Almighty teacher system

Chapter 551 I Want To Try It Too

Chapter 551 I Want To Try It Too

"Can I kill him?" Phantom suddenly whispered to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi was slightly startled, followed his line of sight to look at Hughes, and immediately understood.

Obviously, Phantom was very angry about her being brainwashed. She had already killed the superhuman who was good at mind control, and now she didn't plan to let the instigator go.

"It's up to you, this is your freedom, why ask me?" Shen Yi shrugged.

He also didn't like this guy who secretly planned to target his students.

Moreover, this person is also related to the action ten years ago, he has already taken away the power of action, and he is sitting on the ground in a daze.

The phantom nodded, and the dark and thick shadow enveloped the whole body again, turning into a black shadow and sweeping towards Hughes from the ground.

The Nighthawk squad was completely wiped out, and ordinary family guards couldn't detect the Phantom at all.


A moment later, there was a shrill scream, and a line of blood appeared on Hughes' neck, and the blood gushed out. He covered his neck with his eyes wide open, and fell into a pool of blood with a face full of horror.

The expressions of everyone in the Luo Fei family on the side changed drastically, and several girls couldn't help screaming, and they all staggered back, away from the dying Hughes.

And the phantom has turned into a black shadow and merged into the ground, reappearing behind Shen Yi.

"You didn't believe what you said." Klaus stared at Shen Yi with blemishes.

"Don't get me wrong, this is her grievance, it has nothing to do with me." Shen Yi calmly pointed to the phantom behind him and said.

Klaus remembered what Roland had said about what happened in the DuPont family, and he understood. He could only snort coldly, staring at the two with gloomy eyes.

"Don't stare at me like that. How are my parents? Let me tell you first, you are not allowed to leave here. If you don't see anyone when the time comes, don't blame me for doing it directly." Shen Yi said indifferently.

"Aren't you afraid that something will happen to your parents?" Klaus said coldly.

As soon as Klaus said this, Shen Yi's face suddenly sank, and a murderous intent swept out like a substance, and the old John's face suddenly changed, and he secretly said that something was wrong.

Shen Yi raised his right hand, pointed his index finger and middle finger together as a sword, and swiped across the air towards Klaus.

The dazzling golden light bloomed, extended tens of feet long, and fell from the sky, cutting off Klaus's right arm shoulder-to-shoulder.

Under the horrified gazes of everyone in the Luo Fei family, the severed arm fell to the ground, and bright red blood gushed out from the severed arm like a spring.

Klaus screamed terribly, and the body supported by Roland was shaking violently, and almost passed out without pain.

"You bastard, why are you so cruel, my father has already lost his legs." Roland's eyes were red, and he was angry at Shen Yi.

"Let me teach you a lesson, remember, if you dare to threaten me again, I will really kill all of you." Shen Yi ignored Roland and said indifferently.

He wasn't worried that the other party would really attack his parents. After all, almost all the important members of the Luo Fei family were here now, and his life and death were under his control. They didn't have the guts to kill them.

"Go, send him to a doctor quickly." John looked at his son who had lost a lot of blood and his face was a little pale, and said anxiously.

"Healing is possible, but people are not allowed to leave." Shen Yi said in a tone that could not be refused.

Roland glared at him fiercely with eyes that seemed to be spitting fire, but he had no choice but to let the family's medical staff rush over immediately.

Soon the medical staff arrived and frantically treated the wound for Klaus.

Shen Yi walked to a disfigured flower bed that was destroyed by the aftermath of the battle, found a stone and sat down, looking at the eastern sky with deep eyes, waiting for the sunrise, and also waiting for his parents whom he hadn't seen in ten years.

I don't know what they look like now?Is it getting older?Have you ever suffered a crime?If so, he would never spare these bastards lightly.

For a moment, Shen Yi's mood was extremely complicated, with anticipation and excitement, but also apprehension and anxiety.

"Can you tell me about your parents?" Phantom walked to him and sat down, looking at him and asking.

Shen Yi tilted his head to glance at her, saw the envy in her light blue eyes, was slightly startled, as if guessing something, asked back: "Don't you have any family?"

"No, I was trained as an assassin growing up. I only have a code name, and I don't even know my own name, let alone have a family." Phantom showed a deep look of loneliness on her face, looking up at the starry sky. In the night sky, she was rarely good at words and said a lot.

"Then why are you in the Du Pont family?" Shen Yi asked again.

"Ten years ago, I was arrested for assassinating a military general. Later, I was transformed into a supernatural being as an experimental material, and then I was taken to the Dupont family." Phantom replied.

Shen Yi nodded silently, thinking that he was free anyway, so he told her every detail of his warm life with his parents, sister, Ye Zi and the old man.

Time passed bit by bit, Shen Yi spoke slowly, and she listened quietly.

Not far away, Klaus had already passed out due to excessive blood loss. Roland and the medical staff were busy treating his wounds, while the rest of the Luo Fei family, some were in a daze, some had lingering fears, and some stared at Shen Yi with resentment. .

"Is this a judgment sent by God? Do you think our family has done too many evil things? Otherwise, how could we have provoked such a person." Old John looked at Shen Yi with complicated eyes, and whispered to himself.


"That's how things are, that's why I came to America, and no one can stop me from finding my parents." Shen Yi clenched his fists tightly, his eyes full of determination.

"Family... how nice!" Phantom looked at him with deep eyes, whispered softly, with a faint smile that had never been seen on her face.

"Where are you going next?" Shen Yi asked.

"I don't know." Phantom shook her head blankly.

"You killed Hughes and the DuPont family, it's dangerous to stay in the Congress of the United States, why don't you go to Huaxia with me!" Shen Yi suggested.

Phantom was stunned when she heard the words, and said a little moved: "Is it possible?"

"Of course." Shen Yi smiled and nodded: "When you get there, you can slowly find what you want to do. You still have to have some goals in life. For example, I want to be a teacher who is admired and loved by students."

"You? Teacher?" Phantom's eyes widened, her face full of disbelief.

"Yeah, I really like the life of staying with students, it's very ordinary, but very comfortable." A gentle smile appeared on Shen Yi's face.

Phantom was silent for a while, then suddenly raised her eyes and said, "I want to try too."

Shen Yi was stunned when he heard the words.

"I want to try to be a teacher." Phantom continued to speak, her eyes brightened slightly.

Shen Yi came back to his senses, nodded in a daze: "That's fine, our school happens to be short of a head teacher, but can you do it?"

"When I was trained to be a killer, I also received training in various knowledge in order to disguise my identity. It should be fine." Phantom nodded.

Having seen Shen Yi's mighty strength like a god of war, she was extremely curious why he would become a teacher and wanted to try that kind of life.

(End of this chapter)

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