Chapter 502
After the sumptuous dinner, Shen Yi first sent Murong Xue home.

" you want to...go in and sit down?"

Outside the villa, Murong Xue's hands were tightly intertwined behind her back, her pretty face was slightly red, her beautiful eyes looking towards Shen Yi were full of attachment and a touch of shyness, and her trembling voice clearly revealed her nervous mood at the moment.

Shen Yi was stunned for a moment, then shook his head with a smile: "No, it's getting late."

"Oh!" Murong Xue's eyes dimmed slightly, and she responded in a disappointed voice.

The atmosphere was awkwardly silent for a while, Shen Yi broke the silence: "Okay, I'll go first, you can go in too, it's quite cold outside."

"I'll watch you leave before you go in." Murong Xue looked up into his eyes and smiled.

Shen Yi didn't know what to say for a moment, he nodded and was about to turn around and leave.

However, the moment he turned to leave, someone grabbed his hand, and then Murong Xue's exquisite and beautiful jade face was quickly enlarged in sight, and there was a warm and slightly cool touch on his lips.

Shen Yi's mind was in a mess, and he couldn't remember how to get in the car, how to start the car and leave.

Murong Xue kept watching the black car disappear from sight, then stretched out her hand and patted her little face that was a little bit cold by the cold wind, with a beautiful curve on her lips, she turned and walked into the villa.


"Come back, have you had dinner yet?"

Ye Shihua, who had just opened the door and entered the room, was watching an idol drama with Shen Xiu on the sofa. Hearing the movement, she greeted him with a gentle smile, and took a pair of slippers from the shoe cabinet beside him and put them under his feet.

Everything is so natural, as if the two have been married for many years.

Looking at this scene, Shen Yi couldn't help thinking of today's scene in his mind, and finally Murong Xue's affectionate kiss when he parted, and his mood was inexplicably complicated.

The inferiority of men...

Sighing heavily in his heart, Shen Yi forcibly dispelled the distracting thoughts in his mind, stretched out his hand to embrace the beauty in front of him, smiled and kissed her on the forehead: "Eat, someone treats you today!"


Ye Shihua responded with a smile, and suddenly smelled the faint scent of perfume from Shen Yi.

This perfume smell should belong to that woman.

Even though the two had only met formally once, she had firmly remembered this smell, after all, she was the woman who seemed most likely to threaten her.

A little resentment flashed in the depths of his eyes, but the expression on his face remained unchanged.

In fact, before meeting Murong Xue, she learned about what happened between Murong Xue and him from Shen Yi. At that time, she understood that it was impossible for Shen Yi to refuse Murong Xue.

For Murong Xue, she actually didn't dislike him, and was even very grateful to this girl who risked her life to defend Shen Yi.

At that time, Shen Yi was just an ancient warrior who had just started, unable to withstand bullets, if it wasn't for Murong Xue, his life might really be in danger.

However, gratitude is nothing but gratitude, and she will not compromise because of gratitude, she can no longer imagine what the world without Shen Yi would be like.

"Brother, where did you go today? Why haven't you seen anyone all day?" Shen Xiu ate potato chips, and looked at her brother who was sitting next to her inquiringly.

"It's late at night, eat less of this, be careful to make you fat!" Shen Yi snatched the bag of potato chips from her hand, stuffed a mouthful into his mouth, and said vaguely: "I went to buy some ingredients for you guys." Refining some self-defense treasures."

"Self-defense baby? What is it? Take it out and show me!" Shen Xiumei's eyes lit up, and she couldn't wait to ask.

"It's not done yet!"

"Tsk, what did you say if it didn't work out?"

Shen Xiu slammed her mouth in dissatisfaction, snatched the potato chips from his hand, and muttered: "I am also an ancient warrior after all, I don't believe that eating potato chips can make me fat."

"According to you, there are no fat people among the ancient warriors?" Shen Yi glanced at her, and said with a sneer, "Girl, you are too naive."

Shen Xiu was taken aback when she heard the words, and resentfully stuffed the potato chips in her hand back into the bag, then stuffed the bag back to him, and said with a small mouth shut: "Don't eat it, don't eat it, hate it, I'll give it to you."

Shen Yi smiled triumphantly, and started to eat happily.

In fact, as an ancient warrior, it is still very easy to keep in shape, but it is still very happy to fool my sister once in a while.

"Puff..." Ye Shihua looked at the two brothers and sisters who were arguing, and covered her mouth and started laughing.

"Okay, don't watch TV, go back to your room and go to sleep, you have to go to class tomorrow." After finishing a bag of potato chips, Shen Yi drank his saliva and told his sister.

"Got it, got it, watch this episode." Shen Xiu waved her little hand impatiently.

After returning to the room and taking a shower, Shen Yi walked out of the bathroom naked, went to the window and sat cross-legged, let the moonlight shine on his body, took out a spirit stone, and began to practice the Five Elements Yin-Yang Art.

After a while, the door was opened, and Ye Shihua, who was wearing pajamas, walked in silently. Seeing Shen Yi who was naked in front of the window, she blushed first, and then showed surprise on her face.

I saw Shen Yi's whole body was shrouded in the moonlight, wisps of clearly visible white mist poured in from the window and poured into his body, and a crystal clear stone in his hand was also emitting bright brilliance.

Without disturbing Shen Yi, Ye Shihua walked over and sat on the bedside, turned on the bedside lamp, took a book on the bedside table and read it.

Accompanied by a slight sound, the spirit stone in Shen Yi's hand was sucked dry of spirit energy, turned into pieces and shattered to pieces.

Shen Yi opened his eyes, and was about to take out another spirit stone to practice, when he suddenly sensed something, and looked at Ye Shihua, who was sitting on the bed and dozing off, his little head was biting.

Seeing that cute appearance, Shen Yi walked over amusedly, climbed onto the bed and hugged her body, ready to put her down to sleep, but unexpectedly woke her up.

"Have you finished training?" Ye Shihua rubbed her eyes and yawned.

"No, I'm going to use cultivation instead of sleep these few days. If you're sleepy, just lie down and sleep!" Shen Yi said softly.

Ye Shihua shook her head, her eyes inadvertently saw something under Shen Yi's body, a seductive blush suddenly appeared on her face, and she said coquettishly, "Why don't you wear clothes?"

Shen Yi was startled when he heard the words, looked down, shrugged his shoulders and said with an evil smile: "What are you afraid of, it's not like you haven't seen it before, and it's easier to absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth when you practice without wearing clothes."

"Bah!" Ye Shihua spat lightly with a blushing face, and said curiously, "I saw you holding a rock in your hand, what is that?"

"That's a spirit stone..."

Shen Yi briefly explained, and then passed the Yin-Yang Five Elements Jue to Ye Shihua, and then asked her to sit by the window, guiding her to transform the true energy in her body into the aura of a cultivator.

Ye Shihua, who was originally an ancient martial artist in the middle stage of Xuan level, became a cultivator, and her cultivation was at the third level of Qi training.

 I went out to play two days ago, and it was broken for two days. Don't worry, the author will work hard to make up.

(End of this chapter)

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