Almighty teacher system

Chapter 443 Judge Cui

Chapter 443 Judge Cui

The living room of less than [-] square meters was in a mess, the sofa was overturned, the coffee table, TV, etc. were all broken, and there were many bloodstains on the ground that had not yet dried up. Deep deep scars.

Zheng Lin looked at all this carefully, and a strange brilliance appeared in her beautiful eyes.

After the incident of Yang Fugui's assassination, at Yang Fugui's request, she did not bother Shen Yi, but she became more curious about him, and carefully investigated this Yinghua Teacher Shen.

This Mr. Shen's personal information was unremarkable, but as the investigation deepened, she became more and more convinced that this Mr. Shen was extraordinary, and some events that happened in the upper echelons of the Pearl in the past few months seemed to be related to him.

She even found out that the boss behind the black jade pharmaceutical company that has recently become the focus of the Pearl business circle is also Mr. Shen.

There are also superb medical skills shown at the Yinghua Games, as well as his heroine apprentice who was popular on the Internet a while ago...

All of these things showed Shen Yi's extraordinaryness.

Not only him, but also the people around him seemed to be shrouded in a fog.

For example, Lan Xin, who was only about 20 years old, was able to subdue several knife-wielding gangsters with her bare hands.

Another example is the missing pair of brothers and sisters today. Zheng Lin couldn't find out their identities at all. She only knew that they came to Mingzhu with Shen Yi more than a month ago, and then arranged them into her class.

"This guy... who the hell is it!" Zheng Lindai frowned, thinking hard.

At this time, Shen Yi also arrived, and found that there were two policemen guarding the door, and there were many surrounding tenants watching and discussing.

"What's going on here? Who's missing? Why are there so many policemen here?"

"It's a pair of brothers and sisters. They seem to be students from Yinghua across the street. They rarely go out except for class and get out of class. I was watching TV just now. When I heard an explosion below, I hurried down to take a look. The person has disappeared!"

"Oh my god, it's too scary. Could it be that he was taken away by someone? Didn't there be that murderous maniac a while ago!"

"It's so pitiful. I've seen this pair of brothers and sisters too. Although the elder brother is cold, the girl is quite lovable!"

"Hey... I hope the police officers can find him back!"


"Let's go, let's go!" Shen Yi pushed away the people blocking the door, walked up to the two policemen guarding the door, and said solemnly: "I'm their head teacher!"

"Captain, Teacher Shen is here!" One of the policemen shouted into the room, and then let Shen Yi into the room.

Shen Yi walked into the house, looked at the traces in the living room, and his face darkened.

There is no doubt that this is definitely the arrival of an ancient martial arts master, who took the two of them away.

"Mr. Shen, you came very quickly!" Seeing Shen Yi entering the room, Zheng Lin quickly walked up to him.

"How's the situation, is there any news about them?" Shen Yi asked in a calm voice.

Zheng Lin shook her head solemnly: "I have reported the situation to the police station, and the police station has sent people to look for it, but there is no news yet!"

Shen Yi was not surprised, if the other party was really a person from Hades, it would be impossible for the police to find him.

"Mr. Shen, who are these brothers and sisters? Why is there no identity information about them in our police system?" Zheng Lin asked.

"They are a pair of orphans, and now I am their guardian!" Shen Yi said casually.

Zheng Lin wanted to continue asking, but Shen Yi went straight to the hanger at the door, took off the coats of the black and white brothers and sisters, and then walked out of the house.

Confused by Shen Yi's actions, she asked loudly, "Mr. Shen, where are you going?"

"Officer Zheng, tell the people in your police station to stop looking, otherwise someone will die, and I will bring them back myself!" Shen Yi left the room without looking back, and walked downstairs .

Zheng Lin was stunned for a while, and hurriedly chased out, only to find that the person had disappeared.

Shen Yi came to the street outside the community.

Soon, a black Audi drove over quickly and stopped in front of it, and then four biochemical humans in black suits with stern faces got out of the car and knelt down on one knee to Shen Yi.


After the crisis of the Chen family was resolved, he arranged four cyborgs into the Black Jade Company as security guards to protect the company's safety, but as long as he thought in the center of his mind, the four could sense it.

"Get up, Xiong Da, see if you can trace it based on the smell on it!" Shen Yi asked them to stand up first, and then handed over the two coats of the black and white brothers and sisters.

According to the system's introduction to biochemical humans, these biochemical humans have a sense of smell hundreds of times stronger than humans.

"Yes!" Xiong Da respectfully took the coat and sniffed it. After sensing it for a while, he pointed to both sides of the street and said to Shen Yi: "Boss, these two breaths are separated here!"

Shen Yi frowned when he heard the words, but he didn't expect the other party to divide into two ways. After pondering for a moment, he ordered: "Xiong Da, Xiong Er, you come with me, Ah Da, Ah Er, you two drive this Audi to track , Save the person back to me!"


The four cyborgs responded in unison, and then Ah Da and Ah Er got on the Audi and followed Shen Yi in the direction to the left.

And Shen Yi released a few mechanical scout bees to follow Ah Da and Ah Er, and then drove the Land Rover to chase Xiong Da and Xiong Er in the opposite direction.

"Which direction?" Looking at the intersection ahead, Shen Yi shouted anxiously into the rearview mirror.

Although the people of Hades didn't kill the black and white brothers and sisters on the spot, they would definitely take them back for punishment.

Once the other party is allowed to board the plane, the black and white brothers and sisters are really in danger, and he will never allow such a thing to happen.

"Boss, turn left!" Xiong Da, who was sitting in the back of the car, responded.

The windows of the car were all open, and the cold wind blowing from outside brought the breath of black and white brothers and sisters into the noses of the two cyborgs.

The Land Rover drifted suddenly at the intersection, and then galloped away like a black ghost, disappearing into the night in the blink of an eye, stunned the car owners who were waiting for the traffic lights at the intersection.

"Boss, the target is in the car ahead!" About ten minutes later, Xiong Er suddenly said.

Shen Yi looked at a black car [-] meters ahead, his eyes flickering with coldness.

"Someone is following up!"

Inside the car, a purple-robed man wearing a judge's mask was driving the vehicle, glanced at the rapidly approaching Land Rover in the rearview mirror, and uttered a bone-chilling voice.

On the back seat of the car, Bai Jin, who was unable to move after being hit by acupuncture points, had a look of surprise on his small face.

Another man sitting next to her was dressed in a red robe and also wore a judge mask. The mask looked like the "Judge Cui" of the four great judges in Huaxia's legend about the underworld.

"Then stop the car!" Judge Cui glanced at Bai Jin, his eyes under the mask wiped with murderous intent, and said in a hoarse voice, "It should be the person who protected black and white and killed Meng Po. Go meet him!"

The purple-robed man nodded and parked the car by the side of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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