Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 33 Uncle Wolf Seriously Injured

Chapter 33 Uncle Wolf Seriously Injured
At this moment, Chen Jia was killing the last two soldiers!As for Richter, he should have overused his superpower just now, and he is powerless to do anything now!

After more than ten seconds, Uncle Wolf seemed to have recovered a bit, he was trying to get up and help Laura!
At this moment, Pierce, who was hiding aside just now, took out a barbed gun specially designed to arrest Laura from nowhere!Then he shot Uncle Wolf in the thigh!
This kind of gun is very similar to the harpoon used for fishing. It is full of barbs, and it is difficult to get out after being pierced into the body!And extremely painful!
Uncle Wolf was shot by the gun, and immediately let out a cry of pain!

This cry immediately attracted Chen Jia who had just killed two soldiers at the cost of being shot in the arm!

The moment he heard the cry, Chen Jia immediately saw the situation on Uncle Wolf's side. Seeing this, Chen Jia immediately picked up a gun and shot at Pierce, and ran to that side while beating Chen Jia. !
The dense gunshots scared Pierce to the back of the car!But he just ran a few steps, and Chen Jia had already come to his side!Then he raised his left hand and punched him on the head!
Chen Jia didn't kill him directly, how could Chen Jia casually kill this person who almost killed him several times!At least give him a beating first!

Raise your left hand and punch again!While Pierce was still in a dazed state, Chen Jia punched him on the head again!
And then another punch!Another punch!Come again! .
"Bang!" After being punched seven or eight times by Chen Jia with his left hand, Pierce was directly knocked out by Chen Jia!As for why Chen Jia keeps using his left hand?That's because Chen Jia was shot in the right hand, so it's hard to exert force!

In fact, Pierce also has intermediate fighting skills, and with his mechanical arm, if Chen Jia didn't use his claws to fight him normally, who would win? But just now, Chen Jia took the opportunity and directly punched him. It's that easy!
After knocking Pierce down, Chen Jia ran directly to Uncle Wolf who barely stood up!
"Brother Logan! Don't you have an Edman bullet? Take it out!" Chen Jia knew that in this X-24 movie, Laura was shot in the head with an Edman bullet!If not, the X-24 would have killed them all!This shows how powerful the X-24 is!

And now, their only hope for a comeback is this bullet!
"Yes! That bullet! It's here!" After hearing what Chen Jia said, Uncle Wolf hurriedly took out the Edman bullet from his pants pocket!
"Are you accurate?" Holding this bullet, Uncle Wolf remembered the scene of Chen Jia shooting randomly before, he was a little afraid to hand the bullet to Chen Jia!
And Chen Jia was also speechless by Uncle Wolf's question, but the next second, he nodded and said: "Yes! I shoot very accurately!"

Just now, Chen Jia directly used 7 learning points to learn advanced gun shooting!At this time, Chen Jia was holding a gun like an old gunman who had used it for decades. He believed that among the people present at this time, no one else was more suitable for this job than him!
And Uncle Wolf looked at Chen Jia's solemn expression, he also nodded and said, "I believe in you!"

With that said, he handed the bullet to Chen Jia.

Chen Jia didn't talk nonsense when he took the bullet, he just picked up a gun and put the bullet in it.

"Laura! Come here! I have a way to kill this guy!" Chen Jia shouted immediately after pointing the gun at X-24's head.

Laura looked at Chen Jia who was holding the gun. Although she was wondering how Chen Jia could kill this monster with a gun, but out of trust in Chen Jia, she immediately abandoned the X-24 and turned to Chen Jia after hearing what Chen Jia said. run!

And X-24 watched Laura escape and immediately chased here, and then...
"Bang!" A gunshot!
X-24, who was still flaunting his teeth and claws just now, has his head blooming!

It's over.

"Everyone, are you all right!" At this moment, Richter, who had just recovered a little, came over.

"Mmm! Just now! Thank you!" Uncle Wolf passed out before he finished speaking!

"Logan!" Chen Jia had quick eyesight and quick hands, and caught him the moment he fainted.

"What's wrong?! What's wrong with Logan?" Richter was resting in the distance just now, and he didn't see clearly how many injuries Uncle Wolf had suffered, so he was very puzzled at this moment.

As for Laura, she stared at Uncle Wolf worriedly, without saying a word.

"He was injured so badly that he might never wake up again!"

After hugging Uncle Wolf, Chen Jia found that Uncle Wolf was injured more seriously than he imagined!Especially the kick just now by X-24 made Uncle Wolf, who was already seriously injured, even worse!And he was able to stand up just now, probably because he couldn't let go of Laura!

In the original movie, when Uncle Wolf was seriously injured for the first time, he said that he would not live for a few days, but now, his injuries are at least twice as much as last time!
If it weren't for the adamantium in his body, he would have died a long time ago!And now, it probably won't last long!

"No! Impossible! No!." After hearing Chen Jia's words, Laura murmured in a daze.

In the end, Chen Jia still didn't change the ending!Looking at Uncle Wolf who was breathing weakly, Chen Jia's expression was complicated!

In the few days since I came to this world, if you ask who is the person who changed Chen Jia the most, Chen Jia will reply without even thinking about it: "It's Logan!"

Uncle Wolf's influence on Chen Jia is really too great. Although he is a little selfish and has a little temper, Chen Jia knows how well he treats his own people!And now seeing Uncle Wolf being so seriously injured, Chen Jia's heart hurts for no reason!
Is it really impossible to change this ending? .wrong!There is one more hope!That green reagent!

When Uncle Wolf was about to die in the movie, Richter and the others injected Uncle Wolf with a small amount of green reagent, which could help him heal himself!When Uncle Wolf woke up, although his body was very weak, he would not die immediately!

Thinking of this, Chen Jia put Uncle Wolf on the ground, and said, "I'll get that green reagent! This is the last hope!"

After speaking, Chen Jia turned around and ran away, ignoring their reactions. The green reagent was in the schoolbag, and the schoolbag was where they had lunch just now.

Soon, Chen Jia ran over with that schoolbag!

"Quick! Richter! You know the dose, you give Logan an injection!" As soon as he came over, Chen Jia handed the schoolbag to Richter.

"Yeah!" Rick nodded and began to inject Uncle Wolf.

But at this moment, Chen Jia suddenly heard movement behind him, and when he looked back, it was Pierce who had fainted just now and stood up staggeringly.

Seeing this, Chen Jia was ready to go over and finish him off!After all, Uncle Wolf will become like this, his 'contribution' is the greatest!
(End of this chapter)

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