Chapter 444 Heroes
The hair of the stone statue is very long, with two knots tied on both sides, and the battle-hardened hands are uneven, holding a giant war hammer in his hand!No matter how you look at it, this stone statue is carved with Poppy!

But judging from Bobby's current appearance, she didn't seem to notice this at all.

I said you are too silly and cute, this witcher is yourself, I have been looking for it for several years, but I haven't found it, Bobby, you are really enough!

Chen Jia also heard some stories about the witcher when she was with Bobby these days.In fact, after listening to the story told by the speaker just now, Chen Jia had some guesses, but he couldn't believe it.

But now, the moment he saw the stone statue, he knew clearly that it was real!Bobby is so cute, after a few years, what she is looking for is herself!

"Dad, look! It's a witcher! It's exactly the same as the statue!" At this moment, a little girl pointed to Bobby's side and shouted happily.

The sound was loud, and it immediately attracted the attention of the people around, "Wow! It's true! That hammer is exactly the same!"

Hearing what these people said, Bobby immediately turned around, thinking that the witcher was standing behind her.At this moment, she didn't think of herself as a witcher at all!
But when she turned around, she didn't see anyone at all.The place where Chen Jia was standing was at the back of the crowd, but behind them, there was nothing but the empty street!
"No, child!" said the little girl's father. "That's not a witcher, he's less than half the height!"

This voice reminded the people around, and found that it was as they said, Poppy's body was too short, and he was just a yordle with a hammer!
Although Bobby's image is almost exactly the same as that stone statue, but for this, everyone would rather not believe that Bobby is a hero, because this is really far from the mighty hero image they imagined!
The gap in their hearts caused by this is too great, they don't believe it at all!

The main reason is that although the deeds of Bobby the Demon Hunter are widely spread, there are really too few people who have seen her appearance. Even if they stand in front of people at this time, they can't recognize her!
As a result, the crowd and the little girl, father and daughter, quickly lost interest and walked to the other side of the village to participate in other fun activities.

After that, situations similar to this happened many times, but as time passed, the crowd in front of the statue gradually dispersed, and finally there was only one statue and two figures, one big and one small, left on the square.

Poppy walked up to him and took a closer look. Now she could take a good look at the witcher.

Obviously being 'confessed' so many times, plus some circumstances, even a fool should now know that he is related to this demon hunter.

But Bobby is completely unaware!She didn't realize the connection between the witcher and herself at all. She was staring at the statue at this moment, thinking in her mind that there seemed to be traces of witcher activities in the town of Irwindale before, and now there is no one in Ross Village. Waiting there , should be able to know some news.

With such a cute personality, Chen Jia didn't even know what to say.

Originally watching people 'confessing their mistakes' again and again, Chen Jia thought that Bobby would be able to reflect it, so he didn't say a word during this period, just observing.

But now, seeing that Bobby didn't know yet, Chen Jia had no choice but to speak up.

"Wow! This hammer looks like the hammer in your hand." In the mission, it was stated that Bobby could not be clearly told that she was a hero, so now, Chen Jia used words to guide her.

"Brother Chen Jia, this hammer is very similar to mine. He must be the greatest hero in the kingdom. I will definitely be able to hand over my hammer to him!" When he said this, Bobby looked admiring. , she obviously agrees with this witcher very much in her heart.

There are too many legends about him, and it seems that all the advantages are concentrated on the witcher. Bobby feels that apart from him, there seems to be no one else who is more suitable for Oren's giant hammer.

"Uh..." Chen Jia paused, but soon, he adjusted his mentality and continued: "The demon hunter killed the wyvern not long ago! He killed the wolf! He also killed bandits, robbers and many other monsters!"

"Little guy, think about it carefully. In the past few days, you have often told me your stories. You killed a wyvern in the northern forest two weeks ago! You killed a wyvern in the southern city a week ago. Retired a lot of bandits and robbers!"

"A few days ago, you killed the wolf and saved my life! Think about it, how different are you from a demon hunter?!"

Hearing this, Bobby froze in place for a moment.Chen Jia is right, she has done all these things, but... she is not a hero, just a yordle with a hammer!
Even though he thought so, facing Chen Jia's words, Bobby just tightened the sledgehammer in his hand and didn't answer.

Seeing this, Chen Jia wanted to persuade him.But before he could speak, an extremely excited voice suddenly came from behind the stone statue: "Master Demon Hunter, is it really you?!"

"I went hunting in the nearby forest in the town of Irwindale. I didn't expect to meet a ferocious Wyvern. If you hadn't defeated it, I might have died!"

"Master Demon Hunter, you saved me, you are my hero!"

After these words were finished, a middle-aged man ran out from behind the stone statue, and he ran to Bobby at a very fast speed with a grateful expression on his face.

And behind him, the previous speaker and those officials from Demacia also came, and they saw Bobby with a look of awe.

Regarding the middle-aged man's description of Bobby, they knew that the witcher was a yordle, and as for why they made the stone statue so big, it was just because of its grandeur.

Now that the witcher seemed to be really here, they all looked at Bobby in awe!After all, that is the existence that can kill Wyvern alone!
"Hero?" The sudden appearance made Bobby flustered.

At this moment, listening to everyone's words, coupled with Chen Jia's subtle guidance to her in the past few days, Bobby seemed to have a vague impression of the word 'hero' deep in his heart.

At the same time, she was overwhelmed and didn't know how to respond to the fact that they called her a witcher.

Seemingly aware of Bobby's troubles, Chen Jia spoke from the side.

"Bobby, your mission is very simple, that is to find a hero who can protect Demacia for this hammer."

"The heroes you think are brave, fearless, powerful, and responsible! Demon hunters have all of these! And who is the demon hunter?! It's you!"

"You're not just a yordle with a hammer, you're a hero with a hammer!"

After saying these words, Chen Jia vaguely heard a ding from the system.
(End of this chapter)

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