men to divide them.

The system's second-level elementary and second-level medium are equivalent to the first-level mutants, while the high and pinnacle are the second-level mutants.

Further up, the system's third-level elementary and middle levels are equivalent to third-level mutants, while the third-level advanced and peak levels are fourth-level mutants.

In the movie, the original Uncle Wolf has super self-healing ability, strong physical fitness and sharp bone claws, and the Uncle Wolf who has these is only a powerful third-level mutant among mutants. Later, because With Edman metal added to his body, Uncle Wolf's ability to fight and attack has been greatly improved. At this time, Uncle Wolf has only barely entered the ranks of fourth-level mutants.

For Uncle Wolf of this level, Chen Jia can already hang him at this time, and Chen Jia can't beat him even with the power of mind, for a mutant at the peak of the fourth level like Magneto, as for the professor, Chen Jia Jia believes that with the systematic shielding mechanism and the ability of the spirit leaf disc, it should be able to restrain him.

That's why Chen Jia rated himself as: one who is stronger than the average level [-] mutant, but can't beat the peak, should be a mid-level level [-] mutant.

It can be said that Chen Jia can be regarded as a big boss, but Chen Jia knows that the universe is endless, and there are many powerful people in it, so he is nothing more than an ant in their eyes.

I should maintain a humble heart, so that I can go further and further on the road of the strong.

And Chen Jia has a system, and now the system's third-level skills make him so powerful, what about the fourth, fifth, and sixth levels in the future?Chen Jia believes that with the help of the system, he will definitely gain a place in this vast universe in the future!

After thinking so much, Chen Jia has completely calmed down.

"System, I want to exchange Edman metal parts." Because of the incident just now, Chen Jia forgot about the business, but now thinking about it, Chen Jia immediately went to the system.

Ding!It costs 60 learning points to redeem Lara's Partial Adman Metal.Do you want to redeem? (whether)

Ding!Part of Laura's Edman Gold has been exchanged, please select a certain location on her body for strengthening.The system advises the host to choose bone claws.

"Choose Bone Claw!" Chen Jia said without thinking.

Ding!The host chooses the bone claw, and the transformation begins!
Following the sound of the system notification sound, Chen Jia felt a warm current pass by the forearms of both hands, and the next second, a pair of bone claws in Chen Jia's hands... oh no!The steel claw popped out by itself.

Looking at the pair of steel claws in his hands, which looked like Uncle Wolf, Chen Jia showed a smile on his face.

When the two claws touched each other, they immediately let out a '噗!bass! 'The sound of steel clashing is crisp and sweet.

Ding!Due to the particularity of the host, this pair of metal claws also has self-healing properties!
Hearing the prompt, Chen Jia felt even more deeply about the phrase 'the product produced by the system must be a high-quality product'.

However, just when Chen Jia was about to continue experimenting with his claws, his hearing ability sixteen times that of ordinary people told him that a person was walking by the door of his bedroom.

And Chen Jia swept away with all his strength, and found that it was grandma walking over with a bag of things.

Seeing this, Chen Jia immediately put away the steel claws, then quickly lay back on the bed, pretending that nothing happened.
As for his family, Chen Jia didn't want them to know too much, he just wanted to be good to them silently, maybe it was an inexplicable psychology at work, but Chen Jia knew it was good to them.

(End of this chapter)

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