Chapter 398 Story
"Hey! Stranger! You're not welcome here, you'd better leave quickly!" Just as Chen Jia was thinking, on the other side of the lake, the burly man yelled at Chen Jia, and at the same time, he raised his hand Big knife, the threat is beyond words!
And as the voice came out, more than a dozen people on the other side cast their eyes over one after another!

These are some desperadoes, how many lives did that person carry? !At this time, this group of people looked at them viciously. If it was an ordinary person, they would probably have been scared to death. Even if they were a little courageous, they would be scared to run away when they saw that all of these people had weapons.

However, when Chen Jia heard the man's words, she didn't even look at him, but quietly looked at the cross blade in Sivir's hand, as if admiring a picture scroll.

This scene of provocation, or disdain, made the burly man very angry. With a strange cry, he wanted to raise his knife and slash at Chen Jia.

And not only him, but all the people around him also had fierce eyes, looking at Chen Jia like a fool.In their view, in the depths of the desert, life and death are determined by fate and wealth. Since you are so ignorant, then go to die!

This is not cold-blooded, but the law of survival in the desert. Here, there are no real friends, and people who may be smiling at you one second may kill you the next.

So, there is no absolute trust here, everyone is an enemy!And the enemy, damn it!Well. Even if it's not a damn time, there's always a time to be.

"Wait!" Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded.

And because of this sound, the original noisy noise here in the oasis stopped instantly. The burly man immediately put away his sword, and stopped like a good baby. stopped.

No way, the person who spoke was their leader, a woman known as the Black Rose of Shurima——Sivir!

Sivir is a well-known treasure hunter and mercenary captain, making frequent contract deals in the Shurima Desert.Her weapon is a legendary crossblade, which she has won countless battles, and although expensive, she has won the favor of her employers.

Of course, these titles obviously cannot make this group of people so scared. What really made them so was a massacre not long ago!

right!That's right, massacre!

At the junction of the Storm Plains and Shurima, there is a city called Maca City, which used to be the residence of Sivir, and of course, it is now.

A few months ago, Sivir received a big order to accompany a Noxus named Cassiopeia to the depths of the desert to find the real treasure in the desert, and a month later.

The emperor of Shurima was resurrected, and at the same time, news suddenly spread that Sivir found the treasure and went into hiding!That treasure is related to the rise and fall of the entire Shurima, as long as you find this treasure, you can rule the entire Shurima.

Because of this news, people in every city are looking for Sivir, trying to get the treasure.Even because of this, Sivir's original mercenary group was taken away by crazy people to see if they could find Sivir among them.

And those members, who died or fled, the mercenary group that was originally one of the few in Maca City went bankrupt in just half a month!How miserable!
What's even more frightening is that because of this news, almost all the people around Shurima came to Maca City, where they waited for Sivir to appear.Of course, there are only a small number of these people who are waiting for a rabbit, and more people are looking for Sivir in the desert, trying to control the so-called treasure in vain!

Ironically, after half a month, no one found Sivir, let alone saw the treasure!

Gradually, some people came to their senses and realized that it might just be some rumors, or some people got tired of looking for it and stopped looking for it, what's more, they lost their lives because of it, or they were jealous of each other and killed each other!

The entire mercenary world experienced great fluctuations, but more than half a month was enough for them to calm down. Although there are still some people waiting to die, most of them have returned to the right track and did not think about the treasure. something happened.

Hmm. If it continues like this, this incident may just become a story, and then gradually be forgotten.

But things are always beyond people's expectations. One month after the news was sent out, someone saw Sivir walking into Maca City in a big way. Although her clothes and some outfits on her body had changed, her appearance The appearance left a deep impression on everyone!
The news mentioned that Sivir walked straight into her former mercenary gathering place in the city, and stayed there for a whole day without the slightest change.

Uh, there is a small anomaly, that is, those who were sent into the station to investigate the situation, have not come out since they entered.
After this happened dozens of times in a row, everyone stopped at the same time, and they were all far away from the station!
Sivir stayed in the resident for a whole day, and she opened the gate of the resident only at noon the next day.At this time, because the news had spread, people from all over Shurima rushed here at night. Although there were not as many people as before, there were still hundreds of them.

They gathered around the gate of the station with greed in their eyes. They had been waiting for a long time for the so-called treasure.

However, when the gate of the garrison opened and a strong smell of blood filled the air, hundreds of them all took a big step back in shock!

At that moment, there was an inexplicable aura all over Sivir's body. Under the shock of this aura, no one dared to make a move, not even to vent his breath.

"Go outside the city!" After saying something coldly without staying too long, Sivir walked directly towards the gate of the city. When she walked, the emerald on her forehead shone brightly.

The light was so dazzling that this group of greedy people looked sideways frequently, but under the inexplicable aura, no one dared to make a move, instead they gave way to a road, allowing Sivir to walk out of the city gate.

Behind him, hundreds of people followed closely and rushed out of the city gate.

After going back dozens of steps, Sivir brought hundreds of people to a square more than 100 meters away from Maca.At this time, Sivir suddenly stopped.Seeing this, hundreds of people quickly surrounded her to prevent her from escaping.

"Hehe." Laughed twice, and then Sivir laughed loudly: "Haha. Hahaha! Hahahaha"

Crisp laughter echoed in the square.And just when everyone was wondering why Sivir was laughing, the cross blade suddenly flew up in his hand.

It flew very fast, spinning like a flower, spinning around the necks of hundreds of people around!
(End of this chapter)

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