Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 473 Conversation

Chapter 473 Conversation
"Mr. Chen, may I ask, what is the purpose of your coming to our place?" Although he knew from Pete that Chen Jia came here because of "important" matters, James was still very puzzled at this moment.

"No hurry, you'll know soon when Tony comes." Chen Jia sat on the sofa in the hall, her eyes fixed on the teacup on the table, and she didn't lift her head.

Opposite him, James was sitting on the sofa, looking at Chen Jia with a look of surprise and uncertainty.On the side, Pete was looking around at the new base with curiosity on his face.

In fact, this is the second time for Pete to come to this new base, and he only stayed for a few minutes when he first came.

"Mr. Chen Jia, we..." James wanted to say something more, but before he could say anything, there was a whistling sound outside the base!

Following the sound, everyone found nothing outside, but in a blink of an eye, at the gate of the base, a bright red figure walked into the gate.

It seems that because the speed of that thing was too fast just now, when everyone heard the sound, they had already reached the door.

With just a glance, Chen Jia knew that this guy was Iron Man Tony, and his mecha was much more cool, and the overall sense of technology had risen several levels.

And the next second, what made Chen Jia even more surprised was that, in just one moment of walking through the gate, the armor on Tony's body faded away like sea water. Under the observation of Chen Jia's thoughts, those armors all ran to the Tony's chest.

It was a triangular imprint, about the size of a palm. I really don't know how the one-man-tall armor was integrated into it.

But before Chen Jia was surprised, Tony stepped into the hall, and raised his voice to Chen Jia from a long distance away: "It's you? Mr. Chen? Because you came to me, it took me three minutes and 25 seconds to travel from the southwest of Canada. Come here!"

Tony spoke extremely fast, and he finished these words in almost two seconds, and just after he finished speaking, he greeted James and Pete respectively.

Without even giving Chen Jia a chance to speak, just after greeting, Tony took a few steps forward again, "Usually I should be doing research at home at this time, you know."

Speaking of this, Tony spread his hands: "I'm very busy, just tell me if you have anything to do, if you have nothing to do, please leave! Then I will drink afternoon tea and lie comfortably on the bed!"

Hearing Tony say so many words in one breath, Chen Jia was very confused at the moment, but when he finished speaking, Chen Jia still spoke with a smile.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Chen Jia, and I am here to protect the earth."

Chen Jia is not talking big, according to the main mission, Chen Jia not only wants to protect the earth, but also protects the entire universe!

But to Tony, this sentence is simply a big joke!

"Haha. Protect the earth?! Listen, James, on such a safe earth, there are still people clamoring to protect the earth."

Hearing this, Pete looked at Chen Jia and Tony, as if he didn't know what to say.On the other side, James also had a smile on his face. In his opinion, Chen Jia, a Chinese native who appeared suddenly, was here to make a joke, right?

If Pete hadn't said that this guy was special, James would have kicked him out a long time ago.

"Okay. You managed to make me laugh. For the sake of this, I won't hold you accountable for the wasted time." As he spoke, Tony put away his smile and stretched out his hand to the side: " The joke is over, Mr. Chen, you should go home."

Hearing this, Chen Jia had a calm expression on his face, and he didn't even stand up.He looked at Tony with both eyes, and he didn't have the consciousness to get up and leave.

This slightly awkward atmosphere lasted for a few seconds, and when Pete was about to speak to break the awkwardness, Chen Jia suddenly spoke.

"Cosmic Rubik's Cube, Loki's Scepter, Ether Particle, Agamotto's Eye, and Cosmic Spirit Ball, are these five names familiar?"

While saying this, Chen Jia waved his hand lightly, and in the next second, these five things suddenly appeared in the hall.

This is not a virtual projection or something, but Chen Jia directly simulated the appearance of these things with magic, and then displayed them at this time, the lifelike appearance, as if the things really appeared in front of them.

"Who the hell are you?! How do you know this?!" When Chen Jiagang said the words 'Universal Rubik's Cube', Tony's expression changed.

And later, the more he listened, the more shocked he became. He had heard of the three things, the Cosmic Rubik's Cube, the Loki Scepter, and the Ether Particles, but the Eye of Agamotto, and the Cosmic Spirit Ball?

He has never heard of these two things!Looking at the appearance of these five things at this time, Tony eagerly wanted to know who Chen Jia was.

"Didn't I just say that? I'm here to protect the earth, you can call me the guardian of the earth?" After saying this, Chen Jia felt that the name was too secondary, so he quickly changed his words.

"You can just call me Chen Jia. The name Guardian of the Earth is too silly. I don't like it very much."

As he said that, Chen Jia also withdrew his mana, and disappeared the five things he had simulated with his magic.

This scene made Tony recover from his astonishment, and the other two also looked at Chen Jia curiously.

"So, what's your purpose for coming here?!" At this moment, listening to Chen Jia's words, Tony began to look at Chen Jia squarely, seeing him as a character.

"These five things, plus a soul gem, these are the six rough stones in the universe, they are refined from the essence of the big bang, they are almost the most powerful objects in the universe, they are called infinite gems! "

"In the universe, there is a person named Thanos. He has a glove that can control the power of six gems. The name of that glove is called the Infinity Gauntlet. Now, he is looking for six gems everywhere."

"The purpose is very simple, it is to collect all six gems, and then snap your fingers, so that half of the life in the universe will die! Turn into fly ash!"

"For now, on Earth, I know that there are at least two Infinity Stones, one is the Mind Stone on Vision's head, and the other is the Eye of Agamotto guarded by the Supreme Mage! That is the Time Stone !"

"Because of this reason, I think Thanos will definitely come to Earth! And my mission is to prevent Thanos from obtaining six infinite gems!"

Although Chen Jia spoke for a long time, none of the three people in the hall felt that it was long-winded.

And just when Tony was about to say something after listening, the door was suddenly opened!The next second, Harpy rushed in, pointed his guns at this side, and shouted, "Where is it?! Where is that guy?!"

(End of this chapter)

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