Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 574 Formation Center

Chapter 574 Formation Center
A simple stone room, a small space, and a strong restraint, in this kind of place, the characteristics of a prison are vividly restrained.

They also said that this is an fairy palace, bah!It's just because someone found some powerful magic weapons from it, and then started to tout it.

But in this way, if you can find something beyond this world from inside, it is not wrong to call this place the Immortal Palace.But now, Chen Jia didn't find anything good in this small stone room.

It seems that his luck is not very good, this place either has no treasures in the first place, or there is no one at all, or someone took the first step and took the treasures away.

Although they didn't get anything, neither Chen Jia nor Shuyin felt frustrated. They smiled and walked out of the room.

At the same time as the half-moon door closed automatically behind him, Chen Jia shook his hand, and a round half-moon spoon flew up, leading the way ahead.

"Don't be discouraged, this key is a bit different, it is round, and it should be the kind of key that can reach special places."

While speaking, Chen Jia kept walking, picked up Shuyin again, and walked forward with the key.

Speaking of the special place, Chen Jia suddenly remembered that this half-moon prison seemed to be able to be refined, but the place of refining was not in that special place, but somewhere in this half-moon prison.

In the novel, this thing was refined by one of Mo Wuji's old enemies, Lei Hongji, and it was precisely because of this half-moon prison that he refined it. After entering the fairy world later, he was able to encounter many adventures and keep up with Mo Wuji. Opening speed.

But now that Chen Jia knew, there would be nothing wrong with Lei Hongji. Besides, even if Zhen Xing hadn't been attacked, it would take a day or two to come here.At that time, it is still a question whether Lei Hongji will be able to come in!

Now, within two days, no one should come into this half-moon prison. Such a long time is more than enough for Chen Jia.

Let's talk about refining or something later, the most important thing now is to follow this round half-moon key, go to that special room, and find something.

Relying on the induction of the key, Chen Jia knew very clearly that the room was at the end of the passage, but even with the key, it seemed that the formation in this place would block you.

In fact, it is not an obstacle, but a very peculiar phantom array, which makes you unable to find the right path at all.Even the key was confused, and after some distance the key began to spin around in place, apparently disorientated.

Seeing this, Chen Jia also knew that if he didn't show some skills, he wouldn't even think about going there.

Thinking so, Chen Jia didn't say much, directly put away the round key, and then joined his hands together, making formulas again and again, chanting incantations rapidly in his mouth.

Finally, with a loud shout, Chen Jia straightened the palms of both hands, took the middle finger and index finger together and placed them in front of his eyes: "The sky is clear and the earth is bright, only my heart! Jiuyou Tongming Eye, open!"

When the word "open" blurted out, Chen Jia waved his hands away, and in the next moment, I saw Chen Jia's eyes were full of faint black light, and seeing the book tone on the side, I felt a burst of pain from the bottom of my heart. shiver.

Chen Jia soon discovered Shuyin's situation. He immediately turned his head and placed his hands on top of his head to warm Shuyin's body.

After doing this, Chen Jia looked forward with his extremely dark eyes.

In an instant, under his eyes, all illusions were shattered, and Chen Jia saw a straight road.This time, Chen Jia threw the round moon spoon without encountering any obstacles, and ran to the passage in no time.

Seeing this, Chen Jia was overjoyed, and at the same time, he picked up Shuyin and set foot on that road.

The road was not long, and soon, the two of them reached the end of the road.In front of Chen Jia there was only a red round door, and the keyhole on the door was like a full moon, exactly the shape of the key in his hand.

Chen Jia didn't open the door right away, his eyes fell on the top of the full moon gate, where several huge black characters were engraved: Yongying No.11 Prison - Half Moon Prison.

Seeing this, Chen Jia wasn't surprised at all, but Shuyin felt surprised all over, and grabbed Chen Jia and asked this and that.

While answering Shuyin, Chen Jia's hands were not idle, he grabbed the round moon key and stamped it towards the keyhole.

After a soft sound, the red full moon door opened automatically, and before the full moon key fell to the ground, Chen Jia directly grabbed the key in his hand.

After the door opened, the scene inside also caught the eyes of the two.Here is a small courtyard, and there is a small piece of wasteland in the middle of the courtyard.However, there are no spiritual plants alive in the wasteland, and it seems that it has been abandoned for a long time.

In the middle of the wasteland is a stone road, leading to a gazebo, and behind the gazebo is a house.

Ignoring the closed door behind him again, Chen Jia led Shuyin through the stone road in the middle of the wasteland to the gazebo.After entering the gazebo, Chen Jia discovered a corpse lying on the edge of the gazebo.

Different from those corpses that died and then disappeared in the prison, this corpse is still considered intact, with a faint golden light emitting from the bones, which shows that the cultivation level of this corpse is not simple. Chen Jia guessed that this person should be at the level of a fairy The strong one.

After being dead for so long, the body still glows golden. If you use it as a light bulb, it can save a lot of electricity!

After just looking at the corpse curiously, Chen Jia walked around the corpse and walked towards the hut behind the gazebo, because he could tell that there was nothing good about this man!

As for Shuyin, watching Chen Jia walk forward, no matter how curious she was, she didn't stop, but kept up with Chen Jia's pace.

Compared with those prisons outside, this house is much larger. It looks like there are two rooms and a reception room.There is a coffee table in the reception room, and there is a teapot and several jade cups on the coffee table. It looks like it has been placed for many years and has not been touched.

The door of the first room was ajar, and Chen Jia swept over with his divine sense, only to find that there seemed to be another corpse behind the door.Noticing any danger, Chen Jia quickly walked over with Shuyin and opened the door.

There was indeed a corpse behind the door. The corpse was face down, and the brocade clothes were not decomposed. He still held a pen in his hand, but there was only the pen holder, and the hair on it had fallen off.

Just like the guy in front of him, there is nothing good about this guy.

Regarding this, Chen Jia was not disappointed. His purpose of coming here was not for treasures or anything, but for a formation center here.

That is the formation center that manages various formations in Banyue Prison!

(End of this chapter)

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