Chapter 319 Talk
"Sir, are you the legendary magician?" The commander asked this as soon as he entered the room.

From the remaining shock on his face, it can be seen that the commander's heart has not calmed down at this time, there is no way, the scene that Chen Jia made just now was too shocking, and the commander was a little incoherent at this time up.

"Magician?" Hearing this, Chen Jia was slightly taken aback, but he still nodded. "Let's just count it, then... what I just said? What do you think?"

Chen Jia was referring to the matter of helping. Although Chen Jia was almost sure that the matter was over at this time, he still asked a question in a safe manner.

"Oh! No problem! What position do you want to take?" The commander didn't say anything else foolishly, he knew that an extraordinary person like Chen Jia should be treated extremely.

At the same time, the commander was full of curiosity about the special department Chen Jia mentioned. Although he didn't ask Chen Jia on the surface at this time, he must ask someone to check it later.

"I heard that there are four mechas here?" Looking at the slightly stunned look of the commander, Chen Jia continued: "You are right! I want to drive a mecha!"

Although these so-called huge mechs couldn't hold up to his full strength for a few punches, Chen Jia also wanted to go in and play. The purpose was to try something new. He wanted to try it out, what was it like to operate the mecha in the mecha .

"You want to drive a mech? Have you been trained? How much synaesthesia do you have?!" As soon as he mentioned the matter of the mecha, the commander immediately became serious.

You must know that there are only four mechas in their base at this time, and each of them is a very precious resource. The commander will use them to carry out the final plan, and there is no room for any mistakes.

If Chen Jia, an inexperienced and insensate person, were to drive the mech, let alone whether he could drive it, even if he could, the commander would not dare to let him go, even if he was a mysterious magician. No way!
After all, mechs are really important to him!

"Training? I don't need to train! As for the degree of synesthesia you mentioned, I think I should be much higher than your average person, and it should be easy for me to operate a mech by myself."

Chen Jiake didn't talk nonsense. The degree of synaesthesia is actually the level of mental power. If the mental power of ordinary people is regarded as 10, then the average person who can drive a mech hunter has a mental power of 15 or more.

And they need two people to communicate with each other so that they can drive the Mech Hunter. That is to say, if they want to drive a mech, they need at least 30 mental points.

And Chen Jia, ha ha, has at least a thousand spiritual powers!Isn't it easy to drive a small Mech Hunter?
"What did you say?!" Hearing this, the commander was shocked: "You said you can drive a mech by yourself?!"

He knew that people of Chen Jia's status generally would not lie. Maybe he was a bit arrogant when he said that he didn't need to train, but the latter sentence, manipulating the mecha by himself, directly stunned him!

Regarding the matter of manipulating the mecha by himself, no one knows the difficulty better than him. The commander's own mental power is extremely powerful, it can be said to be ridiculously powerful, and he can control the mecha alone!
However, he only managed to control the mech barely, and in the end, he fell to the root of the disease and could no longer control the mech.

Because of this, he knew how difficult it is to operate a mecha by himself, but now, Chen Jia actually told him that he could operate a mecha alone, and it was very easy?
This news shocked him very much.

"En!" Seeing this, Chen Jia nodded and said nothing more.

He knew that he had said all he had to say at this time, and the rest was up to the commander's thoughts.

On this side, Commander Pandacost looked at Chen Jia with a calm face, not like joking at all, and he began to think in his heart.

There is no doubt about Chen Jia's mystery. At the same time, he analyzed the purpose of Chen Jia's coming here and the mysterious force that sent Chen Jia. In the end, he came to a conclusion: Chen Jia joined them, there are only benefits and no benefits. harm.

And, most importantly, if Chen Jia can really easily pilot the mech alone as he said, it will be a great boost to their plan!
You know, the stronger a person's synaesthesia is, the stronger he will be in manipulating mechs!
For example, two people who have just enough synaesthesia to be able to drive a mecha, when they control the mecha, every movement they make will appear to be very strenuous, so they will also appear to be slow when fighting, If you are not careful, you will be killed by monsters!
And people with a strong degree of synaesthesia, when they manipulate the mecha, the movements they make will feel much smoother, and naturally, the faster the mecha moves, the stronger it will be!

Of course, there is no upper limit to the degree of synaesthesia. If a person's degree of synaesthesia reaches an extremely high level, then he will manipulate the mech like an arm, pointing and hitting, without any sluggishness. The sense, its strength, must be extremely strong!

At this time, in the mind of the commander, Chen Jia is this kind of high-communication genius who points and hits.

However, Chen Jia's appearance was extremely sudden, and he didn't know much about him. In terms of appointment, he had to look at it first, and wait until his subordinates found out about him.

Thinking of this, the commander said to Chen Jia: "This... sir?!"

"My name is Chen Jia!" Until then, Chen Jia realized that he didn't seem to have told anyone's name, which was really rude, so he hurriedly said his name.

"Well, okay, Mr. Chen Jia, it's a very good idea that you want to drive a mech, but... the so-called state-owned state law, family has family rules, no matter you are a magician or someone from a mysterious department or something of."

"When you come to our place, you have to pass our test. Only in this way can we let you drive the mecha with confidence."

"You know. It's a big deal for the whole world."

There is nothing wrong with what the commander said. After hearing this, Chen Jia nodded immediately: "Okay! I can test any tests I need right now."

Chen Jia didn't care about these so-called tests at all. In his opinion, as long as the commander didn't drive him out, he could get his identity and use it to complete the mission.

test now? !How do you want me to find someone to investigate your details?
Thinking of this, the commander waved his hands again and again: "No, no, no! Mr. Chen Jia, we are not in a hurry. At six o'clock tomorrow morning, we will have a selection for mecha pilots. As long as you pass the selection, you will be able to Pilot the mech."

"Oh?" Chen Jia frowned, and didn't ask any more questions.

(End of this chapter)

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