Almighty teacher system

Chapter 540 Heading to the Luo Fei Family

Chapter 540 Heading to the Luo Fei Family
It was almost ten o'clock in the evening. Outside the banquet hall, Shen Yi said goodbye to Lin Lan's mother and daughter, and prepared to go to Luo Fei's family with Roland.

"Mr. Shen, you must be careful." Ai Linqiao's face was full of worry. Although Shen Yi was almost omnipotent in her eyes, she also knew that the Luo Fei family was the most powerful in the United States. The ancient family still couldn't help worrying about him.

"Don't worry, it's fine." Shen Yi smiled slightly, looked at Lin Lan and asked, "Are you planning to go back to China directly?"

"It's too late now, let's find a hotel to rest for the night, and we will return home early tomorrow morning." Lin Lan replied.

She really didn't want to stay in this nasty place for a moment, but she was in dire straits all day, both mentally and physically too tired.

"The hotel has to go back to the city. Otherwise, just stay overnight!" Auston suddenly interjected. After the previous incident, he really felt extremely guilty for Lin Lan and her daughter. To compensate as much as possible.

"No need, I can't sleep living here." Lin Lan gave him an indifferent look.

Auston's face froze, and he turned his expectant eyes to Irene again.

"Don't look at me, I'll listen to my mother." Irene said calmly.

"Okay, I'll arrange for someone to take you to the city." Alston sighed with a wry smile.

"People may do some crazy things when they are in desperation, you have to be careful." Shen Yi reminded slightly.

Grace can be said to have lost everything now, and it is possible to do anything under madness.

Lin Lan and Irene were not stupid either. After hearing Shen Yi's words, their expressions immediately became extremely solemn.

After all, this is the country of America, and that woman has a lot of energy here, it is too easy to do something to them.

"I will send someone to protect them, and I will never let that bitch mess around again." Alston said sharply.

Shen Yi tilted his head to look at him, saw that his eyes were firm, he didn't look like he was lying, so he felt relieved, nodded and said: "I hope you can do what you say."

"Simon, tell your mother, if she dares to touch my future wife again, I will be very angry." Roland also said coldly to Simon standing behind Auston at this time.

Although he was rejected by Irene, he has absolute confidence in his own charm. Irene will definitely be his wife in the future, and no one is allowed to hurt her.

Simon's body trembled when he heard the words, and he nodded hastily. He decided to inform his mother immediately to tell her not to mess around. The mother and daughter of Irene now have two backers, Auston and Roland, and they are no longer them. I can move.

"Let's go!" Shen Yi said coldly to Roland.


Get on Roland's private plane and head all the way to the Luo Fei family.

On the plane, Shen Yi had no expression on his face, his elbows were resting on the armrests of the seat, his fingers were tightly crossed in front of him, the knuckles were turning white due to excessive force.

He couldn't describe his mood at the moment in words, both the excitement and excitement about seeing his parents, and the fear and anxiety brought about by the possibility that he didn't want to face.

The Lowfe family's estate is located near New York, and it takes about two hours to get there from the Dupont estate by plane.

Two hours, usually the time of a movie, is very short, but to Shen Yi at this moment, it feels like a second is like a year.

"Would you like some wine?" Roland asked Monica to fetch a bottle of red wine that most people couldn't name, poured two glasses, and handed one of them to Shen Yi.

Shen Yi looked up at him, reached out to take the goblet, and drank it down in one gulp like a cow chewing peonies.

He really needs to calm down now, although alcohol has little effect on him.

"Aren't you afraid that I'll poison you?" Roland looked at Shen Yi in astonishment.

"Poison? Do you think that thing is useful to me?" Shen Yi smiled disdainfully.

Roland shrugged and motioned for Monica to pour wine for Shen Yi.

"Mr. Shen, I know I'm just one of your hostages now, but I still have to say a few words so that things won't get out of hand." Roland shook the goblet in his hand and said solemnly.

"Then let's talk!" Shen Yi took a sip of his wine and said lightly.

"Mr. Shen, there is an ancestral motto in our family - let every thought be subordinate to the motive of profit."

Roland stared at Shen Yi, and said with a serious face: "My father also told me that since I was born, I have had innumerable wealth and power, but I must never relax my demands on myself. The ruler of a family must He is the most perfect person, he is the one who can lead the family to continue its glory, everything is based on the interests of the family, that is what my father did, and that is what I demand of myself."

He took a sip of red wine and continued: "Our family has countless wealth and awe-inspiring power, but it is also a huge cake. There are countless hungry wolves watching in the dark. Once our family declines, they will not mind. Jump out and take a bite."

Roland's eyes shone with light: "Only when the family becomes stronger and continues to flourish, these hungry wolves dare not have any desire to covet it."

"Is this what you want to say?" Shen Yi heard the meaning of his words, and his face was calm as usual.

"Mr. Shen, our family was indeed involved in the operation ten years ago. I don't deny this. For the benefit of the family, if I had made the decision at the beginning, I would have done the same. I said these words just to think Let me tell you, only profit is everything, I like your Huaxia's words very much - the prosperity of the world is for profit, and the prosperity of the world is for profit."

Roland's last sentence was spoken in standard Chinese.

"I didn't expect you to have a lot of research on our Chinese culture." Shen Yi smiled in surprise.

"Of course, China is the oldest country, and many things are worth learning." Roland said earnestly.

"I understand what you mean. I just want to say that everything can be negotiated, and I want to use benefits to resolve the hatred between me and your family." Shen Yi smiled lightly, then changed the subject abruptly, and said sternly: "But you Wrong, for me, family affection is far above money, power and other things."

"So, Mr. Shen, are you really going to make things worse?" Roland said coldly.

Shen Yi smiled disapprovingly and said: "Don't you know our Chinese culture very well, do you know that there are people in our Huaxia who once said that enmity between parents is irreconcilable, you must repay your kindness, and you must repay your grudges."

"Then you want to kill people in my Luo Fei family?" Roland's face turned completely cold.

"That depends on the situation of my parents, but no matter what, those who participated in it at the beginning must pay the corresponding price." Shen Yi said word by word.

(End of this chapter)

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