Chapter 22 Escape
He fell suddenly because his right foot was in the air, so Chen Jia subconsciously turned his head to look at the situation under his right foot.

It was a deep pit, about five meters deep and two meters in radius, and the bottom of the pit was filled with wooden barbs, which seemed to be used to deal with wild animals!

In fact, Chen Jia guessed right, this is what the owner of that villa used to deal with wild beasts.

Because wild beasts in the forest come to the plain from time to time to destroy things, the owner of the villa has set up such deep pits and traps in the places where wild beasts often come and go. Just now he was waving at Chen Jia to talk about this, but Chen Jia Didn't listen!
Of course, even if he heard it, Chen Jia would rush, because behind him was something more terrifying than these deep pits!

But now, Chen Jia was in danger, because he stepped on the ground with his right foot, he lost his center of gravity and fell to the right, while Chen Jia's right was the deep pit full of spikes!

Although Chen Jia now has the ability of Wolverine, but it is a weakened version. It is estimated that as long as he is stabbed in the heart or head by these spikes, he will die!

But judging from the denseness of the spikes at the bottom of the pit, and the fact that Chen Jia fell down lying on his side, the probability of Chen Jia's death is very high!

And Chen Jia obviously noticed this, so when he fell to the right, he waved his hands indiscriminately, trying to grab something, but because the pit was two meters long, and when Chen Jia fell, his body was Slightly curved, even if Chen Jia stretched out his hand, he could only grab some soil on the wall of the pit!

This did not help Chen Jia's fall at all, so Chen Jia was already in a panic at this time!

However, people's desire to survive is extremely strong!Chen Jia, who was in a panic, was quick to wit, and directly stretched out a pair of bone claws in his hand, piercing deeply into the pit wall!Therefore, Chen Jia, who had just fallen into the deep pit, used the strength of his bone claws to hang on the wall of the pit.

Although there are a lot of these movements, the time has only passed for more than a second!

Seeing that his life was saved, Chen Jia's beating heart dropped a little, but in the next second, he suddenly remembered that there are still people chasing him!
Thinking of this, Chen Jia became nervous again. When he climbed out of the pothole with strength beyond ordinary people, Pierce's convoy was only tens of meters away from Chen Jia. Already holding a gun and shooting at Chen Jia.

However, because of the distance and the bumps of the car, their aim was not very good, and none of the bullets hit Chen Jia, so after a few shots, they stopped shooting.

However, the puffing sound of the bullet hitting the ground startled Chen Jia who had just got up. Last time he was shot twice, he was in pain for several minutes. Now Chen Jia watched the bullet whizzing by. Don't mention how frightened he was.

But soon, there was no more gunshots. At this time, Chen Jia glanced at them and ran towards the forest again. But this time, Chen Jia ran very carefully, he was afraid of falling into the pothole again. .

And Chen Jia's caution was useful. After a few seconds, when Chen Jia ran into the forest steadily, his heart was not so nervous anymore.

At the same time, there were several violent crashes behind Chen Jia, and when Chen Jia turned his head, he saw four off-road vehicles overturned due to potholes.

It turned out that they were far away and didn't see the situation of Chen Jia's van, and the person who reminded Chen Jia just now returned to the villa because he heard the gunshots, so these people went straight towards Chen Jia without knowing it. Hit that place!

And because off-road vehicles are faster than vans and are smaller in size, when they hit a pothole, they just flip over!
After the four off-road vehicles in front overturned, the remaining ones also stopped immediately. Seeing this opportunity, Chen Jia ran towards the depths of the forest without looking back.

A few minutes later, when Pierce was pulled out of the overturned car, he ignored the injury and looked at the direction of Chen Jia's escape with a gloomy expression, without saying a word.

"There's no one in the van, and the man driving the car has also fled into the mountains. Do we want to chase it?" Just as Pierce looked into the forest, Bobby walked over and said.

However, there was no response to his question, and Pierce kept his eyes on the depths of the forest, and there was no bird for him at all!
And Bobby also seemed to have noticed the unusual atmosphere, and couldn't help swallowing what he originally planned to say.

After a long time, Pierce looked away, and then spat a mouthful of blood on the ground.

"Bah!. No more chasing! Let's go back!"

Pierce was teased about his IQ this time, so he didn't have the face to chase Chen Jia at all!

An hour and a half later, Chen Jia, who was wearing a pair of tattered trousers, ran out from the east of the forest. Chen Jia couldn't imagine that the forest would be so big, and the mountain was not only big, but also had wolves!
It's a pack of wolves!There are as many as seven or eight!
The pack of wolves looked at Chen Jia and attacked directly, but Chen Jia, who had intermediate fighting skills, was not afraid of these wolves, so at the cost of Chen Jia's wounds all over his body and almost all his clothes being rotten, he killed him. Three wolves were killed, and the rest ran away because they knew they could not eat the 'prey', but they were all injured.

But now, although Chen Jia's injuries had all recovered, his clothes were almost bitten, so he just tore off a few pieces of rags on his body, and came out wearing only torn trousers.

To the east of the forest is a cornfield, and it is still a large one.

Looking at the cornfield, Chen Jia knew that there must be someone nearby, and since there was someone, he could find clothes.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia immediately searched around here.

Ten minutes later, after Chen Jia passed through the cornfield, his eyes suddenly opened up.

In front of this cornfield is a meadow, and in the middle of the meadow is a two-story house. There are two cars near the house, and Chen Jia has seen one of them!Just this afternoon, the horse-drawn cart!

But why is this car here?correct!The family in the movie seems to be running a farm, and the farm grows genetically modified corn that exterminates the X gene. Could it be that the house in front of me belongs to the previous family?
Looking at the cornfield behind him, the more Chen Jia thought about it, the more he felt it was!
So, 1 minute later, Chen Jia came to the gate of this house.

'Boom!Boom!Boom! '

"Which one?!" Chen Jia just knocked on the door, and there was a vigilant cry from inside.

Their house is really remote, and it is impossible for anyone to come under normal circumstances, so at this time, the people inside are very vigilant against this strange knock on the door.

(End of this chapter)

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