Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 236 Guessing (Part 5!)

Chapter 236 Guessing (fifth update!)
"Is that convenient for us to meet him?" Seeing Chen Jiasi pondering without saying a word, Qi Hengsan immediately stated his ultimate goal.

Hearing this, Chen Jia woke up immediately, thought for a while and said: "It's possible, but not now! When the time is right, I will bring Kuiba here."

The reason why Chen Jia said this was just because he was concerned about the main mission that hadn't appeared yet.

Because the main quest hadn't appeared yet, and Chen Jia couldn't take a clear side, so at this time, Chen Jia was very conflicted.

While struggling, Chen Jia was also very weird!
It stands to reason that the main mission of a plane should appear when he is close to the protagonist. This is the case in the previous planes, but now, the plot has passed so much, and there is no shadow of the main mission. arrive.

How strange!

Regarding Chen Jia's evasion, Qi Hengsan did not answer, but suddenly said with a smile on his face: "Quiba, is he on that ship?! If my guess is correct, he is still a child! "

From the moment Chen Jia said that he wanted to protect Kuiba, Qi Hengsan had been thinking about where Kuiba was.

After that, he caught many clues from the conversation with Chen Jia.

For example, in the first sentence, Chen Jia said that he wanted to protect Kuiba. Well, there are many possibilities. For example, he had contact with Kuiba and hid it in the boundary, or he had no contact with Kuiba, but knew that Kuiba Where is Ba, or Kuiba is on Qujing No. [-], because of the close distance, Chen Jia is confident to say such words, other than that, there are many other possibilities.

Then there is Chen Jia's second sentence, "When the time is right, I will bring Kuiba here."

From this, Qi Hengsan's conjectures were narrowed down a bit, for example, those conjectures that Chen Jia and Kuiba didn't know before could almost be ruled out.

At this point, there are only a few conjectures left.

First, Chen Jia hid Kuiba in the land boundary. The purpose of coming here is the same as he said, he is a businessman, and he wants to get more benefits.

Second, Chen Jia brought Kuiba to Whirlpool Island, and Kuiba should be on Qujing No. [-]. As for why he concealed this, no one knows his purpose.

Third, because I didn't see exactly that Chen Jia and the god flew over from Qujing No. [-], it is possible that he is also a god, and all this is just a play, trying to cheat the real Kuiba's position.

As for the other conjectures, because the possibility is too low, I will not list them one by one.

Among the three highly probable conjectures, Qi Hengsan felt that the second conjecture was the most likely, so at this time, he directly expressed what was in his mind.

Although this sentence is just a guess, but for some reason, Qi Hengsan feels that his guess is very accurate!It should be the truth!
As for why Kuiba is guessed to be a child, it is because what Chen Jia said just now is to bring Kuiba. The word "bring" is generally used between adults and children, for example, bring a son go hiking.

Between adults and adults, the word "和" is generally used. For example, Zhang San and Li Si went out for an outing.

Therefore, Qi Hengsan guessed that Quiba was a child. (Because the Twelve Demons are located on Whirlpool Island and have no communication with the outside world, they don't know the exact time of Quiba's resurrection.)
And guessing, of course it is necessary to guess with high probability, even if it is wrong, Qi Hengsan will not feel that there is anything wrong, at least it can rule out the possibility of this guess and increase the possibility of other guesses!
"What?! Kuiba is on Qujing No. [-]?!" After hearing Qi Hengsan's words, before Chen Jia answered, Lei Guang approached with a look of surprise.

Just now, he and You Mikuang were answering questions for Hai Wenxiang. How could he know that Qi Hengsan's words suddenly came from beside him, and he also said that Kuiba was on Qujing No. [-]. Lei Guang was very excited about this, so he suddenly Just got together.

Not only him, but You Mi Kuang and Hai Wenxiang also posted them with expressions of surprise after seeing the situation here.

Even in the kitchen, Okura, who was cooking, couldn't help but stop what he was doing, and focused all his attention on this side.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jia was slightly confused, what's wrong?Could it be that you old man can read minds?Can this be discovered by you? !
"Yes, so what? No, so what?" Although Chen Jia was slightly surprised in his heart, his face was indifferent.

This is not the best time to expose Manji, so Chen Jia doesn't want Manji to meet them.

"Hmph! I'll go to Qu Jing No. [-] to take a look now, as long as it's a child, I'll catch it!" Lei Guang is impatient, and now he can't stand seeing Chen Jia's tricks, and he is in a hurry to go to Qu It's over there.

But soon, Qi Hengsan stopped him: "Are you crazy?! That's Qujing No. [-], there are so many people on it, and there are many pulse cannons, you fly over so openly, are you courting death?!"

"If you want to go, you have to go at night!"

Hearing this, Chen Jia couldn't help rolling his eyes. When Qi Hengsan stopped Lei Guang at first, Chen Jia was still happy. Although this old guy can 'read mind', he can still make the 'right' choice at critical times. !
But after hearing the back, Chen Jia knew that this old boy had a thief in his heart!Also go at night!Then you are really great!
"Hmm! This is a good way. It's not easy to be found at night, and as long as you're careful on the boat, you should be fine!" After hearing Qi Hengsan's words, Lei Guang beamed with joy.

Obviously, this proposal made him very happy.

"In the evening, I will go too!" At this moment, You Mi Kuang also interjected.

"I'll go too!" After You Mi Kuang finished speaking, Hai Wenxiang also said lightly.

Although her tone was calm, there was a trace of fanaticism in her eyes.

Um. Seeing this group of people discussing there as if no one else was there, Chen Jia felt a little baffled. Why didn't he admit it himself, and they seemed to admit it? !

no!You can't let them think so, you have to find a way to divert their attention.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia decided to deny Qi Hengsan's words and find a topic to talk about.

However, at this moment, Da Cang came over with three dishes, "What's so lively, I'm here too!"

Originally, Okura wanted to cook five or six dishes, and then we all ate together, but seeing the excitement here, he was really bored there, so he didn’t do it, and rushed over with three dishes .

"It smells so good! Hurry up! Bring it here, I want to eat it!" Chen Jia said eagerly when Da Cang first arrived.

The smell of the three dishes in Da Cang's hand was so delicious that Chen Jia was defeated as soon as he smelled it.

At this moment, he just wanted to have a good meal. As for Quiba, let's go.

PS: Sorry for the delay because of something.

(End of this chapter)

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