Almighty teacher system

Chapter 59 Shu Yun's Little Lucky

Chapter 59 Shu Yun's Little Lucky
When Shen Yi walked into the classroom of Class E of the third year, he couldn't help frowning.

The classroom was very noisy, like a vegetable market, many students gathered in twos and threes shouting together, their faces were full of anger.

"What's the matter, this is?" Shen Yi looked at Zhao Mengqi in the front row with a sullen face.

"Teacher, it's like this. After the news spread that we were going to be the top five in the grade, many students in other classes didn't believe it. They thought we were talking big, and some even laughed at us for overreaching, so everyone was very angry!" Zhao Mengqi replied.

"Yes, Mr. Shen, those people are simply too much. Is it wrong for us to want to pass the exam?"

"That's right, I met a few bastards from Class B this morning, and I was severely despised by them for no reason!"

"Aren't I? It's so pissing off!"

Hearing these words, Shen Yi finally understood what was going on, and couldn't help laughing: "What? Haven't you been looked down upon in studies before taking exams?"

"We..." A group of students were dumbfounded. They had poor grades before and were indeed ridiculed, but they didn't take their grades seriously at that time, so they didn't think it was a big deal.

"It's a good thing for you to be angry, it shows that you know how to be ashamed and make progress, it's good!" Shen Yi nodded with a smile: "However, you don't have to care about what those people say at all, words are the most useless way to refute, Just wait for the results to come out and slap them in the face with the facts!"

"The teacher is here to give you a word: the world slanders me, bullies me, humiliates me, laughs at me, despises me, despises me, hates me, cheats me, how to deal with it? Just bear him, let him, let him, avoid him, Resist him, respect him, ignore him, stay for a few more years, and you just look at him?"

"A mediocre person is mediocre. It is useless to talk too much. Only the facts are the most powerful rebuttal!"

After Shen Yi's words fell, there was no more sound in the classroom, and all the anger on the faces of all the students faded away, replaced by absolute confidence and expectation, as if they had seen the horrified faces of those people after the results came out.

"Okay, there is still half an hour before the exam, everyone prepares, and then go to your respective exam room, stop discussing these useless things, you just need to focus all your attention on the exam paper today!" Shen Yi said in a deep voice.

All the students nodded heavily when they heard the words, and their eyes were shining with firm light.

There are many exams in the third grade of high school, and the monthly exams are considered very important exams. In order to test the students' real grades, students are usually divided up and assigned to various exam rooms for the exam.

There are two teachers in each examination room to invigilate the examination. Shen Yi is in charge of examination room No. [-], which is the classroom of Class G of the third year. His partner happens to be an acquaintance, that is, Shu Yun, the music teacher who gave music lessons to the two classes together that day. .

After receiving the test paper, Shen Yi and Shu Yun headed towards the examination room together.

"Mr. Shen, I didn't expect such a coincidence!" Shu Yun's bright eyes stared at Shen Yi beside him, feeling a little secretly pleased.

She is a music student, so those who have musical talent are the easiest to have a good impression of, and the talent that Shen Yi showed in the music class that day completely conquered her, and made her feel admiration in her heart.

However, when she finally plucked up the courage and was about to take the initiative to attack, the news of Shen Yi and Ye Shihua's love came out in the campus, which made her plan aborted.

Therefore, she was very happy to be assigned to partner with Shen Yi in an examination room today, and felt that this was a good opportunity given to her by God.

"Yeah, it's a coincidence!" Shen Yi smiled and looked at Shu Yun, with no waves in his eyes.

It is undeniable that Shu Yun is definitely a great beauty, with picturesque features, a delicate face, and a gentle and charming personality. She is the type of little woman that men like most, a typical Jiangnan beauty.

However, Shen Yi, who had just tasted the taste of love, only had room for Ye Shihua in his heart, and he couldn't feel Shu Yun's hint of affection at all.

Seeing Shen Yi's neither surprised nor happy attitude, Shu Yun was slightly disappointed, didn't they all say that women chase men's interlayer gauze, why does she feel like she has a long way to go?

"Ah!" At this moment, Shu Yun was accidentally bumped by someone, exclaimed, and fell towards Shen Yi.

Shen Yi's complexion changed slightly, his eyes were quick and his hands were quick, he pressed Shu Yun's shoulders with both hands, frowned and stared at the student who bumped into him.

"Teacher, I'm sorry, I'm rushing to the examination room!" The boy apologized flusteredly, and ran away.

Shu Yun leaned in Shen Yi's arms, feeling the masculine aura coming from Shen Yi's body, his eyes were blurred, and his pretty face was full of blush.

"Ms. Shu, are you okay, Mr. Shu..."

Sensing the strange sights from the students around him, Shen Yi hastily shook Shu Yun's shoulder.

"Ah! I'm fine, I'm fine!" Shu Yun finally came to his senses, stood up straight with a blushing face, lowered his head and said softly, "Thank you, Teacher Shen!"

"It's fine, let's hurry to the examination room!" Shen Yi said with a smile, not noticing anything unusual.

"En!" Shu Yun nodded lightly, and the light in Shen Yi's beautiful eyes, which Shen Yi couldn't see, was like water waves, and the ripples spread.

The exam in the morning was Chinese. When Shen Yi and Shu Yun came to the exam room, all the students had already arrived.

Seeing Shen Yi and Shu Yun walking into the classroom, the students below were immediately agitated, and some acquaintances started talking in low voices.

"Wow, Mr. Shen is proctoring us, that's great!"

"It's really lucky to see the handsome guy after finishing the questions!"

"These two teachers seem to have a good temper, don't they have a chance..."

"Ahem..." Hearing this, Shen Yi coughed twice, raised his eyebrows and said, "Before the exam, I would like to remind you, teacher, my hearing is very good, I heard everything you said!"

As soon as the words fell, the girls below immediately blushed, and the candidates who planned to do some tricks in the exam secretly shuddered and gave up this idea decisively.

Shen Yi stood on the podium and looked around at the group of candidates below. Most of them were unfamiliar faces. Only three students came from Class E. They were Ji Ruixiu, who was carefree and tomboy-like at ordinary times, and Ji Ruixiu, who had a sense of presence in the class. Gao Yi, who is very low, and Tian Tian, ​​​​a fat girl with a low self-esteem.

Besides, Shen Yi was surprised to find that Gu Yue was also in this examination room.

Shen Yi couldn't help but winked at her, the latter blushed and lowered his head shyly.

"Attention all invigilators, the exam is about to start, now ask the invigilators to distribute the test papers and answer sheets!"

A mechanized electronic female voice came from the radio on the classroom wall. Shen Yi smiled and looked at Shu Yun who was beside him: "Teacher Shu Yun, I will hand out the test papers, and I will give you the answer sheet!"

"Okay!" Shu Yun smiled.

The two worked together, and quickly distributed the test papers and answer sheets to every student, and the test began!
 There's another update at ten o'clock! !

(End of this chapter)

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