Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 31 What about procrastination?

Chapter 31 What about procrastination?

Just now, when he was outside the protected area, because Caliban could sense the X gene, Pierce let X-24 and Sandor stay where they were, and then he brought a team in to search!

At the beginning, they went to the mountain. On it, they found traces of many people's activities, but there was no one there, so Pierce quickly led the people to the place where the drone finally found Chen Jia and the others. .

Here, they found a big hole. It seemed that this group of people had dug a hole and escaped. However, the hole had been blocked, so Pierce ordered people to dig again to find the direction of their escape.

However, after digging, they found that the passage had many turns and turns, and they didn't know the exact direction of their escape.

So Pierce ordered them to dig out an accurate direction while using the drone to find it!

And just as they continued to dig holes, Chen Jia and the others started a new round of vigilance.

It's already two o'clock in the afternoon, as long as they stay on guard for less than two hours, they can go back consummately.

However, as time passed, Chen Jia's heart not only did not become more relaxed, but became more dignified, because as the time before four o'clock became shorter and shorter, the possibility of them implementing Plan C became more and more likely.

And the implementation of Plan C means that they have to confront these people head-on, which means that Uncle Wolf may die in battle!And this, Chen Jia did not want to see.

However, no matter how worried Chen Jia was, he couldn't stop the passage of time. Soon, more than an hour passed, and it was already past three o'clock in the afternoon. They stayed here for about half an hour before they could go back up.

At the same time, beside the pit seven or eight kilometers away, a big man was reporting to Pierce: "Just now I have been digging for 50 meters, but I have not found a fork. Now I can confirm that their escape direction is northwest!"

It was said that Pierce, who was playing with the mechanical hand, paused for a moment. After a while, he gave a light 'um', then took out the phone and dialed a number.

"Sander, let's go!"

After more than a minute, the walkie-talkie in Chen Jia's hand suddenly rang, "Chen Jia! There is a mutant approaching you from more than ten miles away at a very fast speed, and it is estimated that it will reach you in more than ten minutes!"

Hearing this voice, Chen Jia's heart sank, sure enough!What should come will come eventually, "Understood! Plan C has been implemented, don't act rashly, and leave immediately when the time is four o'clock! Leave us alone!"

After finishing speaking, Chen Jia turned off the walkie-talkie!

After learning the news, Chen Jia immediately notified Uncle Wolf and the others.

One minute later, they gathered together and were ready to meet Pierce and the others. Now that their location had been exposed, their hiding was meaningless. Now the only way to delay the time was to come out!

"You guys hide behind me later, play by ear! Do you understand?!" This was the first sentence that Uncle Wolf said after gathering, and he coughed twice after he finished speaking. Chen Jia frowned!
"Yeah!" the crowd responded.

Although Chen Jia really didn't want to implement Plan C, but if they implement Plan B now, Pierce and the others can catch up with them based on the fresh footprints along the way!So now they have no other way but to execute Plan C.

They didn't keep the crowd waiting for long. About ten minutes later, when the time reached 03:30, a long convoy appeared in everyone's eyes.

Because the woods here are not very dense, vehicles can drive in, but it's just a little nervous.

After a while, forty or fifty men with guns surrounded Chen Jia and the others, and then Sandel, who was dressed in white and looked like a doctor, and Pierce, who was holding a pistol, walked out of the crowd.

"Mr. Howlett, hello! Allow me to introduce myself. Sandor Rice! I think you should know my father from the Weapon X project!"

Hearing this, Uncle Wolf seemed to have thought of something, he stretched out his sharp claws, and said with hatred on his face: "Yes! I know, it was that bastard who poured poison into my body! I think, I have put He killed!"

"Well, I think so." Sandel was momentarily at a loss for words, he didn't expect Uncle Wolf to answer like this.

Regarding Uncle Wolf's reaction, Pierce raised his pistol, "Show respect! Mutant! The gentleman in front of you is the one who killed your entire clan!"

"Oh?! Really? Then I will kill all of you later!" Hearing this, Uncle Wolf raised his claws and said with a ferocious expression.

Looking at Uncle Wolf exuding a ferocious aura, Sandor's face changed and he said, "Oh! Mr. Howlett! Don't get excited! The purpose of my coming here today is very simple, that is to find a group of different Children! And my friend Donald said that these lovely children are with you, and I think you should know where they are."

"So... can you tell me? I know you seem to be short of money recently. As a reward, I can pay you 100 million dollars!"

Sandor was a little nervous when he saw Uncle Wolf getting angry at first, after all he knew how powerful Uncle Wolf was, but in the end, he was very natural.

After hearing Sandor's words, Uncle Wolf first pretended to be thinking.

Seeing this, Sandor immediately thought that Uncle Wolf was moved, so he quickly said: "Of course, if one million dollars is not enough, then two hundred."

But before Sandor finished speaking, Uncle Wolf smiled slightly and said, "Of course I can tell you, they have already gone to a safe place! And this place is--Alkali Genetic Transformation Institute!"

Listening to the first half of the sentence, Sandor still had an expectant expression on his face, but when Uncle Wolf finished speaking, his face looked as if he had eaten shit, which was extremely ugly!

The Alkali Genetic Transformation Institute that Uncle Wolf mentioned is his own old lair, which is obviously playing tricks on himself!Damn it!

Seeing Uncle Wolf's smiling face, Sandor took a step back and shouted, "Kill them!"

Looking at this scene, Chen Jia hid behind the big tree without even thinking about it, and at the same time thought: Didn't it be agreed to delay the time?Why did you start fighting while you were talking? !What an asshole!

Not only Chen Jia hid alone, Richter also hid behind a big tree in advance, as for Uncle Wolf
He roared and rushed towards the group of people!Chen Jia was really "terrified" by the look of "seeing death as if he was at home"!
And Laura also hid behind Uncle Wolf and rushed towards the group of people. Seeing this, Chen Jia also stretched out her claws, looking for an opportunity to attack!

PS: Talk about the daily update time, Chapter 1 is 12:30, and Chapter 2 is [-]:[-] pm.

(End of this chapter)

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