Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 352 Destination

Chapter 352 Destination

"I found it, it should be the command room!" After arriving in the building, Chen Jia quickly swept across the building with his thoughts, and within a second, he determined the location of the command room.

"Go! Let's go!" After saying something to Qing Ning, Chen Jia quickly ran towards the command room.

At this time, Shao Liwen was manipulating the program on the computer to turn off the drones. As for the monsters, she hadn't finished her work, so she didn't have time to worry about it.

Both Chen Jia and Qing Ning stayed in the control room incognito. Looking at the scene in the control room, Qing Ning said to Chen Jia: "Brother Jia, it seems that the man behind the scenes you mentioned is not here."

Hearing this, Chen Jia frowned slightly. He could tell that this was where the mastermind behind the scenes was going to implement the plan. After all, the bright red words on the screen were still there.

Where did that person go? !Where can he go in one or two minutes?When I came in, I scanned the entire building with my thoughts, but Chen Jia didn't find any suspicious person at all.

So now, looking at this scene, Chen Jia was slightly puzzled.

However, when Chen Jia found the five flashing red lights on the screen, Chen Jia's expression froze: "There are still fish that slipped through the net? This is not easy."

You should know that these positioning of the monsters are not real-time at this time, it can only show a general area, the Pacific Ocean is so big, and the monsters move very fast in the water!

Even if Chen Jia's mental power is fully activated, they may not be able to find their traces.This is so difficult!

Fortunately, there were only six monsters, as soon as they landed, Chen Jia and Qing Ning could run over and kill them after receiving the news!

In this way, Chen Jia is useless here, there are only two things he has to do now, one is to find the identity of the mastermind behind the scenes, and then catch him, and the other is to wait for the monster to appear, and then Kill it!

After completing these two points, the task must be almost completed.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia and Qing Ning went straight back to Mo Yulan's base.

After letting Qing Ning stay in the room, Chen Jia immediately came to the command room of the base.At this time, because of the appearance of the monster, all the mecha fighters gathered in the command room, waiting for the instructions of Panda Coster.

Chen Jia's arrival immediately attracted everyone's attention.

"Mr. Chen Jia, you are here. Thank you so much for what happened before! If it weren't for you, we would be in danger!"

Although it is not entirely certain that Chen Jia resolved the previous crisis in the base, apart from Chen Jia's actions, the commander really can't think of anyone else who can instantly kill two mechas with one blow.

He asked Luo Li to invite Chen Jia just now, but there was no sign of him in the room. The commander was very pleasantly surprised to meet him at this time. After all, Chen Jia's combat effectiveness is obvious to all. Now there are five monsters, If Chen Jia could be allowed to act, the task should be easily completed.

With such thoughts in mind, when the commander greeted Chen Jia, his face was full of smiles.

"Hehe." Hearing this, Chen Jia smiled and did not deny his words, and then, Chen Jia said with a smile: "This is nothing, what we have to face now is how to kill those five monsters! Of course, it would be even better if their whereabouts can be clearly grasped."

Waiting for something, Chen Jia has lost patience. In a world like Pacific Rim, although it is extremely safe, the improvement of Chen Jia's strength is not high at all.

After coming to this world for such a long time, Chen Jia has not strengthened his strength much except his space, and he knows that if he stays in this world at this time, it is impossible to improve his strength too much.

If that's the case, it's better to complete the task and leave.

At this time, apart from wanting to grasp the traces of the monsters, what Chen Jia wanted to know more was who was the mastermind behind the scenes. But now that he had asked about the traces of the monsters, let's figure it out first.

"We also analyzed the traces of the monsters just now, and now we are preparing to add the data of the previous monsters' attacks." As he said that, the commander asked the technicians on the side to put the traces of the monsters ten years ago on the virtual screen in the middle of the hall .

For a moment, seven or eight monster phantoms formed a circle, and several red lines emanated from the monster's body, finally converging into a red dot!
Tokyo!To be precise, it is Mount Fuji near Tokyo!
"Include the short-term travel routes of the six monsters this time!" Following the commander's order, the phantoms of the original monsters disappeared.

Following that, five new monster phantoms appeared, and as soon as the monster phantoms appeared, red lines appeared on their bodies.

A few seconds later, the five red lines converged on Mount Fuji again!

Seeing this scene, everyone already had a result in their hearts. At the same time, the commander said: "If there is no mistake, the ultimate goal of these monsters is Tokyo!"

"But why are they going to Tokyo? What attracts them there?" After hearing what the commander said, someone in the crowd asked a question.

Hearing this, the commander was about to explain, but Gribe, who was leaning on a cane, stood up immediately: "I know!"

"The blood of monsters and the rare metals in the volcano can react violently. Mount Fuji is an active volcano! As long as these monsters fall into it, the volcano of Mount Fuji will erupt directly!"

"And because of the violent reaction, maybe the entire volcano in the Pacific Volcanic Zone will be detonated! At that time, the volcanic ash will fill the entire earth! Within a few days, human beings will become extinct!"

As Gribe spoke, the 3D virtual screen in the center of the hall also demonstrated the scene he said.

As soon as Gribe finished speaking, Raleigh went on to say: "The substances in the volcanic ash are harmful to us, but it is a very favorable environment for the pioneers!"

"Their move at this time can not only kill us humans, but also create a good colonization environment for them!"

Following Raleigh's words, discussions started in the hall again, and everyone echoed his words.

After a period of time, under the suppression of the commander, everyone gradually quieted down, and at this moment, he looked at Chen Jia: "I wonder if Mr. Chen Jia has a plan?"

Just now, when everyone was discussing, Chen Jia kept silent. This scene was seen by the commander. At this moment, he asked a question to hear Chen Jia's opinion.

Hearing this, Chen Jia shook his head: "The plan is not important. Now, I just want to know one thing, that is, who made the mech go out of control?"

As the largest mecha base in the world, Chen Jia believed that their intelligence system must be very strong, and they should know something about the out-of-control mechas.

(End of this chapter)

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