Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 337 Seems to be a Mistake

Chapter 337 Seems to be a Mistake

Because the energy of the space gem is difficult to obtain, Lime needs something that can provide her with a lot of energy. At this time, the energy source behind the wormhole can just meet her needs.

"Then you wait here, and I'll come back as soon as I go." Chen Jia could hear Qing Ning's desire for that thing, and of course Chen Jia brought it for him without hesitation.

In fact, if it weren't for the fact that Lime is still in a special state and cannot use the space power at will, she would have gone to get it by herself.

At this time, Qing Ning was studying the laws of space around her in the wormhole, while Chen Jia was running towards the end of the wormhole with a bomb.

The wormhole is very long, and in it, Chen Jia felt that his thought power seemed to be greatly restrained, and his movement was also somewhat difficult, as if there was an invisible energy restricting you.

In this wormhole, Chen Jia found that if he moved by himself, it seemed that he was not as fast as drifting with the waves, so after struggling for a while, Chen Jia let himself fall and headed straight towards the wormhole. The tail rushed away.

As he went down, Chen Jia found that the surrounding environment changed a lot. At the beginning, there were rocks all around. Except for some weirdness, everything else was normal, but the further down, the surrounding style became more and more outrageous.

A door that looks like a giant mouth of a sponge, assuming it is a door. And there are blue currents around it from time to time, as well as coral-like stones, and purple-glowing rock walls. Wait, anyway, all kinds of things, let Chen Jia opened his eyes.

Chen Jiaren was in the White Wolf, holding the bomb in his left hand and the monster in his right. The speed of descent was not slow, just one or two minutes. With the continuous opening of several sponge mouths, Chen Jia fell into a very dark world. middle.

The scene here is exactly the same as in the movie. Of course, in the movie, Chen Jia can only see the picture, but now, he can see all the scenes around him.

The top of the head is the exit of the wormhole, which has been closed at this time. It is dark and black, surrounded by unknown black matter, which contains a strong energy, which makes Chen Jia look sideways.

Looking along the unknown substance, in the distance, there is something similar to the sun that exudes dazzling light. The thing is huge and contains huge energy, and Chen Jia can see that the energy passes through these unknown The matter spread straight to the mouth of the wormhole!
It seems that that thing is Chen Jia's goal this time, and the rich space energy inside allows Chen Jia to sense it even at such a distance!
In addition, the surrounding environment is low gray, which looks very depressing, so Chen Jia didn't even bother to look at it, and stared at a target directly.

It was a place similar to the headquarters. Chen Jia scanned it with force and found that it was full of aliens.

Seeing this, without even thinking about it, Chen Jia flew straight towards that side!
I want to talk about it here. From the magnetic field, Chen Jia can find that this planet does not seem to be very big, it is a little smaller than the earth. When he is here, his mind power seems to be strengthened, and he can easily use his mind power to lift the mecha.

At this time, Chen Jia easily brought the mecha to the sky above the headquarters with his thoughts.


The corpse of the monster fell from the sky. The huge potential energy made the ground tremble, and the sky was full of dust. After more than ten seconds, all the aliens who could still walk ran out of the headquarters.

After they came out, they all stared at Chen Jia in the air, making incomprehensible squeaks from their mouths.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jia flew out of the White Wolf, and then he strode towards the group of aliens.

It seems that Chen Jia took a short distance with each step, as if taking a walk, very leisurely, but in fact, Chen Jia only took two steps, and he came to the middle of this group of aliens.

Suddenly, Chen Jia appeared in the crowd, and that peculiar appearance immediately attracted the attention of all aliens.

However, Chen Jia didn't stay too long at all. He just stood beside these aliens for a few seconds, and then he took off into the sky again and flew towards the White Wolf.

The time was so short that the aliens didn't react at all, and Chen Jia's behavior was too weird, which made the aliens very puzzled. For a while, their "squeaks" became louder.

However, Chen Jia didn't pay attention to them anymore, he had more important things to do.

A few seconds later, Chen Jia set the bomb's explosion time from the White Wolf to 30 seconds later, and then Chen Jia dropped the bomb, and the next second, others ran towards the energy source.

At this time, Chen Jia directly abandoned the White Wolf mecha, in order to go faster, and in less than two seconds, Chen Jia came to the place where the energy source was.

After getting close, Chen Jia finally saw what it was. It turned out that those golden lights that looked like the sun in the distance were just the aurora overflowing from the extreme energy. In reality, it was just a black stone. .

The stone is not big, about five meters in diameter, but the energy emitted from it shocked Chen Jia secretly, and it was covered with several layers of unknown substances. Judging from the way of energy transmission in the middle, these unknown substances Matter is specially designed to transfer stone energy.

Seeing this, Chen Jia was overjoyed, and at the same time, he stretched out his hands, trying to hug the stone down.

As for why no thought power was used, hehe, Chen Jia's thought power was completely suppressed by the huge energy fluctuations around the stone, and because of its huge energy, even if the thought power was not suppressed, it was impossible for Chen Jia to let the thought power attach to the stone.

With two 'puff! ' At the same time, the steel claws in Chen Jia's hand stretched out!Afterwards, Chen Jia interlaced his hands and began to swing. Gradually, Chen Jia's hand speed became faster and faster, and his hands turned into a tornado!
After a few seconds, all the unknown substances on the stone were emptied by Chen Jia.

Afterwards, with a wave of Chen Jia's hand, he put the stone into the space.

After doing this, Chen Jia didn't stop at all, and flew straight towards the wormhole.

However, three seconds later, Chen Jia stood at the entrance of the wormhole with a dazed expression on his face. It wasn't until this moment that Chen Jia realized what kind of stupid thing he did just now.

"Damn it! I didn't react just now, how can I get out now?!" The source of power for this wormhole is the stone that Chen Jia just took, but now that the stone is gone, the wormhole also loses its energy supply. It started to fade away.

And the wormhole dissipated from the beginning, Chen Jia can't even enter the door of the wormhole now!Most importantly, in ten seconds or so, that 2400-pound thermonuclear bomb will explode!

(End of this chapter)

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