Almighty teacher system

Chapter 82 Thunder on the Ground

Chapter 82 Thunder on the Ground
"First of all, let's congratulate Class A of the third year with warm applause for getting the first place in the whole grade in this exam. Please invite the head teacher of Class A of the third year, Teacher Sun Ming, to come on stage to receive the award!"

Ye Hongru's resonant voice fell, and the waves of applause from below resounded again, especially the students in Class A of the third year clapped their hands with all their strength, their faces full of pride and pride.

Of the ten classes in this year's graduating class, Class A has always been the leader in grades, ranking first in almost every exam.

"Mr. Sun, congratulations, another great achievement!"


"Yes, Teacher Sun, you must pass on our teaching experience when you have time!"

"It's all thanks to the students everywhere!" Sun Ming listened to the flattery of the class teachers, with a humble mouth but a smug smile on his face, nodded to everyone, and went to the stage to receive the prizes.

In order to motivate teachers and students to study, Yinghua will give rich prizes to the top three students in each grade after each major exam. Both teachers and students have them. In addition to certificates, teachers usually have a lot of money rewards, and Students are exquisite school supplies or books and so on.

After receiving the award and leaving the stage, Sun Ming walked up to Shen Yi, looked at him with a smile, and said in a low voice, "Mr. Shen, are you nervous now?"

Shen Yi glanced at him suspiciously, and frowned slightly. Sun Ming was clearly hostile to him. Although it was not apparent on the surface, with his insight, it was easy to spot the contempt and mockery in his eyes.

"Why am I nervous, I trust my students!" Shen Yi said lightly.

"Yes, then I wish you good luck. Speaking of which, you are the head teacher who has stayed in Class E for the longest time in the third year. I still admire you very much!"

There is something in Sun Ming's words, and the meaning is not difficult to guess, it is nothing more than that he thinks that Shen Yi will definitely leave Yinghua this time.

However, what puzzled Shen Yi was where did Sun Ming's hostility come from? He didn't seem to have provoked this person, did he?

But Shen Yi didn't know that his relationship with Ye Shihua made many male teachers in the school beat their feet and feel jealous, and Sun Ming was the one who hated Shen Yi the most.

Because in Sun Ming's opinion, he is young and handsome, has a lot of talent, and has a strong teaching ability. He should be the most likely to win a beautiful woman back. Unexpectedly, he was snatched away by Shen Yi, who came out halfway. How could he let him don't hate?

"Shen Yi, Shen Yi, you can get Ye Shihua's favor simply because you are in the same class with her, and you can get the moon first if you are close to the water. When you leave Yinghua in embarrassment this time, I don't believe that she can still like you. when……"

Sun Ming sneered in his heart, and still had hope for Ye Shihua, but he didn't know how he could get involved in the relationship between Ye Shihua and Shen Yi for more than ten years.

During the conversation between the two, Ge Li, the head teacher of the third-year D class who was the second in the exam this time, also came to the stage to accept the award with a smile on her face.

Not far away, Wu Wenhua gloated at Shen Yi again.

"Next, I want to focus on praising one class!"

At this moment, Ye Hongru's voice sounded again, and he looked in the direction of Class E of the third year with a gentle smile.

Wu Wenhua's expression changed!
Sun Ming's eyes widened!
Many homeroom teachers present were also moved, and looked at Shen Yi in shock.

"No way!" These three words emerged in everyone's mind at the same time.


"That is Class E of the third year. Let us congratulate them with the warmest applause for getting the third place in this year's grade!"

Ye Hongru's high-pitched voice resounded throughout the campus, but this time, only the students in Class E of the third year blushed with excitement and clapped desperately.

All the other teachers and students were stunned and couldn't react for a while.

"Yeah, we won, we won!"

"No.3, we actually got the third place in the grade, haha..."

"Class E of the third year is the best, and Teacher Shen is the best!"

With the cheers of the students in Class E of the third year, everyone came back to their senses and couldn't help applauding. The applause was like a wave, getting louder and louder, and finally resounded throughout the playground.

"Impossible, it's impossible!"

Not far away, Wu Wenhua's face was pale, and he roared hysterically.

"Impossible? You mean, I'm lying to you?" Ye Hongru's expression darkened, and he handed the report card to Wu Wenhua: "It's clearly written in black and white, if you don't believe me, come and see for yourself!"

Wu Wenhua rushed up to the flag platform quickly, grabbed the score sheet and looked at it, his face turned completely pale, and he tore the paper in his hand into pieces.

"It's impossible, I don't believe it, it's fake, it must be fake!" Wu Wenhua roared angrily, refusing to believe what he saw. He is now over 50 years old, and if he loses his job, it will almost mean He was laid off early, and he couldn't bear such a blow.

"Bastard!" Ye Hongru was completely irritated by Wu Wenhua's rude behavior, pointing at Wu Wenhua and shouting: "Wu Wenhua, according to the bet between you and Mr. Fired!"

When Wu Wenhua heard this, his legs went limp, and he slumped down on the flag raising platform, his eyes were empty, like a puppet who had lost his soul.

"Wu Wenhua, you can go to the financial office to settle your salary!" Ye Hongru said lightly.

"No, principal, don't drive me away, I was wrong, principal, I really know I was wrong!" Wu Wenhua reacted, kneeling on the ground, hugging Ye Hongru's legs, crying, pleading Said: "Principal, please, for the sake of what I have done for Yinghua for so many years, don't drive me away, I can't lose my job!"

All the teachers and students below were stunned. Is this still the bossy Wu Wenhua?
"Wu Wenhua, what are you doing, get up quickly!" Ye Hongru was startled by Wu Wenhua's sudden action, and then trembled with anger.

"Principal, please, don't fire me!"

Wu Wenhua was still begging, tears and snot all over Ye Hongru's pants, causing the muscles on Ye Hongru's face to twitch.

"Xiao Zhang, Xiao Zhao, hurry up and take him away!" Ye Hongru shouted to the campus security.

In the security room at the gate of the campus, two men heard the sound, ran over immediately, and dragged Wu Wenhua away.

"I won't accept it, I won't accept it!" Wu Wenhua struggled and shouted angrily, "Shen Yi, you bastard, I won't let you go..."

"It's a pity, he hasn't apologized to us yet!" Xiao Ran shrugged and said in the queue of Class E of the third year.

"Isn't it better now, I won't have to see this annoying guy again!" Qin Yun chuckled.

"However, the old tortoise looks like he's going crazy, so he won't resort to any extreme measures. Let's take revenge on Mr. Shen!" Guo Jianxiong frowned.

"Don't worry, with Mr. Shen's method, it's useless for him to jump around!" Ji Ruixiu folded her hands behind her head, and a bright smile appeared on her delicate face.

At the top of Yunwu Mountain, she and her brother had experienced Teacher Shen's methods. Although she didn't ask anything at that time, she knew very well that Shen Yi was not an ordinary person.

After two days of calming down, the fear in her heart gradually dissipated, and Ji Ruixiu also recovered her lively and cheerful personality.

(End of this chapter)

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