Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 306 'Holy Artifact'? ?

Chapter 306 'Holy Artifact'? ?

When people are serious about doing something, time always passes quickly. This applies to everyone, and Chen Jia is no exception.

Chen Jia has been seriously reading novels for the past few days. In the blink of an eye, six days have passed. At this time, he not only read the introductions of those popular books, but also read thirteen and a half popular books.

However, one day, that is, tomorrow, he will send again, and he still has a lot of books to read, which makes Chen Jia slightly depressed, but there is no way to do it, so he can only pray that the system will not mess around
This afternoon, Chen Jia was reading book No.14, but when he was about to finish reading this book and was about to read the next one, Chen Jia sensed that a talisman he had placed in the real world was activated .

And Chen Jia left only one inspirational talisman on the earth, which he sent out a long time ago, and it was given to Bai Feng, the head of the Spirit Sect.

At that time, Chen Jia received a lot of help because he borrowed the books from their Zangshu Pavilion. In exchange, he sent a magic talisman, saying that if the Lingzong was in trouble, he would help.

Now, the spirit talisman was activated, presumably something happened to the Lingzong.

Originally, Chen Jia thought, work hard tonight, and read five more books!Now it seems that it is estimated to waste the time of reading a book.However, this is also necessary. After all, the promise was made at the beginning and the karma was formed with others, so it is time to pay it back!
Although Chen Jia didn't know what the way of cause and effect was, he had mentioned it in several novels he had read these days, saying that cause and effect would affect the improvement of the realm later.

Chen Jia was taken aback by the tiger, with an attitude of preferring to believe what he had or not, and his own emphasis on the promise, Chen Jia put down the novel in his hand, and flew towards Mount Tai with a sound of '咻' up.

At the same time, Taishan Lingzong.

On the square in the valley, two people are confronting each other. One side is Baifeng. At this time, Baifeng is maintaining the posture of inspiring the magic talisman, and several strange middle-aged men and women around him are showing anticipation.

On the other side, there are a group of blue-eyed, blue-haired and dark-skinned foreigners. At first glance, they seem to be engaging in 'cosplay' (role-playing). Vampires, magicians, angels, and church archbishops are all there. .

In addition, there are several ordinary-looking foreigners who look normal.But judging from the strange things like flames, ice, etc. that come out of their hands from time to time, they seem to be abnormal
At this time, a dignified atmosphere permeated the square. The foreigners were pressing every step of the way, as if they were looking for something, while Baifeng was blocking them and preventing them from entering the sect too much!

Now, because Bai Feng tore up the talisman, some people around him were slightly happy, while the foreigners on the other side were a little nervous.

This group of foreigners is still a bit afraid of Bai Feng's suggestion that he can invite a senior expert to help out. This time, they came to Mount Tai to find a 'holy weapon'!
A week ago, a powerful magician from England observed that there was a strong aura emanating from China's Mount Tai, probably a 'holy artifact' was born!
In this era when the aura has just been revived, owning a holy artifact can greatly enhance one's strength!Therefore, the magician took his apprentices to China to look for the 'holy artifact'.

However, because they were not sure of its exact location, they wandered around Mount Tai for several days (the gate of the Lingzong Mountain was closed at this time), and finally determined that the thing should be inside the Lingzong.

After confirming, they began to cast spells to find the location of the Spirit Sect's mountain gate. However, in the process, for some reason, the news of the 'Holy Artifact' appearing here was spread, and all kinds of people from all over the world sent people here.

Many forces gathered on Mount Tai, not only people from abroad, but also people from some domestic sects, among which Qingyunzong, Wumen and Zishanzong were the typical ones.

The difference is that the foreigners firmly believe that there is a 'holy artifact' here, and they must find out. On the other side, because they know Baifeng well and know that he doesn't have the so-called 'holy artifact', they all share a common hatred, in order to defend the sect. Fight for dignity.

At this time, all ordinary people within a radius of ten miles from Mount Tai were all driven away, and the disciples of the Lingzong were all hidden in the rear mountain formation, and only the two parties in the square faced each other there!
Seeing that the two sides were at odds and a fight was about to start, in order to avoid casualties, Bai Feng had no choice but to take out the talisman given to him by Chen Jia, and said that senior experts were protecting them, in an attempt to scare the group of foreigners.

However, because the talisman sent by Chen Jia was refined when he was at a low level of cultivation, others just took a look at it and felt that the senior expert was unreliable, and they didn't believe it. Also a little worried that that was true.

So now, seeing that Bai Feng really activated the talisman, the foreigner and the others paused in their original preparations to attack, and the atmosphere in the field once again fell into a confrontation.

However, Chen Jia's hometown is still some distance away from Mount Tai. Even if his flying speed has reached a terrifying level, it will take him at least a minute to reach the Lingzong.

At this time, in Lingzong's square, everyone is living like a year!

Let alone a minute, even the passing of a second made the atmosphere in the field even more dignified.

After more than ten seconds, seeing the talisman without any movement, the foreigners laughed and said that they were liars, but because of the cautiousness in their hearts and mutual vigilance, they still didn't make a move and chose to wait!
On this side, Bai Feng and the others gradually became depressed. Because of the gap in numbers, the strengths of the two parties were completely unequal. You must know that the people who came at this time were almost all leaders in every aspect, and their strengths were almost the same. And therefore, the number of people determines the size of the strength!
There are dozens of people on the foreigner's side, but there are only a dozen people here. If they fight, although they can hold back a dozen or even twenty people by virtue of their formation, the remaining people will still be the same. Those who can fight can't find North.

So at this time, Bai Feng and the others pinned their hopes on Chen Jia, but as time passed, Chen Jia still hadn't arrived, which made them a little flustered.

Another dozen seconds passed. At this time, the first magician and apprentice who came here couldn't bear it anymore, and directly attacked Baifeng with a spell.

He knew that with so many people here at this time, it was impossible for him to monopolize this 'holy artifact'. Now, he could only put in a little more effort in this operation, and then he would have some say when the spoils were divided later.

So at this time, he was the first to make a move, leaving an impression on everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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