Almighty teacher system

Chapter 434 Liu Ruhai's Son

Chapter 434 Liu Ruhai's Son
"Mr. Shen, how did you do it? In just a few minutes, you actually made two peerless works!" A female teacher asked in disbelief.

"I wrote this before. After listening to you, I felt that these two songs are very suitable, so I took them out!" Shen Yi smiled slightly.

A group of teachers nodded in relief after hearing the words. If it was written on the spot, it would be too scary.

"If there is nothing else, I'll leave first!" Shen Yi smiled and pointed to the door of the classroom.

"Well, goodbye, Mr. Shen..."

"Mr. Shen, thank you, we will definitely make good use of these two songs and produce the best work!"

Shen Yi nodded with a smile, and left the music teacher under the adoring eyes of a group of female teachers.

"Shu Yun, come quickly, you play these two pieces first, and let's see how to choreograph!" A female teacher shouted.

However, no response was received.

"Shu Yun?" The female teacher turned her head and looked at Shu Yun suspiciously, but saw that she was still staring blankly at the direction Shen Yi left.

The female teacher was stunned for a moment, then seemed to understand something, sighed softly, walked over and patted her on the shoulder.

"Ah, what's the matter?" Shu Yun woke up with a start, and looked at the female teacher with some guilt.

"Don't look, you have a girlfriend like Mr. Ye, I can only blame you for not being so lucky, you should give up as soon as possible, it will be better for you!" the female teacher said in a low voice.

Shu Yun's tender body trembled slightly, her bright beautiful eyes became a little sad, and she nodded bitterly.

give up?Easier said than done.

Shen Yi was the first opposite sex she fell in love with. His handsome face, extraordinary talent, elegant and gentle temperament, everything attracted her like a magnet, fascinated her.

She wants to try hard to pursue happiness, but she doesn't want to destroy the happiness of others. This kind of contradictory mood makes her feel mixed.


Shen Yi returned to the classroom and wandered around, it happened to be lunch break, some students in the class were resting, and some were preparing for the program of the New Year's Day party.

"Change this one to an off-the-shoulder style, um, and tuck in the waist..."

Qin Yun was designing clothes with Lin Yuxuan, and after receiving Shen Yi's order to put on a show at the New Year's Eve party, she prepared to use her talent in fashion design to hold a fashion show.

It's not that she can't draw, but that Lin Yuxuan draws better and more intuitively.

Shen Xiu, Gu Yue and other girls were also gathered there, expressing their opinions from time to time.

At that time, they will all be models for this fashion show.

The two brothers and sisters Ji Ruixiu and Ji Ruijin, as well as Zhao Mengqi and Louise, discussed dance and soundtrack together.

The four of them decided to perform a show together. Zhao Mengqi and Louise would play the piano and violin, and then the Ji family brother and sister would dance to the music. After school these days, they all rehearsed in a music classroom.

Everyone was completely absorbed in it, and Shen Yi didn't even notice when he walked into the classroom.

In the end, Shen Yi's suspicious eyes fell on Guo Jianxiong, and he found that he was not playing basketball, but was sitting on the seat with his chin propped up, looking out the window with dull eyes, his resolute face showed a silly look from time to time. smile.

"What's wrong with that guy?" Shen Yi patted Xiao Ran's shoulder, pointed at Guo Jianxiong.

Xiao Ran glanced at Guo Jianxiong in the direction Shen Yi pointed, smiled mysteriously, and said in a low voice: "That guy, spring is here!"

"Huh?" Shen Yi was puzzled.

"It's the girl from yesterday!" Xiao Ran explained.

Only then did Shen Yi understand, the corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching a few times, Guo Jianxiong has always been a single-celled creature with only basketball in his mind, and now...

"Hehe... That girl has already returned to Longjing, but I heard from Guo Jianxiong that he already got her WeChat and mobile phone number!" Xiao Ran continued.

Black lines drooped down Shen Yi's forehead, he wasn't very opposed to students falling in love, who didn't have someone they liked in high school?

But... Seeing Guo Jianxiong's stupid appearance, he felt a little out of harmony.


"Okay, where should we go?" Shen Yi walked out of the school gate, not knowing where to go for a moment.

He has always been on the line between home and school.

Do you want to go back to practice?

As soon as this idea came out, he cut it off. It's not long since he broke through the middle stage of the prefecture level, and the effect of cultivation is not great.

What's more, in a few days, when Irene wins the championship of China's good songs, he will be able to get the cultivation method, which will be more effective in practicing.

At this moment, the phone rang, Shen Yi took out the phone and looked at the caller ID, he couldn't help being stunned.

"Hi, Old Liu!" Shen Yi hurriedly connected to the phone, and shouted with a smile.

The call was from Liu Anguo, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.

"Xiao Yi, you haven't been here for a long time, did you forget about me, the old man?" Liu Anguo's voice came with some reproach.

"How can this be, haven't I been busy recently!" Shen Yi said with a smile.

"You kid, stop pretending, it's fine, come and play two games of chess with me, and have dinner together tonight!" Liu Anguo said in a tone that could not be refused.

"Okay, I'll go there now!" Shen Yi agreed without hesitation, and it was true that he hadn't visited Mr. Liu for a long time. After killing Chen Rong last time, the Liu family helped him, so I just wanted to thank him.

After returning home and picking up the car, Shen Yi drove to the nursing home where Liu Anguo was.

Today the Liu family is all here, Liu Fu's family, Liu Ruhai's family, and Liu Rubing are all there.

"Brother Shen Yi!" Seeing Shen Yi entering the room, Liu Qingqing immediately ran over excitedly, hugged Shen Yi's arm, looked at Shen Yi with big eyes full of little stars, and shouted: "Brother Shen Yi, no Thinking of you playing so well, I watched the video at Linhai Gymnasium yesterday, you are so handsome!"

Going to school this morning, she heard some boys excitedly discussing about the basketball game, and curiously participated in it. After seeing Shen Yi single-handedly defeating Bai Haochen in the video, she was immediately stunned.

Shen Yi smiled and patted her head.

"Okay, Qingqing, don't pester your elder brother Shen Yi!" Meng Yun glared at her daughter, and then waved to Shen Yi with a smile: "Xiao Yi, come and drink tea!"

Liu Qingqing pouted, and reluctantly let go of her hand.

"Old Liu, you are in good health recently!" Shen Yi walked over to sit down, and greeted Liu Anguo who was sitting at the top with a smile.

"Okay, the medicine you prescribed for nourishing the body is very useful!" Liu Anguo nodded with a smile.

"That's good!" Shen Yi nodded with a smile, took the hot tea from Meng Yun, thanked him, and then looked at a boy beside Liu Ruhai.

The boy looked about thirteen or fourteen years old, dressed in fashion, with a little arrogance on his immature face.

"Oh, this is my son Liu Rui!" Liu Ruhai introduced with a smile, and said to the son beside him: "Xiao Rui, quickly say hello to your elder brother Shen Yi!"

(End of this chapter)

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