Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 63 Liu Bang lied to himself

Chapter 63 Liu Bang lied to himself

When Liu Bang glanced around before, he didn't see Chen Jia because he was eating with his head down, but now that Liu Bang sat down, he happened to sit diagonally opposite Chen Jia, and he saw Chen Jia when he looked up.

At the same time, Chen Jia also just raised his head, and the two happened to look at each other.

For a while, Liu Bang, who was originally happy to be able to participate in the banquet, was in a bad mood, but he remembered that punch!

At this time, Chen Jia has been classified as an enemy by Liu Bang, and seeing him at this kind of banquet now makes Liu Bang unhappy and surprised at the same time. Could it be that this person is still a rich man from Pei County?
But, it's not right!Liu Bang still knows a lot about this banquet. Those who can sit in the living room are usually rich or powerful people in Pei County, but he has never seen Chen Jia before, so he should not be from Pei County. , and he told himself that he lived in a hotel, this made Liu Bang's guess even more.

But why can an outsider sit here?
Holding this doubt, Liu Bang asked Xiao Chuan who was pouring wine for him, "Brother Yi, do you know the origin of the man opposite?"

While speaking, Liu Bang pointed at Chen Jia cryptically.

Hearing this, Xiao Chuan looked in the direction of Liu Bang's finger, and happened to see Chen Jia who was smiling at him.

Seeing this, Xiao Chuan smiled and said, "His name is Chen Jia, and he is my friend."

After hearing Xiao Chuan's words, Liu Bang was stunned for a moment, his face sank even more, and he felt as if he was sitting on pins and needles sitting in this seat.

If Brother Yi is Chen Jia's friend, then Brother Yi must know what happened between Chen Jia and him. This can also explain why Brother Yi is so enthusiastic after hearing his name. There is a conspiracy against yourself!

Let yourself make a fool of yourself in front of Lu Gong and the others, and then offend so many gentry and rich men in Pei County, this scheme is really vicious!

Liu Bang, who was suspicious in his heart, had already taken Xiao Chuan's kindness to his grandma's house at this time.

However, Xiao Chuan didn't know what Liu Bang was thinking at all, and he introduced himself: "Chen Jia is a master of martial arts, and he is talented, and most importantly, he is still very mysterious, even I don't know what he does. "

For Xiao Chuan's introduction, Liu Bang didn't take it to heart at all. At this moment, he was thinking about how to get out. In his heart, Chen Jia and Xiao Chuan must have jointly planned to deal with him that he could participate in this banquet.

So at this moment, he was thinking about how to leave without offending anyone, and he was so dazed that he didn't even hear Lu Gong toasting him.

In this regard, Lu Gong had no choice but to raise his voice again: "Mr. Liu! Please!"

When I said it for the second time, Mr. Lu's complexion had already darkened. I am the host of the banquet, and it is a great honor to toast to you, but you are so dazed, it's really disgusting!
If it weren't for what Xiao Chuan said before, Liu Bang would have been kicked out a long time ago based on this.

The second voice was so loud that even Liu Bang, who was thinking about something, heard it. Maybe he found that the eyes of the people looking at him were wrong. stood up, and then said to Lu Gong: "Lu Gong, please!"

At the banquet, the host toasts the guests, and the guests stand up to return the wine, which shows that the guests respect the performance of the host.

Seeing Liu Bang like this, a smile appeared on Lu Gong's originally darkened face, and at the same time he nodded secretly: This Liu Bang is still good.

After toasting Liu Bang, Duke Lu ignored him and started chatting with other guests. After all, he and Liu Bang had nothing to talk about, and it was just a good relationship to invite him to the banquet today.

Lu Gong ignored him. If it was before, Liu Bang might be very anxious. After all, talking to Lu Gong can enhance the relationship, which will help him propose marriage to the eldest lady, but now Lu Gong ignores him, which makes Liu Bang feel lucky.

Ignore me, as long as I ignore me, Chen Jia will not find a topic to attack me. Thinking of this, Liu Bang secretly breathed out.

However, Lu Gong ignored him, but Xiao Chuan kept grabbing him and asking non-stop. After all, this is the 'Han Gaozu' Liu Bang!Xiao Chuan admired him so much, he greeted Liu Bang with all kinds of questions.

But at this time, Xiao Chuan didn't have a good impression in Liu Bang's heart. Regarding his question, Liu Bang has been perfunctory at will.

Because Liu Bang was very worried that Chen Jia would attack him at the banquet, so he had been paying attention to Chen Jia, and at the same time, he was still thinking about how to get out.

It’s definitely not possible to go straight away. You find something to leave as soon as you are seated. Where will Lu Gong’s face be put? Liu Bang believes that if he leaves the banquet early, let alone see the eldest lady of the Lu family. Can not enter!

So after much deliberation, he came up with one solution, which was to wait for the banquet to end, and if Chen Jiachao made trouble on his own during the banquet, he would think of a way to fight back!

Although his strength is not high enough to defeat Chen Jia, Liu Bang claims that he will not lose to Chen Jia if he has brain power!
However, Liu Bang thought too much, there was no one to deal with him here, he was just lying to himself.

If Chen Jia wanted to be unfavorable to Liu Bang, he would have made a move a long time ago, why would he wait until now?

If Chen Jia knew what Liu Bang was thinking at this time, he would probably laugh out loud. This Liu Bang really took himself seriously.

In this way, the banquet ended with Liu Bang's fear, Xiao Chuan's doubts, and Chen Jia's smile.

As soon as the banquet was over, Liu Bang left with the guests. Hearing Xiao Chuan's shout, Liu Bang not only didn't stop, but walked even faster.

Xiao Chuan was very puzzled about this, and always felt that he had offended Liu Bang. He also took Liu Bang's perfunctory at the banquet before. Xiao Chuan understood that he must have offended Liu Bang somewhere.

Because the banquet was initiated by Xiao Chuan, he had to organize the guests to leave at the end. When the guests had left, Xiao Chuan approached Chen Jia with a depressed expression on his face.

"Chen Jia, did you see that it's Liu Bang, Liu Bang, the emperor of the Han Dynasty! But I found that he didn't have a good impression of me."

"Do you know why?" Looking at the depressed Xiao Chuan, Chen Jia said with a smile on his lips.

"Why?!" Listening to Chen Jia's tone, it was like wanting to know the reason, so Xiao Chuan became very curious.

Looking at the puzzled Xiao Chuan, Chen Jia held back a smile and said, "I don't know either!"

After speaking, he laughed out loud
Looking at the smirking Chen Jia, the corner of Xiao Chuan's mouth twitched. MDZZ.

(End of this chapter)

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