Almighty teacher system

Chapter 31 protect the short

Chapter 31 protect the short
"As a teacher, my student is hospitalized, why can't I come and have a look?" Shen Yi put the fruit on the table, pulled out the chair, and sat down very familiarly.

"Qin Yun told you?" Xiao Ran frowned. In Class E of the third year, only Qin Yun was in the same circle as him. When he raced with others yesterday, Qin Yun happened to be there.

That bastard woman, knowing that she and Shen Yi were incompatible, actually betrayed him.

Shen Yi was noncommittal, glanced at the spacious ward, saw that no one had visited him, he couldn't help asking: "Where are your family members, why didn't they come to take care of you?"

When Xiao Ran heard this, he was stunned for a moment, and the look of disappointment flashed away in his eyes.

"If you want to take care of me, I don't need others to take care of me, as long as I have money!"

"Hehe! Money is very important, but some things are still impossible to buy!" Shen Yi took a full view of the loss and sadness in Xiao Ran's eyes, and his pair of deep black eyes staring at Xiao Ran seemed to see through him.

Xiao Ran trembled slightly, turned his head with an ugly expression, and gave Shen Yi the back of his head.

Shen Yi's words directly hit the softest part of his heart. From childhood to adulthood, his parents gave him a good material life, and he had whatever he wanted, but they never cared about what he really wanted.

At some point, he no longer knew how to communicate with his parents.

Just like now, he was hospitalized with a broken right leg, and he didn't call to tell his parents. It's not because he didn't dare to call, but because he didn't know what to say.

"Tell me, what's going on?" Shen Yi asked with a smile, took out an apple and a fruit knife from the fruit basket he brought, and began to peel it.

After a moment of silence.

"Why should I tell you, you go, I don't want to see your face!"

"Is it because of Teacher Ye?" Shen Yi directly explained.

Xiao Ran's body trembled again, and then he stared fiercely at Shen Yi with his eyes: "Yes, you're right, what's wrong with her? I just like Teacher Ye. What's wrong with her? She's beautiful and gentle, just like heaven And you, you are just a poor teacher, even if you cook well, play basketball well, and have good skills, so what? What can you give her? A woman like her should not Living an ordinary life with you, you are not worthy of her at all—”

Xiao Ran's anger and grievances poured towards Shen Yi like a flood bursting its embankment, and at the end of the sentence, he almost roared out.

"Whether you deserve it or not is not for you to decide, nor for me, but for her!" Shen Yi turned the fruit knife and continued to peel the apple, his words were still calm and indifferent: "Maybe you think you like her, But in my opinion, you just feel the long-lost tenderness and care from her, which is similar to family affection, so you want to satisfy your possessive desire and satisfy the human instinct to possess beautiful things!"

" are talking nonsense, nonsense!" Hearing Shen Yi's words, Xiao Ran's face became paler and paler, and finally he roared hysterically.

"Am I talking nonsense, you know it best in your heart, don't you?" Shen Yi smiled lightly: "Don't look at me like this, I studied psychology for a while in college!"

Xiao Ran was silent, he always thought that he liked Ye Shihua and loved her, but at this moment Shen Yi's few words made him angry, like a liar whose disguise was torn apart, revealing his ugly true face, Let him feel ashamed.

Just like what Shen Yi said, if he really liked Ye Shihua, why would he accuse Shen Yi of not being good enough for her from his own point of view, instead of considering the problem from her point of view like Shen Yi did.

"Here!" Shen Yi glanced at the silent Xiao Ran, smiled and handed over the apple he had peeled.

Xiao Ran raised his eyes and looked at Shen Yi for a long time, seeing the clean and hearty smile on his face, a certain string in his heart seemed to be plucked suddenly.

"Hey, isn't this our Young Master Xiao?"

Just when Xiao Ran was about to reach out to pick it up, a piercing voice suddenly came.

Shen Yi followed the prestige, but saw a group of well-dressed young men and women entered the ward, the leader was a young man, his appearance was not handsome, but he was wearing hundreds of thousands of outfits, which made him stand out from the crowd.

"Cao Guang!" Seeing the person coming, Xiao Ran's handsome face immediately became distorted, his eyes flickered with sternness, he was about to get up and beat someone while roaring, but he accidentally touched the wound, and immediately screamed.

"Haha... look at him like that, it's so funny, haha... still want to hit me, come on, hit me!" Cao Guangjian smiled and waved at Shen Yi, and the group of young men and women behind him all Laughed along.

"You... these bastards..." Xiao Ran's face turned pale with anger, his eyes were filled with raging anger, he wanted to rush up and beat someone up, but he couldn't move, feeling extremely aggrieved.

"Come on, come on, hit me, haha..."

The young man continued to shout and mock.


Suddenly, a crisp slap sounded across the face, the young man's laughter stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, he touched the right cheek that was slapped in disbelief, and immediately gasped.

It hurts!Not a dream!

Xiao Ran was shocked, and the group of young people behind Cao Guang were also dumbfounded. They all opened their mouths and stared blankly at the figure who appeared in front of Cao Guang at some time.

"It's the first time I've heard someone begging for a fight. It's so interesting!" Shen Yi smiled, looked at the young man and asked, "Excuse me, do you still need it?"

" dare to hit me?" Cao Guang recovered from the shock, covered his swollen face, and looked at Shen Yi with a cold killing intent. Where is it not like the existence of stars holding the moon, and now he is slapped in the face in public.

"You asked me to hit you!" Shen Yi pretended to be stupid.

" bastard, you're looking for death, you're looking for death!" Cao Guang roared hysterically, and reached out his hand to greet Shen Yi's face.

However, before the hand touched Shen Yi's face, there was a severe colic pain in the lower abdomen, the whole person's eyes bulged, and the hand that was thrown towards Shen Yi also stopped in the air, and then fell to his knees on the ground with a plop, His body curled up like a shrimp, clutching his stomach and screaming.

"Master Cao!"

"He is the young master of the Cao family, how dare you beat him!"

"You bastard, you are dead, you are absolutely dead!"

A group of young men and women reacted, their faces changed drastically, some rushed up to help him in a panic, some pointed at Shen Yi, threatened and cursed.

"Go away, leave me alone, you trash, why are you still standing there, beat him up, beat him to death, I'll take care of it if something happens!" Cao Guang directly pushed the seductive girl who was about to help him to the ground, clutching his hands Stomach, staring at a group of young men and women with red eyes, howling like a wounded beast.

(End of this chapter)

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