Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 433 Rabesia

Chapter 433 Rabesia
"Do you know where that person went?!" Chen Jia asked, pointing to the room where the person stayed.

Although he knew that this group of people probably didn't know, Chen Jia still asked. After all, this was his only consultation point left.

"No. [-]?" No. [-] is the room where that person stayed. Hearing Chen Jia's words, the face of the person collecting money changed.

"Did he run away?!" As if thinking of something, he immediately took steps and ran to that room.

But when he opened the door and found the one thousand gold coins on the bed, he took a long breath and thought to himself: It's okay, it's okay, otherwise I don't know how to explain to the leader.

As for Chen Jia, after seeing this person's performance, he also knew that they didn't know anything about the departure of passenger No. [-]!
It seems that I and that person can only meet by fate.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia didn't get too entangled, turned around and left.I'm just a little curious about who that person is. Anyway, I've got the degree of completion, so it doesn't matter if I don't see it.

And just as Chen Jia was walking towards the center of the city, at a corner of the street, a man in white paused, put on a hood, and then left.

This white-clothed man is exactly the previous passenger No. [-], but his appearance is different from the one in the room. At this time, the man's eyes are covered with a blindfold, which is connected with his hair, which looks very strange.

The man was walking in the completely opposite direction to Chen Jia's. After restocking at the shops on the street, he left the city soon.

The target is to the west, and it seems to be pointing directly at the very center of Demacia——Demacia City!

Chen Jia had no idea about the route of action of passenger No. [-], and he was looking for information in the city at this time.

In other regions, even in a neutral place like War College, the information that can be collected about Demacia is limited and backward.Only the information obtained on the land of Demacia is what Chen Jia really needs.

Although Winterfell is a border city, because of its important geographical location, it is the first line of defense against the Eastern Empire, so there are a lot of soldiers here and the defense is tight!
Before Chen Jia and his team entered the city, they had to go through multiple tests before finally being able to enter the city!

Here, Chen Jia got a lot of news, and it was also very useful!

For example, Galen is currently in Mithril City in the northwest, and seems to be going to do something important, but as for the specific purpose, I don't know.

Jarvan IV was discussing the Northern War with his father Jarvan III in Dawn Castle.

In addition, there are some other related news, but maybe because they are not well-known or the place is too far away, Chen Jia did not find any information about where they are now.

However, as long as Chen Jia arrives in the city of Demacia, he should be able to find them easily.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia set off overnight after making detailed supplies in the city.

The goal is very clear, and it is also the city of Demacia!
On the way, Chen Jia discovered a very interesting thing, that is, there seems to be a special element contained in the boundary of Demacia, which can be forbidden by magic and cannot be used!
In other words, after magicians came to Demacia, they couldn't use their magic, and they were no different from ordinary people!

In fact, Chen Jia should have discovered it when he was in Winterfell.With so many people in the city, Chen Jia didn't even see a mage!
But at that time, Chen Jia didn't pay attention to this detail. On the way, Chen Jia passed through several cities before he discovered it.

But then again, their forbidden magic is forbidden magic, but Chen Jia discovered that all his abilities can be used, and he has not been banned!It stands to reason that Chen Jia's Taoism and pulse techniques should also belong to magic.

But now, how could this forbidden magic have no effect on him at all? !

Of course, this is a good thing!At least his strength was not suppressed, Chen Jia felt very happy.

Maybe it's because of the forbidden magic element. In Demacia, there are very few monsters and ferocious beasts. They are generally normal beasts.

Therefore, apart from Chen Jia's normal driving on the first day, he spent the rest of the day flying rapidly between the mountains!Far away from cities and small towns, it is very hidden to prevent being seen.

The speed was extremely fast, and it only took half a day. At noon that day, Chen Jia came to a city very close to Demacia City.

The city is called Labisia, and it stands on the mountain. Because it is surrounded by mountains and the transportation is inconvenient, it is not developed.

Chen Jia was flying in the sky of the forest, at first he thought he was going to some kind of inaccessible place, but unexpectedly, as he was flying, a city suddenly appeared below!
After all, it is located in the very center of Demacia. Even though the transportation is inconvenient, the population is still 10,000+!
Chen Jiafei was spotted in the air at a great distance!For a moment, the soldiers on the entire city wall became restless!

Labisia is the inland area of ​​Demacia. It was superfluous to set up a giant crossbow on the city wall. After all, this is an inland area. If the enemy can hit here, it will almost be regarded as annihilation of the country!

And those spies and assassins from other countries who came in, the Demacia scouts were not jealous either!
Therefore, it is useless to set up crossbows on the city wall!But now, seeing Chen Jia flying towards them quickly, the soldiers are very grateful to those who ordered the establishment of these crossbows!
Being able to fly in the air should be a magician, and being able to penetrate so far, it seems to be a very powerful great magician!After all, the flight has never landed
The reason why Demacia forbids magic is that it is evil. The main reason is that in this land, those rocks contain elements that prohibit magic. As long as you stand on this land, you will not be able to use magic .

Unless, you are in the sky, where there are no forbidden magic elements, you can use magic!That's why now, the people on the walls of Rabesia think that Chen Jia is a powerful magician who has been flying all the way to the border of Demacia!
For this kind of people, they were extremely careful, seven or eight pointed their giant crossbows at Chen Jia, as long as Chen Jia was within the best range, they would attack directly!Give him a fatal blow!
Chen Jia, who was flying, knew nothing about what the soldiers did!Although his heart was slightly agitated, he always felt that something was wrong, but under the eager mood that was about to reach the destination, Chen Jia didn't find anything unusual at all!
The consequence of doing this is very simple. When Chen Jia just flew over a mountain, a man dressed as an officer immediately shouted: "Shoot the arrow!"

The sharp sound spread throughout the city wall, waking up the soldiers manipulating the giant crossbow, and shot the giant crossbow in their hands!

(End of this chapter)

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