Plane Super Learning System

Chapter 1 Young Chen Jia

Chapter 1 Young Chen Jia
(Chapter 1 is mainly about chores, explaining some relationships, impatient friends can start watching directly from Chapter 2.)
The scorching sun is in the sky, and on both sides of the road, the ripe grains are so hot that they bend over and bow their heads.

Grasshoppers, as numerous as blades of grass, sang faintly and loudly in the wheat and rye fields, and in the reeds on the banks.

Now it is July, when the students are on summer vacation.

In the fields in the countryside, a group of older children are playing hide-and-seek. On the edge of the field, a fat young man is fascinated by playing with the tablet in his hand. Looking at the focused face with headphones on, he is probably watching Movies or TV shows or something.

The young man's name is Chen Jia. He is a sophomore in an ordinary second-year university. During the summer vacation, he didn't go to work like other students in the class. Instead, he came to his hometown and started his crazy life of watching movies.

The economic conditions of Chen Jia's family are not very good, but they can't be called bad. They can only say that they have a bite to eat, at least they can't starve to death, and they can barely count as a well-off.

My father works part-time in the county town. After more than ten years of hard work, he now runs a small company, and my mother also works in the county town as a nurse.

Therefore, Chen Jia has been studying in the county with her parents since she was a child, and the family lives together, but they also live happily.

Like most children, Chen Jia never owned a mobile phone from elementary school to junior high school, and he didn't even have a mobile phone of his own in high school.

In the third year of high school, because Chen Jia was obsessed with reading novels, and he read them all day long, his grades plummeted. Got a second book.

Not only that, but also because of reading novels, Chen Jia's originally good eyesight has also deteriorated day by day. Up to now, Chen Jia has directly put on glasses with a temperature of more than 300 degrees!

Because Chen Jia was obsessed with reading novels, the family didn't know about it, so when the results of the college entrance examination came out, both parents were shocked, so Chen Jia was reprimanded a lot!
However, although Chen Jia's parents complained about Chen Jia's failure to pass the exam, they could not change this fact. They had to encourage their children to study hard, strive for graduate school, and then a doctorate!

But things backfired. During his freshman year, Chen Jia had his first smartphone. Now, Chen Jia read novels even more crazily. In addition, in the second semester of freshman, Chen Jia still needed Parents bought him a laptop and tablet for computer class.

From then on, skipping classes and skipping classes became a common occurrence for Chen Jia. Chen Jia spent all day in the dormitory playing with mobile phones and computers, and his originally thin body gradually gained weight due to lack of exercise. At this time, Chen Jia became an otaku!
From the beginning of the sophomore year, Chen Jia suddenly became obsessed with watching movies, first action movies, comedies, and horror movies. At the end of the second semester of the sophomore year, Chen Jia began to watch sci-fi movies!

Seeing that the summer vacation was about to start, Chen Jia directly downloaded a sci-fi movie with one or two hundred Gs on his tablet, planning to save it for the summer vacation to enjoy it!

In the first month of summer vacation, the family asked Chen Jia to take a summer job, but Chen Jia's school closed late, and the places that recruited summer jobs were already full, but Chen Jia didn't know, silly Hu De searched for a job outside for three or four days, but in the end not only failed to find a job, but was cheated of more than 100 yuan by the intermediary.

Since then, Chen Jia has never gone out to look for a job, and instead lived a comfortable life at home playing games and watching movies.

Seeing her son like this, of course a mother has to nag.

"Xiaojia! If you keep playing like this all day long, when will you be a head!"

"It's summer vacation, I just relax."

"Xiaojia! I told you not to play games every day, think of something to do! What does it look like to panic at home every day!"

"Where do I play every day?! I just started playing today!"

"Xiaojia! Your father found you a job as a security guard in his unit. There is 2000 yuan a month. Are you going?"

"Don't go!"

In the endless nagging of his mother, one day, Chen Jia finally had a fight with his mother!
After the quarrel, the two of them ignored each other. They fought coldly at home every day, and Chen Jia felt uncomfortable after eating the food cooked by his mother!

In the end, Chen Jia couldn't stand the atmosphere, and ran to her grandma's house in the countryside alone.

At this time, almost a month has passed since the summer vacation!
Originally, Chen Jia thought that after arriving at grandma's house, she would be free from nagging, yes!That's right, in the first few days when he came here, Chen Jia played with his tablet every day. No one said anything about him, but he was very happy.

But a few days later, one of Chen Jia's aunts and uncles brought their wives and children to grandma's house to play.

Now, Chen Jia felt like beeping the dog!A cousin and a cousin circled around him every day, which was nothing, they could be dismissed in a few strokes, but what made Chen Jia unbearable was that the aunt and aunt watched Chen Jia playing in the house every day. Playing games and watching movies, they chattered aside.

Jing said some things that made Chen Jia extremely unhappy, and now Chen Jia stopped playing the tablet at home, but went to the field in the countryside, sat on a small mound, and watched his science fiction movies leisurely there.

And the scene at the beginning was Chen Jia watching a movie outside again.

The breeze blew again, and Chen Jia, who was sitting on the edge of the field, raised his head suddenly. At this moment, we could see clearly that it was an ordinary face. Perhaps because of staying up late, Chen Jia's expression showed A morbid pallor.

"Meiyi! And Xiaobo! Stop playing, we're going home for dinner!" Chen Jia took off the earphones and put away the tablet, and then shouted to a group of people who were playing hide-and-seek in the distance.

What Chen Jia called was his cousin and cousin. The cousin is Chen Bo, who is in the first grade of junior high school, and the cousin is Chen Meiyi, who is in the sixth grade of elementary school. At this time, the two are happily playing with other children in the field Peekaboo too!

And just now Chen Jia finished watching the latest sci-fi blockbuster "Wolverine 3", and found that it was already five o'clock in the afternoon, so Chen Jia was going to call them home for dinner.

There are no recreational activities in the countryside, so people go to bed early, and naturally, the time to eat is also early. Around 05:30, dinner at grandma's house is ready.

When she first came to grandma's house, Chen Jia was not used to eating so early, but after a few days, Chen Jia got used to it.

"Okay! We'll be right there!" Hearing Chen Jia's call, Chen Bo replied loudly. He was acting as a cat, so he could speak loudly, while the others were all rats, hiding in a corner, not daring to make any noise. ring.

Maybe it's because he hasn't recovered after watching the movie, Chen Jia feels his thoughts are flying, immersed in the scene just now, and the appearance is that Chen Jia is looking at Chen Bo and the others playing peek-a-boo with blank eyes.

As the saying goes, you are in a daze!

The time in a daze always passes quickly, and after a while, a few minutes pass.

"Brother Jia! Brother Jia?" At some point, Chen Bo and Chen Meiyi surrounded Chen Jia.

"Eh?! I'm here!" When Chen Bo shouted, Chen Jia suddenly recovered.

"We're done playing, let's go home for dinner!" Meiyi's sweet voice sounded.

"Well, let's go!" Chen Jia heard the words and patted the ashes on his buttocks, and walked towards home with the tablet beside him.

Seeing this, the two children hurriedly followed.

The place where Chen Jia and the others played was not far from home, and the three of them arrived home within 10 minutes of walking.

As soon as she arrived at the door of the house, Chen Jia was pulled aside by her grandmother with a mysterious expression.

"Xiaojia, your mother came back just now, you, don't be angry with her, what she said is for your own good, so don't take it to heart."

It turned out to be this matter. Chen Jia thought it was a big deal. In fact, Chen Jia stopped being angry on the third day after he came to grandma's house. He also knew that his mother was doing it for his own good. The reason he quarreled with her was out of anger. The reason, now that the anger has dissipated, Chen Jia no longer has a cold war with his mother.

"Grandma, don't worry, I'm not angry anymore."

"That's good! That's good! Then go wash your hands and eat, I'm waiting for you!" Grandma patted Chen Jia's hand and said that she was not angry, her mood improved.

In fact, grandma heard from Chen Jia that she came back because of a quarrel with her mother. She was worried for a long time. Grandma persuaded Chen Jia that day, but Chen Jia was angry at the time, so she didn't listen to the persuasion at all. Now Chen Jia's anger has subsided , grandma became happy all over.

Seeing Chen Jia obediently washing her hands, grandma also walked towards the kitchen with a smile on her face.

Grandma's house is a compound building with three floors. It was built five years ago. At that time, building such a building in the countryside was a symbol of the family's fortune. Can't afford to build this building!But in recent years, this kind of buildings can be seen everywhere in the countryside.

Because grandma’s house was repaired relatively early, the structure of the kitchen is the same as that of the old house, with the stove and the dining table next to each other in the same house.

At this time, a large family was sitting at the dining table waiting for Chen Jia.

"Mom, you're here." After washing his hands, Chen Jia entered the kitchen and sat straight beside his mother, looking very sensible and well-behaved.

Seeing Chen Jia coming in, grandma quickly shouted: "Okay! Everyone is here, let's eat!"

Meiyi and Xiaobo immediately started to eat happily when they heard the words, and the others also moved their chopsticks one after another.

And Chen Jia chatted with his mother while eating in the seat.

The two first greeted each other, and then talked kindly about how Chen Jia's life was these few days.

But just after talking for a while, my mother turned the topic to summer jobs again.

"Xiaojia, how did you think about the job I told you about last time?"

Seeing that his mother was still asking this question, Chen Jia felt deeply irritated.

"Didn't I say last time that I don't want to go! Why are you asking now?!" Chen Jia's tone was filled with impatience.

"The elders are talking to you! Why do you speak in such a tone?!" Seeing this, the aunt on the side said quickly, with a teaching tone.

This made Chen Jia very disgusted.

"Anyway, I'm not going!" Chen Jia felt that the meal was really unpleasant, and he finally felt better, but now it's getting worse again.

"How can college students work if they don't go to summer vacation?! I think other people who have studied well in one or two books are working part-time during summer vacation. My factory has recruited many college students!" My uncle also said from the side.

His family made a fortune early, and now they have even opened a factory, which is many times better than his father's small company, so his tone is always condescending, which makes Chen Jia feel extremely uncomfortable.

Not only that, my uncle also likes to talk about other people's children, which makes Chen Jia even more upset. Chen Jia never liked his parents comparing himself with other people's children, and now, this sentence is being said again come out.

"I'm full!" Chen Jia casually took two mouthfuls of food, then turned and left. He just wanted to be out of sight and out of mind, so leaving was the best choice.

"Eh?! Xiao Jia, why didn't you eat it?!" My mother looked at Chen Jia with astonishment when she heard this. She didn't understand why Chen Jia was angry.

However, Chen Jia didn't answer the conversation, but walked straight outside. He was extremely irritable now, and he just wanted to go outside for a walk.

In the kitchen, after Chen Jia left, my aunt curled her lips in disdain: "I've seen this kind of unmotivated child a lot. Wasn't Shunzi from Mrs. Liu's family in the town like this last time? He's 30 now. There are too many, and I haven't asked for a daughter-in-law yet!"

Aunt heard the words and quickly answered: "That's right, I said Sister Fang, if you don't discipline Xiaojia well, what will you do in the future?!"

Aunt and aunt sang together, talking about their own son, and judging from Chen Jia's performance just now, it was not easy for her to refute, which made my mother embarrassed for a while, so she could only laugh along with her.

In the end, if grandma hadn't interrupted the conversation between the two of them, the ghost knows what hurtful words could come out of their mouths.

Although the kitchen is very restless, in the rice fields in the countryside, Chen Jia listens to the song and looks at the sunset, and her heart is peaceful.

Every time I feel uncomfortable, Chen Jia likes to listen to the music and look at the scenery, and then calm himself down. Usually, within half an hour, Chen Jia will feel much better.

And now it has been more than half an hour since Chen Jia came out, and Chen Jia's mood has settled down now.

"Blowing the wind, listening to the music, watching the sunset, it has a special charm." Chen Jia has not sat in this kind of rural field for a long time, and now he is full of emotions when he tries again.

"Oh..." Chen Jia sighed suddenly. In fact, Chen Jia didn't want to study hard, but in the free learning environment of the university, Chen Jia couldn't control herself at all, and couldn't help but read novels all the time!See a movie!play games!And learning or something, I don't want to touch it at all!
In the final analysis, Chen Jia is not very self-conscious, and within three minutes of doing things, Chen Jia will be captured by games and mobile phones in less than three days.

So, how can I learn well by myself?
(End of this chapter)

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