Chapter 314 Kill!

"Go back to Lord Owen." After hearing Owen's questioning words, Fana immediately explained: "Master Chen Jia is also an angel, but it seems that for some reason, he doesn't know his identity."

At this time, Fana uttered the guess in her heart, which was the conclusion she reached after summarizing Chen Jia's behavior and knowledge.

Hearing this, Chen Jia shook his head helplessly and didn't say anything.In fact, Chen Jia has explained many times that he is not an angel, but for some reason, Fana has always insisted that he is an angel, but he just lost his memory.

Regarding this, Chen Jia didn't want to argue anymore, anyway, he would leave later, and if there were no accidents, they probably wouldn't meet again in the future, so, rather than wasting words to explain, it's better not to say anything good.

However, the so-called Mr. Owen in front of him doesn't seem to have any good looks towards Chen Jia!Hearing Fana's explanation, Owen didn't pay much attention to it, but sneered, "He's an angel? Did something else happen during the 1000 years I slept?"

"There is such a yellow face in the noble blood of my angel family?! This is a shame to my angel family!"

Owen said righteous words, as if Chen Jia was an angel, which was a great insult to him!
Looking at his face, Chen Jia suddenly felt very disgusted for some reason, but in the next second, something that made him even more disgusting came out of Owen's mouth.

"This kind of lowly person should be killed!"

While Owen was speaking, a long sword appeared in his hand, and he slashed towards Chen Jia!

In fact, under normal circumstances, Owen would not pay attention to Chen Jia's "nobody" at all. However, this is an extraordinary period. Chen Jia wanted to sabotage his plan, so he had to kill him!
So at this time, he just found an excuse and wanted to kill Chen Jia!

"Master Owen, Mr. Chen Jia."

Fana wanted to say that Chen Jia's strength is extremely strong, if you do this, not only will you not be able to kill Chen Jia, but you may even be killed for violating his majesty!

She wanted to remind Owen not to be stupid!
However, before she finished speaking, Owen interrupted her words with a loud shout: "Stop pleading for such a lowly person, I killed him for the sake of the angel family!"

After saying this, Owen had already come to Chen Jia with a sword in his hand, and raised his hand to chop off with a sword!
The snow-white great sword shone coldly in the air. Before the sword arrived, its front moved first. Owen's sword fell quietly without making any sound.

But the damage attached to it, let alone a person, even a big rock can be split by you. If Chen Jia doesn't resist this sword, he might be split in half directly. !
However, Fana was not at all worried that Chen Jia would be injured. After all, the scene of Chen Jia smashing a mountain with one move was still vivid in her memory. At this time, Fana was only worried that Chen Jia would kill Owen in a fit of anger. !
"Go to hell!" Seeing that his big sword was less than half a meter away from Chen Jia's brow, the corners of Owen's mouth turned up slightly, as if he saw Chen Jia being hacked to death.

At that time, as long as he kills Chen Jia and fools Fana a bit, there is hope for him to recover his strength.At this time, Owen began to look forward to the scene after he regained his strength.

However, the next moment, he was stunned!I saw that when Owen's big sword was only one centimeter away from Chen Jia's brow, it stopped suddenly, without the slightest sound, and without the slightest sign, the big sword just stopped so abruptly that it was less than one centimeter away from Chen Jia's brow. centimeter place.

All of this seemed so weird.

Owen's face was full of astonishment, and he tugged the giant sword in his hand in disbelief, but the giant sword didn't move at all!Chen Jia's indifferent expression seemed to be a silent mockery, which made Owen's face slightly hot.

"Huh!" After snorting softly, Owen directly abandoned his sword and flew up. At the same time, his wings flapped wildly, shining golden light.

In his hand, a ball of light quickly condensed, and a breath of destruction permeated from it. The next second, as Owen's eyes sharpened, the ball of light in his hand turned into a beam of light, gushing towards Chen Jia!

This blow was considered to be the strongest blow Owen could make so far. For this, he had high hopes, hoping to kill Chen Jia with one blow!

However, the reality gave him a hard punch!
At this time, a magic circle appeared on Chen Jia's left hand, and the beam of light shot by Owen was directly absorbed by the magic circle, without any waves!

"Is that all?" Seeing Owen's unbelievable expression, Chen Jia shook his head, and at the same time, he waved his left hand at Owen, "If that's the case, then you can die!"

In fact, if it wasn't for Chen Jia's desire to see how the angel fights, since Owen first appeared, Chen Jia could have slapped him to death, but now, it's not too late!
Following Chen Jia's words, the magic circle in his hand reversed, and a thicker beam of light flew towards Owen.

"Ah!" The beam of light was extremely fast, hitting Owen's body in just an instant, and Owen only had time to scream, and his whole body turned into bits of brilliance and dissipated in the hall.

At this time, Fana wanted to persuade Chen Jia to prevent him from killing Owen.However, Chen Jia's speed was too fast, before she could say anything, Owen died!

A little bit of starlight dissipated, and the gleaming glyphs in the hall dimmed. For a while, because of Owen's death, the hall became quiet and returned to its previous appearance.

After a long time, looking at Chen Jia who had returned to normal, Fana wanted to say something, "Master Chen Jia."

However, she just called her name, and Chen Jia waved her hand: "Needless to say, most of these people will wake up tomorrow if there are no accidents. As for those at the door, they probably won't wake up forever."

"Also, if I'm not mistaken, this is also the case in other Sleeping Halls. No! This is the Three Dao Talisman! Didn't you say that there are three Sleeping Halls like yours?"

"These talismans sealed one of my attacks, which is enough for you to kill these sculptures. I don't think I need to say more about what to do!"

As he spoke, Chen Jia took out the materials, sealed his three attacks on the spot, and threw the talisman to Fana.

"Thank you! My lord." After receiving the talisman, Fana bowed her head gratefully and said.

However, when she raised her head, Chen Jia's voice had long since disappeared, but in this hall, Chen Jia's words echoed for a long time.

"Goodbye by fate!"

(End of this chapter)

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