Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 224 Touching the God

Chapter 224 Touching the God
At this time, Qujing No. [-] had already left Qujing and came to the territory of Whirlpool Island.

However, Whirlpool Island has a lot of space. Even if Qujing No. [-] leaves Qujing, there is still a long way to go before Whirlpool Island. Now they are not far from the front beach of Whirlpool Island.

Five minutes passed quickly, and when the three of Chen Jia came to the bow deck slowly, these people had almost just assembled.

There are more than ten decks in the entire Qujing No. 300, and each deck has two to three hundred people assembled, of which more than 100 are active coalition forces, and the other more than 100 are recruited coalition forces.

Among these decks, the importance of the bow deck ranks first. Here, you can enjoy the best view, spread the news throughout the ship the fastest, and quickly order the direction of the ship.

At this time, on the bow deck, except for the first and second columns of the coalition forces and some conscripted soldiers, all the command ranks are here. When the captain announces an order here, the entire army will move!

"Captain! The first and second columns are complete! There should be 120 people, and there are 120 people, please give instructions!" The person who spoke was the officer who brought Chen Jia and the others up.

In the direction he was facing, Captain Yuan Lang was slowly walking down the stairs from the high platform. When the officer finished speaking, Yuan Lang said lightly: "Take it easy."

'despair! '

All of a sudden, the sound of a neatly planned pause resounded through the deck.

However, soon, a child's voice broke the neat voice.

"Wow Kaka! It's amazing!"

This is the first time Man Ji saw Yuan Lang's dress, with only one eye, which surprised him, coupled with his childish nature, so he said what was in his heart at once, regardless of whether he should say it now or not.

"Are you talking about me?" After hearing a child's voice, Yuan Lang stopped in his tracks and looked towards Chen Jia with a look of scrutiny in his eyes.

According to military discipline, when the chief is lecturing, if someone makes noise, punishment will be given depending on the severity of the situation, up to the death penalty!

But now it was a child talking, and he was recruited from the coalition army, so Yuan Lang didn't make a big fuss.

But here, looking at Yuan Lang, Chen Jia just smiled, exchanged glances with Yuan Lang, and then looked at the beach in front of the deck, where Chen Jia could see two figures.

If nothing else happened, it would be You Mi Kuang and Qi Heng San who were guarding here!
Chen Jia's eyes wandered away, but Manji beside him immediately replied: "Yes! The captain only has one eye and can still come to fight Kuiba. When I open the vein door, I will definitely."

But before Manji finished speaking, Man Xiaoman stopped him.

At this moment, the entire deck was quiet, and Manji's voice was too eye-catching. Man Xiaoman was a little embarrassed.

"Take it as a compliment." As the saying goes, Tong Yan has no taboo, Yuan Lang didn't pay much attention to Man Ji, after taking a deep look at Chen Jia, she stood directly on the stairs and gave the order: "Mission!"

As she spoke, she pointed to several team commanders and shouted, "Log in!"

Then she pointed to the previous captain of the first and second columns, and said, "Pray!"

"Yes!" After receiving the order, those who should move moved, and those who should not move stayed where they were, waiting for the next instruction.

"What is prayer?" Looking at the lively deck again, Manji's little head was no longer enough.

Hearing this, Chen Jia smiled, stared at the direction of the beach, and said nothing, while Man Xiaoman patted his head: "Pray, that's the one."

In fact, Man Xiaoman, like Man Ji, was also very confused about what prayer is. Is there an order to pray in the army?

But no matter how doubtful he was, now that Manji asked, he had no choice but to pretend to understand, trying to find an explanation to fool him.

"It's just worshiping the gods, asking for help from the gods!" Seeing Man Xiaoman unable to explain for a long time, a kind person next to him reminded him.

"What?!" Hearing this, Man Xiaoman was surprised.

There is such an operation?Isn't it that the coalition forces went together and defeated Quiba?
Seeing Man Xiaoman's surprise, the person before said with a little disdain: "Do you think we can defeat Kuiba?"

"Ah?" After hearing this, not only Man Xiaoman was stunned, but even Manji beside him was also stunned. "Then why did you organize the coalition forces to come here?"

"Moving God!"

"Huh?!" Manji and Man Xiaoman looked at each other, confused.

On the other hand, Chen Jia was staring into the distance, with an inexplicable light flashing in his eyes.

At the same time, at the beach, You Mikuang was carrying an umbrella sword, looking at Qujing No. [-] with a frenzied expression on his face, and beside him, Qi Hengsan was making the final adjustments to his equipment, Prepare to meet the landing forces of the coalition forces.

And in a dense forest about ten miles west of the beach, Lei Guang landed with a puzzled expression on his face, "Just now? Was it discovered?"

Look at the other side, heaven.

At this time, Jingxin, the chief god of Kuiba, came to the arsenal and took the power, and after that, she will go to the whirlpool island alone through the Xingnan No. 46 Qujing!
Eddy Island.

Qujing No. [-] came to a place not far from the beach and stopped.

At the same time, the landing troops drove the landing craft towards the beach.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jia shook his head and sighed inwardly: It's just a group of people going to die.

Chen Jia knew that this group of people would be killed by the pulse beast summoned by Qi Hengsan, and very few of them would come back alive in the end.

In this regard, Chen Jia has thought about keeping them alive, such as explaining the situation there to Yuan Lang, or waiting for the gods to come back or something.

But until they all left Qujing No. [-] in their landing craft, Chen Jia didn't take any action.

Because Chen Jia knows that these ideas of his are unrealistic. The first one is to explain the situation to Yuan Lang or something. Once you say it, you might be considered collaborating with the enemy. Otherwise, how would you know what their next plan is?
Besides, they came here to fight Kuiba, and now they haven't even seen Kuiba's face. If you say that, will they believe it?
Even if they do, what can they do?Go back by boat? !


As for the second type, it is even more impossible!You said you knew there would be a god coming later?

Not to mention how many people on board believe that there are gods in this world, even if they do!How do you explain that you will know that a god will come later? !
So, after thinking for a while, Chen Jia gave up explaining.

In fact, these are not the root causes. The root cause is that you have not learned something from doing these things, so why bother? !

(End of this chapter)

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