Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 585 The Barrier Disappears

Chapter 585 The Barrier Disappears
Chen Jia's worries were not groundless. When Qing Ning told him about the original world, it only took two or three days. How long would it take to transform that world?Lime said three days at most, plus the time to come back, it would add up to nine days in total!
But now, ten days have passed, and if you count the previous week, it has been more than ten days in total, but Qing Ning hasn't come back yet!This is not a problem, what else can happen? !

Thinking of this, Chen Jia became slightly anxious, wishing to set off to find Qing Ning immediately, but he also knew that there was a barrier in front of him at this moment, no matter how eager he was, it was useless!
All he can do now is go faster!Go faster and melt the barrier in front of you!
The good news is that after ten days, under the guidance of Chen Jia's non-stop aura, the breach was about a third larger than before.The influx of spiritual energy was almost twice as fast as before, and similarly, the melting speed of the barrier was also much faster.

At this speed, Chen Jia estimated that in another ten days, the breach would become three or four times as big as it is now, and the influx of spiritual energy would be almost ten times as fast as it is now!
Under the impact of that spiritual energy, the barriers around these breaches would probably melt in an instant.Chen Jia doesn't need to guide at all, these barriers will enter a state of rapid melting.

As long as the barrier melts to a certain extent, the barrier will be completely broken!At that time, Chen Jia can walk out of this barrier and look for Lime.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia continued to follow the previous plan. During the period, Chen Jia went home several times to show her face at home to avoid worrying her family!
By the way, let me tell you here, when Shuyin broke through to the Earth Immortal, Chen Jia remembered Simba.Then, he threw Simba out and practiced with Shuyin here, and he has been practicing for two or three days now.

Soon, another nine days passed, and the situation was even better than what Chen Jia had imagined. It didn't take ten days at all, and it took only nine days to reach the scene Chen Jia expected.

The breach had begun to melt quickly, and naturally, Chen Jia also withdrew the spiritual energy transmission.At this time, the asteroid-like spirit stone behind Chen Jia had long since disappeared, leaving only one-fifth of its appearance.

Why is this so, because although more and more spiritual energy is pouring in, as the breach increases, its concentration decreases a lot.

At that concentration at the beginning, the spiritual stones behind Chen Jia couldn't keep up with the speed of consumption, and the concentration of spiritual energy gradually decreased, and the consumption of the spiritual stones became faster and faster, and until now, it has become like this.

The concentration of aura at this time is only equivalent to what it was in the sea of ​​thunder in the starry sky before.

But, Chen Jia has accumulated a large amount of spirit stones after so long of aura flushing. Not only the earth-grade spirit stones behind him have become sky-grade spirit stones, but even the few pieces of spirit stones he spread beside him before One billion spirit stones have also become Tianpin, and there are even a lot more.

After gathering the two sides together, Chen Jia did the math, he now has a total of about 100 billion heaven-grade spirit stones!That's a full 100 billion!
This kind of quantity is simply a terrifying statistic. You must know that in an ordinary spiritual stone mine, there are generally no heavenly grade spiritual stones, and only a few high-level spiritual stone mines have a limited number of spiritual stones.

Only the top-grade spirit stone mines, such as the one encountered in the Thorn Gate, have a large amount of heaven-grade spirit stones. This shows how difficult it is to obtain heaven-grade spirit stones.

Chen Jia estimated that if all the heavenly spirit stones in the previous world were collected, there would only be tens of millions of them.But now, there are a total of 100 billion in front of Chen Jia!

Don't think it's easy for Chen Jia to get so many spirit stones in nineteen days, actually think about it, it's not easy at all!

First, you must have super strength, otherwise you will not be here at all.Second, you need to have a strong sensory ability, otherwise you won't even know where the breach is.Third, you also need to be lucky enough to have so many spirit stones on your body.

Otherwise, there is no way you can get so much!The aura tide was so powerful that even Chen Jia didn't dare to directly condense it forcibly, so he had to use the spirit stone to put it in it and let the aura wash away.

To sum up the above three points, here on Earth, only Chen Jia can enjoy this resource exclusively, and only he has this luck.

After putting away the 100 billion spirit stones, Chen Jia didn't do anything else, but set up formations on the spot to absorb the surrounding spirit energy for the cultivation of Shuyin.

Although the barrier is melting rapidly, there is still a long way to go before it disappears completely. Chen Jia tried, but still can't get out, so all he can do at this time is wait!

Fortunately, the melting speed of the barrier was so fast that Chen Jia could clearly feel the increase of the breach.This situation made Chen Jia very happy.

In this way, three days passed!At this time, it was only less than eight days before the next plane transfer, and Chen Jia began to feel a little anxious. If the barrier didn't disappear, he might not have enough time left to find Qing Ning.

Chen Jia had a hunch that the reason why he couldn't feel Qing Ning now was because of this barrier. As long as this barrier disappeared, Chen Jia should be able to sense Qing Ning's position.

Just as Chen Jia was thinking about it, Shuyin's aura suddenly swayed in front of him, good guy, he has broken through the second floor of the Earth Immortal!
However, today seems to be Chen Jia's lucky day. Chen Jia has not had time to digest the surprise of Shuyin's breakthrough. In the next second, Simba next to Shuyin also rises in momentum, reaching the seventh floor of the Earth Immortal!
And then, another surprise hit, the barrier that Chen Jia had been observing silently seemed to have reached a point.

Suddenly, the entire barrier began to vibrate, the starry sky was full of visions, and the colorful rays of light transformed from aura filled the entire barrier!

All of this happened in an instant. In the next second, the glow disappeared, and with it, the barrier disappeared!
At this moment, Chen Jia only felt that the rules between heaven and earth had become incomparably magnificent, and something like the will of heaven and earth swayed through Chen Jia's mind.In the next moment, it was as if a vacuum ball exploded and air was poured in.

The earth space at this time is the exploded vacuum ball, and the spiritual energy outside is the air. In an instant, a wave of spiritual energy that is so huge that Chen Jia can't imagine erupts!

The huge power shocked Chen Jia's heart. He knew that he could not stay in this border area, otherwise, he would be fine if the wave of spiritual energy rushed down. The words of Shuyin and Simba might be directly suppressed by this pressure die!

At the moment, Chen Jia didn't care about anything else, and when he took Simba back to the previous space and picked up Shuyin, he quickly retreated to the rear!
(End of this chapter)

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