Chapter 3 Mission
So how can I go back?besides!Where is this, why am I here? !

Ding!Please explore on your own!
I. Grass!
Hearing this system prompt, Chen Jia felt tens of thousands of heads rushing through his heart. After talking so much, he didn't get an answer to the news he wanted to know the most.

"Brother, do you want some...?" Looking at Chen Jia's slightly distorted expression, the fat white man just now patted him on the shoulder, squeezed his eyes and smiled obsequiously.

In his eyes, Chen Jia is a drug addict. He probably came here because of someone's guidance.

Hearing this, Chen Jia stopped thinking, looked up in doubt, "What?"

However, before the doubts in his heart were resolved, the white man suddenly said: "Brother, wait a minute!"

After speaking, he took a few steps back, leaned against the door of the hospital, and looked straight ahead.

Seeing this, Chen Jia shook his head, what a weirdo!It's like this all of a sudden, isn't it a fool?It's better to leave quickly.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia decided to go to the street to look for it first, to see if he could meet a Chinese.but!When Chen Jia turned his head, he saw a scene that shocked him!
Not far away, a luxury car stopped, and then a person got out of the car.

Hugh Jackman? ? ! !
No!wrong!Lame, luxury car, old face.This is Wolverine III!
He is Logan!

What? !I actually came to the movie world of "Wolverine III"!At this moment, Chen Jia's heart was about to jump out!

Before the summer vacation, Chen Jia downloaded a lot of sci-fi movies on his tablet computer, and the Wolverine trilogy was among them, and coincidentally, Chen Jia just finished watching the movie "Wolverine III" this afternoon. The plot inside, he can be said to be fresh in his memory!

In the past, watching these movies, Chen Jia fantasized about possessing the abilities of some of them, and then he was so powerful and awesome, but now that he really came to this world, Chen Jia should not be too excited!

While Chen Jia was dreaming endlessly, Logan had already got something from the white man and walked towards the luxury car.

"Hey! Brother, do you want it?" At some point, the white man came to Chen Jia's side just now, and when he said this, a small white bag was exposed from his sleeve.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jia realized that this is the beginning of the plot of "Wolverine III". Logan buys drugs here from the fat man, and the next is the little boss of the genetic modification institute—Donald Pierce looking for him in the car. Uncle Wolf talked about 'things'.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia smiled slightly at the fat man: "Thank you! No need! I and that are friends!"

While talking, Chen Jia pointed to Uncle Wolf.

Seeing this, the fat man twitched his mouth, then left with a smile.

"Hehe." After the fat man walked away, Chen Jia chuckled twice, and happily walked to the small tree next to the luxury car.

He knew that Pierce and Uncle Wolf would talk for a while, so he waited for a while, waiting for that Pierce to leave.

As for why Chen Jia was in a happy mood, it was because he just received the mission just now!

Mission: Meet Charles.

Content: Meet Charles, Professor X.

Reward: Learning point 5.

At first glance, this task is easy, but it is not. Now that Charles is under the strict protection of Uncle Wolf, it is very difficult to meet him!
Although this is just one mission, it is actually two missions. First, to gain Uncle Wolf's trust, and second, to meet Charles.

The second task is easy, just meet him. As for the first one, hehe, Uncle Wolf is so vigilant now. If you have thoughts about Charles, Uncle Wolf will give you a paw!

Besides, my English level is very poor, and I guess I can't even complete some normal conversations except for the greetings.

So now Chen Jia has to use his brain and use tricks to gain Uncle Wolf's trust!

Soon, a few minutes passed.

With a sound of 'click', the rear door of Uncle Wolf's luxury car was opened.

The next second, a Caucasian man with orange sunglasses, a Mohawk hairstyle, and a beard got out of the car. After getting out of the car, he first moved his mechanical right hand, and then moved towards his own. The car went away.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jia straightened her clothes, and then walked straight to Uncle Wolf's luxury car.

Open the door, get in the car, and smile, these three actions are done in one go.

Seeing Chen Jia getting into the car, Uncle Wolf first took the card Pierce gave him, and then said, "I'm sorry, I won't be taking jobs now, I'm planning to go home."

Looking at it like this, Uncle Wolf regards Chen Jia as a tenant.

"No, no, no, I'm not here to take a taxi, I'm going to meet my old friend—Charles! Logan." After hearing Uncle Wolf's words, Chen Jia smiled slightly.

Chen Jia's plan is very simple, that is to pretend to be mysterious and say something that shocks Uncle Wolf, maybe it will have a miraculous effect.

"What did you say?!" Hearing this, Uncle Wolf suddenly grabbed Chen Jia with one hand, with a ferocious expression on his face.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jia was really taken aback. He didn't expect Uncle Wolf to react so violently after hearing his words.

Uncle Wolf moved very quickly. The moment Chen Jia caught Chen Jia, Chen Jia felt a gust of wind blowing, and he was already frightened by Uncle Wolf's ferocious aura.

Under this momentum, Chen Jia is like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered, without any ability to resist!
This is a ferocious wolf. Although it is old, its ferocity remains the same as before.Looking at the angry old wolf, Chen Jiabei was so frightened that he didn't even have the energy to shout.

However, just when Chen Jia was about to be frightened, a message popped up in his mind.

Ding!Discovered the second-level peak ability, Wolverine (weak), do you want to learn it now? (whether)
Seeing this information, Chen Jia suddenly remembered that the system seemed to have said that he had a chance to learn abilities below level three for free.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia directly chose yes!

In the next second, Chen Jia only felt his whole body tremble, and the surging power filled his body. His originally chubby figure became thinner visible to the naked eye, and his height also increased a little. Chen Jia estimated that he should now be 1.8 Rice!
In addition, at the forearms of Chen Jia's hands, Chen Jia felt that there was something extra there, and subconsciously, Chen Jia pushed the things in the forearms out.

"Ah! It hurts to death!" Seeing six bone spurs protruding from his hand, Chen Jia yelled in pain. Fortunately, the sound insulation of the car is good, otherwise it would probably attract the attention of people around him.

Why is it so painful? !It hurts so much!Chen Jia watched Uncle Wolf stretching out his claws and retracting his claws in the movie, his expression remained unchanged. He thought it was all right, but now, after Chen Jia obtained Uncle Wolf's ability, the first time he stretched out his claws, it hurt so much that he was going to die!
The heart-piercing pain scared Chen Jia so much that he didn't even have the courage to withdraw his claws.

(End of this chapter)

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