Fast wearing witch code

Chapter 213 Elegant Noble VS Blood Hunting Girl 03

Chapter 213 Elegant Noble VS Blood Hunting Girl 03
"Just to leave the organization?"

Manro blinked, a little surprised.

The original owner was harmed so badly by this blood hunting organization, didn't she even have any intention of revenge?

But it's good if you don't want to take revenge. In this case, you can leave this organization earlier.

She could hear clearly the meeting just now, those people obviously wanted to take over the task of assassinating the blood prince, if they didn't leave, maybe this task would fall on her again.

At that time, the organization will definitely watch her more closely, and it will be difficult to get out.

Man Luo turned over and sat up. After checking out a few silver weapons commonly used by the original owner, he left the dilapidated and simple hut without hesitation.

It's already late at night.

Due to the rampant blood race, people would not go out at night, not to mention people around the street, not even a living creature could be seen.

The gloomy moonlight shone on Man Luo.

She looked up at the sky, thinking about where to find a place to live at this time.

At this moment, a figure quietly walked out of the alley beside him. The other person was a young and pale man. His clothes were gentlemanly and neat, with a polite smile on his face. When he raised his eyes and saw Man Luo's appearance, those eyes It suddenly lit up.

For a moment, Manro saw a fleeting flash of greed and bloodlust in his eyes.

Late night, deserted streets, pale young man.

Combining these elements together, one answer remains.


After confirming the other party's identity, Man Luo's eyes dimly lit up.

When she was looking at the man, the man was looking at her at the same time.

Looking at Man Luo's delicate and pretty face, and smelling the sweet scent of human blood at the end of his nose, a smile appeared on the corner of the man's lips: "Little girl, has anyone ever told you that it's dangerous to go out late at night?" .”

The other party's voice was gentle and polite, but there was a deep meaning hidden in the tone.

Man Luo tilted his head, looked up at him and smiled: "Then, sir, do you know that meeting a little girl like me in the middle of the night is also very dangerous?"

"Huh? Little girl, you really know how to joke." The man's expression was disapproving, maybe he was tired of such a conversation, he suddenly quickened his steps towards Man Luo, and his dark eyes suddenly shone red.

The slender knuckles turned into sharp claws, and in the blink of an eye, the man had already arrived in front of Man Luo.

The sweet smell of the girl's blood was close to his nose, and the man couldn't wait to taste the girl's blood, he stretched out his hand to grab Manro.

But suddenly he met the girl's smiling eyes, there was no expression of nervousness or fear in them, but a hint of interest arose when she looked at him.

Something is wrong!
The blood race's heart skipped a beat, and the next moment, a short blade appeared in the girl's hand. The beautiful silver luster was the most dangerous signal in the blood race's eyes.

The blood race backed away almost subconsciously, but the girl suddenly approached with a little tiptoe. She turned her wrist, and the short blade stabbed at the man suddenly, with decisive skill and tricky angle.

The next moment, the screams of the blood race suddenly sounded, and the short blade, which looked small and looked like an ornament, had pierced deeply into his abdomen.

Facing the unbelievable eyes of the blood race, Man Luo bent his eyes and smiled: "I have already reminded you."

The tone is still soft and soft, like a whisper when it rings in the ear.

The girl slowly pulled out the short blade, and the blood race fell to the ground suddenly as if it had been drained of strength. The blood race looked at Man Luo with frightened eyes, and he struggled to get up.

"It's really tenacious." Man Luo smiled and approached the blood race. At this moment, the light above her head dimmed, and the black skirt appeared in Man Luo's peripheral vision.

(End of this chapter)

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