Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 481 Death Blade Dark Night

Chapter 481 Death Blade Dark Night
"What happened?!" Without thinking about getting an answer, after asking this question, Tony pushed open the door of the temple and ran out.

For a moment, the chaotic scene on the street came into Tony's eyes, and everyone was running in one direction, as if there was some wild beast behind them.

A gust of wind blew out of nowhere on the street, and all kinds of rubbish were flying in the air. This scene made Tony and Banner behind him feel puzzled.

"Friday, help me find out what's going on!" Tony just finished asking, and Friday answered him.

"I'm not very clear, but there should be an alien spaceship above your head now!"

In fact, it goes without saying that Tony also knew it. After crossing the corner, everyone found that there was a wheel-shaped aircraft standing in the sky above the street at this time!It's huge, at least as high as 200 meters!

Those inexplicable winds were caused by that aircraft, and it was precisely because of this aircraft that the crowd panicked.

"Friday, evacuate everyone south of No. 40 Third Street and notify EMTs! Go NOW!"

When Tony gave his artificial intelligence command, Stephen had already cast a spell to disperse the strong winds, and the magic was still upwards, completely locking the strong winds in the air, and could no longer blow them down .

However, at this moment, a beam of blue light about Zhang Xu wide suddenly shot down from the front of the aircraft, and the beam of light reached the ground. When the beam of light dissipated, two people, one tall and one short, also appeared on the ground.

These two people are Ebony Maw and Black Dwarf!Hmm. The height and the shortness are actually relative. Don’t look at the name of the black dwarf, but he is not short at all. With a huge body of about three meters, he is not much less than the Hulk!
The short ebony throat is also about two meters long, and has a very slender figure, but with that appearance, it is simply a pile of shit, really ugly!
After seeing these two people, Stephen, Tony, Wang, and Banner immediately stepped forward and stood opposite them.

But the two of them stood in place, motionless, especially Black Dwarf, who still maintained the posture he thought he was handsome, and felt like a big fool.

Not to mention the scene here, at this time on a bridge more than ten blocks away from Manhattan, Pete is riding in a car with his classmates and preparing to visit the museum.

The moment the alien spaceship appeared, the hairs on Pete's hands stood up instantly, and at the same time, he immediately discovered the alien spaceship.

After thinking for a while, Pete immediately patted his little friend Ned sitting in front of him: "Hey! Ned, go distract the students!"

Ned was listening to a song now. When Pete patted him, he turned around and found the alien spaceship standing in the air. He didn't even hear Pete's words clearly, and this guy just yelled: "My God! It's so enjoyable, it's a spaceship!"

And yelling, the fellow quickly got up and walked to the middle of the car, leading the people in the car to look outside.

And Pete, taking this opportunity, instantly changed into Spider-Man, jumped out of the bus, and swung over there from under the bridge!

On the other side, inside the Avengers Base, after Chen Jia learned of James' address on the phone, she prepared to find an excuse to go there.

He could hear that the juggler in the red cloak might be Doctor Strange——Stephen, that guy had the Time Stone in his hand, and Chen Jia had to find a way to get it.

However, before he left, suddenly, something that should not have appeared in the sky above the base.Yes, that's an alien spaceship!
Unscrupulous, without the slightest concealment, the spaceship stopped above the base, making a huge whistling sound.

This thing is exactly the same as the spaceship in Manhattan, but the two people in this spaceship are more direct. The moment the spaceship appeared, a blue light shot directly through the roof of the base and came to the living room where Chen Jia and the others were. !
In the next moment, an ugly man with a long blade and an even uglier woman with a spear appeared in the hall.These two people are General Deathblade and Proxima Centauri!
"Who are you?!" James asked.

This question is not only for James alone, Chen Jia, Vision and Natasha are also very puzzled. Who are these two ugly aliens?
However, after these two guys appeared, they didn't talk nonsense at all. After a contemptuous smile, they rushed directly towards Chen Jia and the others, aiming at the mind gem above Vision's head, as if they didn't take them seriously.

Regarding this, Natasha and James immediately became alert, while Vision was hesitating whether to make a move.

It was Chen Jia who was behind them, with a light wave of his hand, a few streams of black smoke spread out, winding towards the two of them in an instant.

This scene was obviously beyond their expectations.But soon, the two made a decision.

"You go and deal with those three people, and I'll get the rough stone!" After General Deathblade said, he directly picked up the long blade in his hand and chopped off Chen Jia's black smoke inch by inch.

On the other side, Dark Ye Proxima Centaur raised the spear in his hand and sent out energy pulses directly towards the black smoke.

In Chen Jia's imagination, these two people should be easily restrained by the black smoke, and then he went up to ask about their origins, but the reality was somewhat different from what he imagined.

The black smoke he emitted was easily scattered by these two people, especially the energy pulse emitted by the spear, which would also form a force field, forcing the black smoke back, making it impossible to move forward at all.

"Yoha, not bad." A trace of surprise appeared in Chen Jia's eyes after being shocked by this.

At the same time, he was also speculating about the origins of the two.Under the induction of thought power, there is a large alien spaceship above the head, and these two people should have gotten off from the spaceship.

And it seems that the strength is not weak, coupled with the guessing of time, Chen Jia can almost be sure that these two people should be Thanos' subordinates or something.

So, Thanos is coming? !

For this big boss, Chen Jiake was not ready to face him. If that guy came down suddenly, Chen Jia would still be a little flustered in his heart, after all, he is a great man!

But thinking that the guy might not have gotten as many infinite gems as he did, Chen Jia immediately relaxed.

At the same time, he stepped forward and punched with both hands. In an instant, before the two of them approached, two huge fist shadows flew out from Chen Jia's side, and at that moment, they hit the two of them, smashing them together. The person was blasted out and smashed out of the base!

This move not only stunned the two of them, but also stunned the teammates around them, as well as the base guards who had just arrived.

(End of this chapter)

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