Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 13 Check in

Chapter 13 Check in
After entering the hotel, Chen Jia was shocked by the luxurious scene in front of him.

Harris Casino Hotel, among them, the word casino is the main word!Looking at the various gambling machines in the hall, Chen Jia couldn't help sighing.

There are slot machines, mahjong machines, card tables, game machines and more!Only what you can't think of, nothing you can't see!
Perhaps attracted by the sound of these gambling machines, Laura walked towards one of the machines as soon as she entered the door.

Seeing this scene, Chen Jia hurriedly followed, but he knew that Laura was not an ordinary person, she was a 'vicious beast', and she was still fierce, if she was not taken care of, she might be killed. It's killing people!

But what made Chen Jia relieved was that Laura just watched quietly from the side and didn't make any moves.

Seeing this, Chen Jia immediately went over to hold her hand and walk inside.

In Chen Jia's mind, holding a child's hand was an extremely ordinary scene.

But!Laura was unusual. The moment Chen Jia held her hand, Laura immediately stretched out the two steel claws on her fist because of her vigilance.

With 'poof! With a sound, the two iron claws on Laura's right hand pierced through Chen Jia's palm!
"Hmm!" Suffering such injuries suddenly, Chen Jia groaned in pain.

Fortunately, after yesterday's training, Chen Jia's tolerance for pain has been greatly improved at this time, otherwise it would not be a muffled groan, but a scream!
But this was not the end, Laura was caught this way like a frightened wolf, she saw her right hand grabbing Chen Jia, and her left hand stretched out its sharp claws, and then stabbed straight at Chen Jia's chest!
However, Chen Jia's reaction was not slow. Looking at the stabbing claws, Chen Jia raised his right hand violently, grabbed Laura's left wrist and shouted: "Laura! It's me!"

Chen Jia's intermediate fighting skills were not learned in vain. If it hadn't happened suddenly just now, Chen Jia probably wouldn't have been injured.At this time, Laura's attacks were easily restrained by Chen Jia, because of the power gap, Laura's left hand was firmly locked by Chen Jia, unable to move.

Hearing Chen Jia's whisper, Laura raised her head immediately. When she found out that the person in front of her was Chen Jia, a trace of surprise flashed in her eyes. At the same time, the strength of her left hand was much weaker, and she gave the claw Put it away, as for the right hand, she must have been stunned, she never took it back.

Chen Jia could tell now that Laura didn't know who was grabbing her hand, she thought it was a stranger!That's why she made such a cruel move.

At this time, Uncle Wolf and his group of four also came over, and Gabriel among them ran over in a panic when seeing this scene.

In addition to chatting with the professor and Caliban, she has been comforting Laura in the car today. Of course, her silence does not mean that she did not observe anything.

After a day of observation, Gabriel found that Chen Jia held a very important position in everyone's hearts, and the professor would ask Chen Jia questions from time to time. From this, it could be seen that this group of people seemed to value Chen Jia's suggestions.

But now, Laura actually injured Chen Jia, which made Gabriel panic.

"Laura, let go!" When she came to the two, she immediately hugged Laura and shouted.

She could see that the two steel claws directly penetrated Chen Jia's palm, and judging by the sharpness of Edman's metal, it is estimated that these claws had already crippled Chen Jia's left hand.

There was another 'puff' sound, and Laura's right paw was also retracted.

"Uh huh!" Chen Jia covered his left hand with his right hand, pain appeared on his face, the claw pierced well just now, but only pierced the flesh, and when Laura retracted it was not very stable, it scratched his bone, This time, Chen Jia, who was prepared, hummed in pain.

"Chen Jia, what's the matter?" At this time, Uncle Wolf came over with two bags of luggage, and behind him, Caliban pushed the professor and followed closely.

Hearing this, Gabriel wanted to say something sorry to Uncle Wolf and Chen Jia. At this time, Laura hurt Chen Jia. I am so sorry, and Gabriel was full of guilt.

But before she could say anything, Chen Jia smiled and said, "It's nothing, let's go!"

After speaking, Chen Jia walked up to the professor and smiled slightly at Caliban.

Seeing this, Uncle Wolf also nodded: "Let's go, take a good bath today, then sleep, leave early tomorrow morning, and strive to arrive in Kansas City tomorrow night!"

With that said, Uncle Wolf took the lead and walked inside.

Behind Uncle Wolf, Caliban and Chen Jia pushed the professor to follow.

And Gabriel froze in place, with a look of embarrassment, why do you all take it for granted, Chen Jia's hand!etc!

At this time, Chen Jia was pushing the professor's wheelchair with his left hand, while Caliban was pushing the professor's right hand. The two were one left and one right, very symmetrical, but!The point is not this.

Just now, Gabriel could see very clearly that Chen Jia's left hand was pierced by Laura's steel claws, but now, except for a little blood, there is no wound left? !
As for Laura in Gabriel's arms, her eyes widened when she saw this scene, obviously she was very interested in Chen Jia.

"Follow up!" After a few people walked for a while, Chen Jia found that Laura and the others hadn't followed, so he shouted to the two of them.

Hearing this cry, Gabriel who was in a daze was woken up immediately.

"Here we come!" After answering, the two followed Uncle Wolf and the others. Although she was puzzled, she also knew that she was not qualified to ask, so at this moment, she could only remain silent.

Uncle Wolf booked a large suite with four bedrooms, enough for the few of them to sleep.

After everyone settled down, the dinner Uncle Wolf called earlier arrived.

At the dining table, several people were leisurely eating dinner and chatting from time to time.

Uncle Wolf asked Chen Jia some questions. When asking questions, the professor interrupted from time to time, while Caliban was talking nonsense and couldn't stop. In the end, if Uncle Wolf hadn't scolded him If you let him know, he will probably keep talking.

As for Gabriel, she listened quietly all the time. Except for answering a few words when Uncle Wolf asked her, she has been helping Laura to eat, and she also glanced at Chen Jia's left hand from time to time.

As for Laura, she is very straightforward. After a meal, her eyes are almost always on Chen Jia, even when Gabriel is feeding her, as if Chen Jia has a great deal of love for her. general attractiveness.

And this behavior of Laura made Uncle Wolf slightly jealous. He almost knew that Laura was his daughter now, so now he looked at Chen Jia instead of Laura, which made Uncle Wolf unhappy.

Fortunately, the time to eat is very short.

Ten minutes later, everyone who had eaten took a shower, and those who watched TV watched TV, and went about their business.

PS: Let's throw all the recommendation tickets in the hands of the big guys to Fengyun. . .

(End of this chapter)

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