Chapter 15 Raid!

After a long time, Chen Jia put away the bone claw.

"Ah" while sighing, Chen Jia lay down on the bed, "The boat will go straight when it reaches the bridge."

Chen Jia believes that no matter what happens, as long as you persevere, you will always see the result. It is useless for you to think about those illusory things in the future. Only by grasping the present is the right way.

So at this time, Chen Jia was about to go to bed. He didn't care so much, completing the tasks issued by the system now was the kingly way. As for the future, let's talk about it later.

Only with enough energy can he have the strength to complete the task, so Chen Jia, who was lying on the bed, soon fell asleep.

At the same time, on the border of Oklahoma City, a long convoy was rapidly entering the city. In the leading car, a man with a mechanical arm was talking to other people in the car.

"Find me that damn car! I want to know where she is as soon as I get into town!"

It can be seen from the man's tone that he is a little impatient.However, Chen Jia and the others didn't know all of this!

An hour later, Pierce brought dozens of people to the gate of Harris Casino Hotel.

With a wave of Pierce's mechanical hand, dozens of people behind him rushed towards the hotel in an orderly manner, some guarding the door, some negotiating with the person in charge of the hotel, and some looking for Chen Jia's room number .
Seeing this huge battle, even the security guard at the entrance of the hotel silently took back the steps they had taken.

When Pierce came to the front desk of the hotel, one of his subordinates already knew Chen Jia's room number.

"Boss, it's number 3052."

"En! Lead the way!" Hearing this, Pierce nodded, and then he waved one hand, signaling the dozen or so people behind him to follow.

More than a minute later, more than ten people including Pierce appeared at the door of 3052.

And they were also wearing infrared devices, and one of them scanned the room with a camera. In the next second, the distribution of people in the room appeared directly on a screen.

The layout of room 3052 is as follows: just entering the door is a large living room, passing through the large living room is the balcony, and there are kitchen, bathroom, toilet, etc. around the large living room, in addition to four bedrooms.

With the large living room as the center, the bedrooms are symmetrically distributed in pairs, with a master bedroom and a guest bedroom on the left, and the same is true on the right.

At this time, Uncle Wolf and the professor slept in the master bedroom on the left, Caliban in the guest bedroom on the left, Laura and Gabriel in the master bedroom on the right, and Chen Jia in the guest bedroom.

And the figures of these people clearly appeared on the computer screen.

After Pierce looked at the computer for a while, he quickly gave instructions. He pointed to the wall on the right side of the door and said, "There, put the bomb!"

"Yes!" After hearing Pierce's words, two people came out behind him and walked towards the wall.

After the two posted bombs there for a while, Pierce suddenly said, "Don't worry about Gabriel!"

"Okay." Hearing that, the two bombers were stunned, but they quickly realized that they had doubled the original amount of bombs.

The power of these bombs is enough to shock the people behind the wall to death, and behind this wall is the bedroom of Laura and Gabriela!

And what Pierce did, the people in the room didn't notice at all. At this time, Chen Jia was dreaming a dream. In the dream, he was killing all directions in the movie world, and behind him, Iron Man, Hulk, etc. Yes, they are all his soldiers.Maybe the scene was too grand, Chen Jia's saliva flowed out while sleeping.
"Boom!" With a loud noise, in the dream, Chen Jia, who was swiping his sword just now, felt that the monsters in front of him suddenly became fierce. The people he brought were clawed by those monsters one by one, and they were really fragile. He himself was slapped to death with a paw!
In the next second, Chen Jia woke up from the dream.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh" Chen Jia woke up panting heavily, obviously not waking up from the nightmare that just started.

"Ah! What's wrong? An earthquake?" After taking a few deep breaths, Chen Jia found himself lying on the ground. What's going on?Why is it so good, fell asleep and fell asleep on the ground?
However, before Chen Jia could be confused, the little girl's exclamation from the next room woke up Chen Jia who was still in a daze.

problem occurs!And something big happened!Because Chen Jia not only heard screams, but also dense gunshots!
Could it be that Pierce and the others are chasing him?No one else will come to make trouble except them, but how did they come so fast? !You must know that even if they have Caliban in the movie, they will come here tomorrow morning, but now, they are here at twelve o'clock in the middle of the night!This is too fast!

With this in mind, Chen Jia immediately opened the door and ran over there.

As soon as he arrived at the living room, what caught Chen Jia's eyes was Uncle Wolf who was running towards him eagerly. He was awakened when the explosion happened just now, and Uncle Wolf ran from his bedroom to the house in a very short time. in the living room.

Judging from Uncle Wolf's eager look, the situation in the bedroom on the left should not be very good.

Thinking of this, Chen Jia planned to turn his head to look at the situation over there.But in the next moment, Chen Jia only felt a strong force coming from his left side.

"Ah!" Following this surprised cry, Chen Jia was pushed into the air by the force.

Chen Jia screamed when he was attacked, not because of the pain, but because it was so sudden and frightened him.

But at the same time he was beaten up, Chen Jia also found out who attacked him.

It turned out that the door of the master bedroom on the left was blown open because of the explosion. Looking from the living room, a strong man inside was looking at Chen Jia with a gun. It was this person that Chen Jia flew into the air!
And when Chen Jia was hit and flew on the sofa, Chen Jia felt that his left arm and abdomen were shot.

pain!Super painful!The ability of Wolverine in Chen Jia's body pushed the bullets out of the body crazily, and continued to repair the body, but because this ability is not complete, the repair speed is very slow, it may take a few minutes!
In these few minutes, Chen Jia had to endure the pain of bullets running around in his body. In a short time, he was useless. Although Chen Jia's pain tolerance had been greatly improved, it was the first time he was shot. It is very rare for Chen Jia not to cry out for such pain.

And Uncle Wolf watched Chen Jia being beaten into the air, he didn't care about it at all, and he knew that Chen Jia had super powers and would not die, so Uncle Wolf didn't bother him, but ran straight to the bedroom .

Compared to Chen Jia, Laura's affairs are more important!
(End of this chapter)

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