Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 255 Soul Emperor Wang Ming

Chapter 255 Soul Emperor Wang Ming
The Heaven Dou Empire, one of the two major empires of the Douluo Continent, controls a total of nine provinces under its command, of which five provinces are under its direct control, while the other four provinces are under the control of four vassal states with.

Dependent countries, on the surface, are under the jurisdiction of the empire, but in fact, except for paying tribute every year, all other powers belong to themselves, and they are completely another country.

Barak Kingdom, one of the four major vassal states of the Heaven Dou Empire, is located in the southwest of the Heaven Dou Empire, bordering on the Fasno Province of the Empire.

There are two most important cities in the Kingdom of Balak. One is the capital of the kingdom—Balak City, and the other is Solo, which is located in the center of the richest Lima Plain in the Kingdom of Balak and is known as Barak’s granary. Tuocheng.

The Wang family is a small family in Barak City. Of course, because it is the capital of the kingdom, even a small family can be considered a big family in other cities!

Wang Ming, the patriarch of the Wang family, the soul emperor of the 67th-level assault system, and his martial soul is the beast martial soul Dali Bear!The power is great!
Today, he wants to find a suitable soul ring for his son Wang Zitao who has just cultivated to the thirtieth level. Wang Zitao's martial soul is also a strong bear. Wang Ming wants his third soul skill to be the same as his own, also in a strong state That kind, it is better to accelerate, because Wang Ming knows that only such a strong bear is the strongest.

Originally, Wang Ming wanted to take his son to the Hunting Soul Forest near Barak City (a place surrounded by the Wuhun Temple to raise spirit beasts in captivity. Generally, the spirit beasts in it are hundred-year-old, thousand-year-old, and extremely ten-thousand-year-old). Few!), but because of the Continental Advanced Soul Master Academy Elite Competition, the students in the academy stepped up their cultivation and obtained spirit rings.

Therefore, most of the soul hunting forests near the city have been closed because too many soul beasts have been hunted, and it is estimated that they will not be able to open again until the first half of the year.

As for the ones that are still open, if you want to go in now, you have to rely on connections or spend a lot of money, so Wang Ming didn't go to the Hunting Soul Forest, but directly chose to go to the Star Dou Forest!

The Star Dou Great Forest is the largest soul beast forest in the Heaven Dou Empire. It borders many provinces, and its scope is incomparably huge. There are countless soul beasts in it. Compared with those hunting soul forests, it is like a sky and a ground!Inside, let alone ten-thousand-year soul beasts, even 10-year soul beasts, there are many of them!

Of course, those powerful soul beasts are usually in the depths of the forest, which is a restricted area for humans. Even if Titled Douluo enters, there is no guarantee that he will escape unscathed!

With the strength of Wang Ming's soul emperor level, of course he would not foolishly take his son to the depths. He is only in the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest. Beasts are very rare!

In this case, Wang Ming can easily protect the safety of himself and his son.

After traveling for half a day, Wang Ming brought his son to the outskirts of the Star Dou Forest, and then he began to find a suitable soul ring for his son.

The Star Dou Forest is of course not as dangerous as those hunting soul forests. Even in the outer areas, there are often soul beasts that have been around for nearly ten thousand years. After walking for more than an hour, Wang Ming has already killed three or four powerful beasts. The soul beast.

At this time, Wang Ming was fighting with the fifth spirit beast that dared to attack them, but when he was about to kill the spirit beast, not far away, a colorful beast appeared beside his son Wang Zitao. Big spider!
This spider suddenly fell from the tree. Wang Ming hadn't noticed it before, and it must have been hiding there. Now when Wang Ming was about to kill the soul beast and his mind relaxed, he immediately launched a sneak attack, planning to attack Wang Zitao. One move is fatal!
This is the soul beast, the colorful poisonous spider. Although it does not bite people with poison, its body is extremely poisonous. It usually attacks with its eight legs, and its speed is extremely fast. As long as it is hit by its spider spear a few times , will die in a short while!
And this colorful poisonous spider has four patterns on its body!

The colorful poisonous spider is very strange. Every time it rises to a higher level, the pattern on its back will increase by one, and the higher the age, the brighter the color of the pattern on its back. One represents the ten-year level, two represents the century-old level, and three It represents the millennium level, but the current Si Dao represents the ten thousand year level!
Although the color of the fourth channel is very light, it means that it has just entered the ten thousand year level, but!That is also a ten thousand year soul beast!

If the ten thousand-year-level colorful poisonous spider touches Wang Zitao, it will belch within a few seconds. Even Wang Ming, a soul master at the soul emperor level, if he cannot get help within a day, Will burp too!

What's more frightening is that Wang Ming is still some distance away from Wang Zitao at this time, and Wang Zitao didn't even see the colorful poisonous spider falling from his head!
"Zi Tao! Run!" At this moment, because the incident happened so suddenly, there was nothing Wang Ming could do except to yell to remind his son!
But his son is not stupid, in this star forest, Wang Zitao remembers what his father said to him, to be vigilant at all times!
Now after hearing Wang Ming's words, Wang Zitao didn't hesitate at all, immediately opened his own soul ring, used the second soul skill, and ran towards his father.

However, the speed of the colorful poisonous spider is really too fast!No matter how fast Wang Zitao reacted and no matter how correct his actions were, he still couldn't reverse the gap in strength between the two!

Just when Wang Zitao activated the second soul ability, the colorful spider had already come behind him, and the two front spears pierced into both his arms at once!
The poison was very strong, almost at that moment, the poison on Wang Zitao's body exploded, and after only two more steps, he groaned and fell to the ground, howling in pain.

At the same time, Wang Ming just slashed to death the soul beast in front of him with his palm. Seeing this scene, his eyes were tearing apart, and he uttered an angry cry: "Die to me!"

Following his roar, his whole body emitted a khaki-yellow light, and then he ran up to the spider at an extremely fast speed, and then slapped it away!
At this moment, Wang Ming forgot all the taboos such as the spider being poisonous and not being able to melee with the colorful spider. He just wanted to avenge his son now!
It was a good trip to the forest, but I didn't expect to kill my son. If I knew it, I wouldn't come here. Even if I spent a lot of money to go to the hunting forest, it would be better than now!This is his only son!

Anger had already flooded Wang Ming's head, and he waved his palm forward vigorously, hoping to kill the spider!
However, the ten-thousand-year soul beast is not so easy to deal with. Originally, a soul emperor would have to go all out to kill the ten-thousand-year soul beast, but now, Wang Ming has been dazzled by anger, unable to exert his full potential. full strength.

After beating for a long time, not only did he not even touch the hair of the colorful spider, but he also scratched the armor on his body.

(End of this chapter)

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