Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 78 Main quest completed!

Chapter 78 Main quest completed!

Soon, about three or four minutes later, the man who looked like an officer who had gone out before came in, and behind him stood two people, one was a burly man, and the other was a lean man man.

"My lord, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang have been brought here!" As soon as he entered, the officer cupped his hands towards Chen Jia.

At this moment, a system prompt sounded in Chen Jia's mind.

Ding!The characters Chen Sheng and Wu Guang are already in sight, please host to suppress them or curb their rebellious heart!

Although the system prompt in his head made Chen Jia slightly stunned, he still reacted quickly and waved at the officer: "Okay, it's none of your business here, you step back!"

"Yes! Your Excellency!" After answering, the officer retreated.

At this time, only Chen Jia, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang were left in the room.

After Chen Jia knew that the two people in front of him were the real Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, he began to think about how to complete this task.

The task said that they should suppress or curb their rebellious spirit. Chen Jia had several understandings of this passage.

The first is to kill them directly.

In this case, the task must be completed, but Chen Jia is not a person who kills indiscriminately, he will not shoot an innocent person, besides, they are just poor people living under the oppression of the Tyrant Qin, Chen Jia and I can't do it.

The second way is to reason with them and resolve their rebellious heart. Uh... This method is unreliable when Chen Jia thinks about it!So outright veto.

The third is to tell them not to rebel first, and wait until later to rebel, because the requirement of the task is to curb their rebellious heart, not to directly make them not rebellious.

And now that King Qin is still full of energy, if they rebel, they may be suppressed immediately, and the impact of this is that Xiang Yu and the others will not be able to take advantage of this anti-Qin trend to rise up.

And this kind of thing is what Chen Jia doesn't want to see, after all, he still has a good impression of Xiang Yu and Chen Jia, if the world chooses a new master, Chen Jia's first thought is to choose Yu!
Among these three ideas, Chen Jia is inclined to the third one, and for this third one, Chen Jia has a very good idea.

That is, Chen Jia intends to give Chen Sheng and Wu Guang a sum of money, let them secretly recharge their energy, and wait until the anti-Qin general trend is established, then let them rise up and respond to Xiang Yu's call!

In this case, Chu Zhi's strength will definitely increase greatly!In this way, Liu Bang, who was originally weak in the future, might not even have the capital to compete with Xiang Yu!
When Chen Jia was thinking about this, his eyes were still looking at the two people in front of him, after a long time, Chen Jia stood up and asked them, "Are you two Chen Sheng and Wu Guang? "

Although he knew in his heart that the two in front of him were Chen Sheng and Wu Guang, Chen Jia still pretended to ask a question.

For the past month, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang would gather together whenever they had time to discuss the injustice of Tyranny.

And from time to time, they recruited like-minded people to form a small group, including those who came with Chen Sheng. Up to now, the number of their small group has reached more than ten.

And because there are more and more of them, the chances of being discovered when they discuss together at night are greater.

But today, the two of them were suddenly called by the officer, and they panicked: they won't be discovered!This is the crime of beheading!
But it was useless for them to panic, they were in the barracks right now, and they had nowhere to run.

Therefore, when the two of them were brought here, they kept praying in their hearts, praying that their affairs would not be discovered, and that they were looking for something else this time.

With such apprehension in their hearts, the two of them didn't even dare to raise their heads when they came in, they just kept their heads down. Now when they heard Chen Jia calling them, they had no choice but to raise their heads and respond: "Yes! My lord!"

"You are Mr. Chen?!" At this moment, Chen Sheng asked in surprise.

Chen Sheng had a deep impression on the person who said to let them go at the beginning, and now he recognized him when he looked up.

However, why did Mr. Chen come here? Could it be that he is looking for trouble?

Before Chen Sheng could think about it, Chen Jia nodded first, and then said with a smile: "Are you two wondering why you came here?"

"Yeah!" The two nodded.

Chen Jia is not good at long speeches, so he cut straight to the point. "I know you two have rebellious hearts."

As soon as the words fell, Chen Sheng and Wu Guang's muscles tensed immediately, looking like they were about to make trouble. Seeing this, Chen Jia quickly laughed and said, "But. This is a good thing!"

"Huh? How do you say that?" Originally, Wu Guang planned to grab the young master in front of him first, but after hearing the second half of the sentence, he still resisted the urge.

Chen Sheng's muscles were also tight, but he didn't have Wu Guang's idea to catch Chen Jia. He knew Chen Jia's strength, so his idea was to run away desperately, but now listening to Chen Jia's words, he also looked curiously. Looking at Chen Jia, I want to see what Chen Jia has to say.

"Well, I'm a friend of Xiang Yu, a descendant of the Yan Kingdom. This time, I'm here to pave the way for his future anti-Qin road. You both have anti-Qin hearts, which is very good. I can give you money, and let me You are here to recharge your energy and store up your strength in secret. When Xiang Yu rebels against Qin, you must answer his call and obey his command! In exchange, when Xiang Yu wins the world, you will get hereditary titles!" At this time, in order to complete the task, Chen Jia made all kinds of tricks and added big cakes.

In fact, this is not a big picture. If Chen Sheng and Wu Guang can really help Xiang Yu and the others, with Xiang Yu's arrogance, it is not unreasonable to give them both a hereditary title!

At this time, the two fell into deep thought after listening to Chen Jia's words.

Hereditary title!Now the two ordinary people, they had only heard of the term hereditary title in legends.

This temptation to them is simply irresistible, and more importantly, now that their rebellion has been revealed, if they don't agree, is there still a way to survive?
So at this time, after thinking about Chen Jia's plan, they immediately agreed!

The two of them knelt down and said, "Don't dare not!"

"Okay! Hahaha" said, Chen Jia burst out laughing.

Ding!Congratulations to the host for completing the main task: strangle.Gain learning points: 200.

Ding!Since the main task has been completed, the host can choose any time period to teleport back to the main world within the next 24 hours. If the time exceeds 24 hours, it will be forcibly teleported!
(End of this chapter)

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