Fast wearing witch code

Chapter 573 That Day, I Forgot to Breathe 1

Chapter 573 That Day, I Forgot to Breathe 18
Yu Yao used the excuse of punishment for a long time to toss, until the sky outside became brighter, and Man Luo finally had a chance to fall asleep.

Looking at the girl's cute sleeping face, Yu Yao's eyes finally calmed down.

He lightly touched the girl's bright red lips, got up and walked outside.

The door was closed the next moment, and Man Luo, who seemed to be sleeping soundly, quietly opened her eyes. She slightly bent her lips, showing a playful smile.

Yu Yao came all the way to a remote bar.

During the day, most bars are closed, and this one is naturally the same, with a closed door sign hanging on it.

But just as Yu Yao stood still at the door, there was movement in the bar, and one person hurriedly opened the door.

"Brother Yu, you are finally here!"

Yu Yao nodded at the tall and thin man beside him, his gaze became sharp: "Where's the man?"

"Inside! In order to catch him, we have wasted a lot of effort."

Feng Dong said, and brought Yu Yao into the bar.

At this time, the tables, chairs and benches in the hall were still erected, and it looked a little depressed. Under the dim light, a few people were sitting or standing. In front of them, a embarrassed figure was kneeling on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face. It looked extremely miserable.

Seeing Yu Yao's figure, the idlers immediately stood up and shouted, "Brother Yu!"

Yu Yao glanced at the crowd, and finally set his eyes on the kneeling person. He walked over slowly, with a dangerous smile on his lips: "Long time no see, Zuo Fu."

His tone was lazy, but it was not difficult to hear the cold chill inside.

The person called Zuo Fu raised his head with difficulty, and spat out a mouthful of blood and water: "Yu Yao, you traitor, betraying the organization, you will never end well!"

The person next to him came over and whispered to Yu Yao: "Brother Yu, this guy is very stubborn. We have been asking for so long, but we still haven't got the news we want."

Yu Yao's gaze sank, and he fixedly looked at Zuo Fu: "Then let me ask."

Under the gaze of everyone, he mercilessly dragged Zuo Fu into the private room.

Time passed by, and everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, wondering what method Yu Yao would use to make the other party speak.

Leaning against the wall, Feng Dong said worriedly: "It's been so long, and there's not a single movement inside, Brother Yu, is there any problem?"

The others glanced at Feng Dong.

"Have you ever seen Brother Yu miss?"

"Trust Brother Yu, if it wasn't for him back then, we would still be playing pawns for the organization now."

These words made everyone fall into silence.

All of them have awakened their abilities since they were young, and because of this, they were absorbed into the organization early on.They were too young at that time, and they couldn't even remember what happened before they joined the organization. When they could remember, they faced cruel training and endless competition.

Only by standing out from the crowd will you have a chance to live.

This went on for several years, and when they finally took charge of themselves and thought they could get rid of the organization, they were controlled by the organization with special means and had to complete various dangerous tasks.

For so many years, they walked in the dark, their hands stained with blood, not a single day was lived for themselves.

If it wasn't for a mission, Lucky followed Yu Yao out of control and escaped from the organization.

They may still be at the mercy of that dark place until now.

It's just that they didn't expect that even though they were hiding their names and living the lives of ordinary people, the organization still found them.

These days, they can't remember how many times they have been hunted down.

(End of this chapter)

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