Chapter 311
Walking into this vortex, Chen Jia's eyes suddenly opened up, the originally dark sky disappeared directly, followed by a resplendent and resplendent hall!

The hall is very long and wide. Chen Jia feels that it is at least as big as a football field. In the middle is a long red carpet, which spreads from Chen Jia's feet to the end of the hall, and the pillars on both sides are full of angels. The carvings of the pattern are brilliant and holy, and have a sense of sight of a church wedding.

Looking to the side, both sides of the hall are filled with big rocking beds, the kind hanging in the air. The shaking beds are all made of trees and vines, dotted with grass and wild flowers. Very warm.

However, this is not what attracted Chen Jia the most. There were people lying on each of these rocking beds in the hall, including men and women, about 20 years old.

And they all have one thing in common, they are beautiful and handsome!Just like the blonde beauty like Fana, none of these people are ugly.

"How is it?" Just as Chen Jia was looking at the scene in the hall, beside him, Fana said with a smile.

"Huh?" Chen Jia raised her brows, but did not express her opinion.

To be honest, the scene in the hall already surprised Chen Jia, because he had never seen such a situation before, so Chen Jia found it very novel, but Chen Jia didn't show it.

Although these things are surprising, Chen Jia is not the kind of person who has never seen the world, which obviously does not shock Chen Jia.

"They are all sleeping clansmen just like me." As she spoke, Fana moved lightly, leading Chen Jia to the end of the hall.

Seeing this, Chen Jia looked at the surrounding environment, and at the same time followed Fana closely, listening to what she had to say.

"Two weeks ago, for some unknown reason, the spiritual energy from the outside world began to recover, and the formation originally arranged by our family also started to operate, and the spiritual energy was sent to the sleeping hall. Under the nourishment of the spiritual energy, I woke up."

Hearing this, Chen Jia nodded. Chen Jia could tell that the formation outside was a kind of formation that gathers spiritual power. Its function was to gather the surrounding spiritual power and send it to the source of the formation.

At this time, Fana said so, at least Chen Jia didn't feel that she was lying.

Seeing Chen Jia nodding, Fana continued: "After I woke up, I was confused for a while, but soon, I understood my situation. After familiarizing myself with the situation, I waited happily for the clansmen wake up."

"Because when we were in deep sleep, everyone knew that we would wake up together. However, something unexpected happened. In the whole hall, I was the only one who woke up. At first, I just thought that the concentration of spiritual power The reason, the clansmen will wake up soon."

"However, I waited for more than a week, and the spiritual energy of the formation has been sent to the hall of slumber, but no one has woken up. During this period, I have been looking for ways to wake up the people of the clan, even It’s going to another angel clan stronghold!”

"However, it was all in vain. I didn't find any feasible method, and I also discovered a terrible thing. There is no angel in other angel strongholds! It seems that I am the only angel in the whole world."

"I'm very scared!" When she said this, Fana had a sad look on her face, but soon she was overjoyed, and pointed to a shaker next to her and said, "Here is where I woke up. that shaker."

Looking in the direction of Fana's finger, Chen Jia found that this shaker was the only one in the hall without anyone sleeping.

And this shaker is located in the middle of the hall, where the spiritual energy of the formation from the outside world is first instilled here, but Chen Jia looked at the hammock with a strange look in his eyes.

He found that one of the vines seemed to have a trace of spiritual energy, and the spiritual energy appeared and disappeared. Chen Jia felt that this should be a very rare spiritual material.

However, Chen Jia didn't say anything at this time, but continued to follow Fana to the end of the hall, listening to what she said behind her.

Seeing this, Fana continued to say: "Afterwards, I continued to look for ways to solve the problems of the clansmen outside, and at this time, I heard the news that there were sacred artifacts in Huaguo Taishan, and then, I rushed over."

"Because the sacred artifact has a great effect on our clan, maybe with the sacred artifact, I can wake up the clan, so..."

Fana didn't finish her words, but Chen Jia probably understood what had happened.

At the same time, Fana also led Chen Jia to the end of the hall.This is a large high platform, on which there is a sculpture of a seraph, pure white, under the golden light, it looks very holy, but Chen Jia frowned secretly when seeing this scene, thinking that this sculpture seemed a little weird .

But what was so weird, Chen Jia couldn't tell for a while.

"It's a symbol of my angel family. It doesn't represent an individual, but represents everyone in my angel family." While Chen Jia was looking at the sculpture and thinking, Fana explained from the side.

At the same time, she pointed to the surrounding cradles and said: "Our angel family has a strict hierarchy, and the sleeping position in this hall is very particular."

At this time, Fana made a gesture, indicating that it was the end where the two of them were standing now, "The closer to our end, the stronger the strength of Shen Mian at that time, and at the end where we came in at the beginning, Shen Mian The strength of people is generally weak."

After hearing Fana's words, Chen Jia glanced at the hall again, this time, he looked with purpose.

Looking at it at a glance, Chen Jia found that the closer the shaker was to this side, the material seemed to be better, while the material on the other side was much worse. However, Chen Jia did not find any of these high-end shakers. There is that kind of tree vine with aura on the bed.

Come to think of it, only Fana's shaker had that kind of tree vine, maybe it was for this reason that she woke up alone.

"My lord, it stands to reason that the stronger people should be the first to wake up because of the more energy in their bodies, but now, I am the only one who woke up in the whole hall, and there are many angel strongholds outside. No one, I guess, the other sleeping halls should be in the same situation."

"And they should be more serious. No one has woken up! I have nothing to do about it. Meeting you in Huaguo today is my last hope."

When talking about this, Fana just looked at Chen Jia with a look of hope.

Hearing this, Chen Jia just continued to look at the hall without expressing his opinion quickly.

But at this time, seeing Chen Jia not speaking, Fana's face was slightly anxious, but because she was worried about something, she didn't dare to urge her, but fell silent.

(End of this chapter)

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