Almighty teacher system

Chapter 188 Persuasion

Chapter 188 Persuasion
"Ms. Lin Lan, hello, it's our first time meeting, I'm Irene's class teacher, Shen Yi!" Shen Yi first introduced himself, and then praised with a smile: "Ms. Lin looks really young and beautiful. I thought you were Irene's sister!"

"Don't tell me this!" Lin Lan frowned and waved her hand: "You are not welcome here, please leave!"

Shen Yi was about to say something when he heard hurried footsteps behind him. He turned his head and saw security guards in uniform rushing into the villa. A security guard who stopped him at the gate pointed at him and shouted angrily Said: "It's him who broke into the villa without authorization. This guy is a practicing family boy. Let's go together and take him down!"

"Ms. Lin, I'm sorry. It was our negligence that allowed him to break in. We will take him down right away!" Another security guard apologized to Lin Lan.

Lin Lan glanced at Shen Yi, and nodded with a serious face: "Then please, this person broke into my house without my permission, please drive him away immediately!"

"Yes!" A group of security guards responded in unison, and rushed towards Shen Yi at the same time.

"What are you doing, Mr. Shen was invited by me, not a bad person!" Irene yelled anxiously.

"Shut up!" Lin Lan shouted angrily.

Seeing that the matter had developed to the point where he had to do something, Shen Yi sighed helplessly, and said to Ye Shihua beside him: "Shihua, step back a little!"

Ye Shihua nodded, and stepped aside as she said.

"Mom, tell them to stop!" Irene looked anxiously at Lin Lan, but the latter folded his arms and watched coldly.

She wanted to see how stubborn the daughter whose last hope had been shattered was still stubborn when this teacher Shen, who was valued so much by her daughter, was taken away by the security uniform in embarrassment.

However, the next moment, she turned pale.

Facing a group of security guards who were like wolves and tigers, Shen Yi walked towards each other like a leisurely stroll, facing the probing hands of two security guards, he blocked them with both arms, grabbed the wrists of the two with both hands like lightning, and pushed them hard, terrifying The strength shook the two security guards and flew them out.

"Chinese warriors?" Luke's pupils shrank slightly. As Irene's father's confidant, he was well-informed and knew that there were a group of real warriors in China.

Unexpectedly, this teacher of Irene was actually a legendary Chinese warrior.

This group of security guards is indeed well-trained, and they should belong to retired soldiers. Their moves are very similar to the army's grappling and fighting skills. They are swift and powerful, but for Shen Yi, who is about to step into the threshold of the prefecture level, it is different. language.

In less than ten snaps of fingers, a group of security guards were all brought down, and Shen Yi's move was very clever, removing their joints, which did not cause any harm to these people, but made them temporarily lose their ability to move.

"How is this possible!" Lin Lan was horrified and couldn't believe what happened before her. It's not like she had never seen someone who could fight, but it was the first time she met someone as ridiculously strong as Shen Yi.

"Teacher Shen!" Irene's beautiful eyes sparkled, and her face was full of excitement and admiration.

"Let her go!" After Shen Yi dealt with a group of security guards, his eyes shifted to the two black men. Those three short words seemed to contain an irresistible majesty.

The two black men couldn't understand Chinese, but they were taken aback by Shen Yi's sharp blade-like gaze, and let go of Irene as if fired.

After being freed, Irene immediately ran behind Shen Yi and hid, grabbing his sleeve nervously.

"Don't be afraid!" Shen Yi patted her head, smiled and looked at Lin Lan: "Ms. Lin, shall we chat?"

"I have nothing to talk to you!" Lin Lan still looked indifferent: "This is our family business, and has nothing to do with you as a teacher. Please leave my house immediately!"

"Ms. Lin, we really have no malicious intentions!" Ye Shihua said: "I am Ye Shihua, Irene's Chinese teacher, and also Ye Hongru's granddaughter. I heard that you were my grandfather's student back then. Please take care of me For grandpa's sake, sit down and have a good chat with us!"

"You are Ye Lao's granddaughter?" Lin Lan looked at Ye Shihua in surprise, with a look of reminiscence in her eyes, and after a long silence, she nodded: "For Ye Lao's sake, I can give you half Hours, but you also have to promise me, if you fail to convince me after half an hour, then this matter has nothing to do with you, and Irene must also go to the United States!"

Ye Shihua and Shen Yi looked at each other when they heard the words, then Shen Yi nodded heavily and said: "Okay, it's a deal, it's only half an hour!"

Lin Lan took a deep look at him, and said to the butler Luke, "Luke, please send these security guards to treatment with them!"

Luke nodded when he heard the words, and together with the group of strong black men helped up the security guards who were brought down by Shen Yi, and left the villa.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Lan invited the two of them to sit down, and ordered his servants to bring some cups of hot tea.

"Tell me, what do you want to say!" Lin Lan took a sip from her teacup elegantly, with a reticent expression on her face.

Shen Yi took a sip of tea, nodded in surprise and praised: "Good tea!"

"Mr. Shen, 2 minutes have passed, and you still have 28 minutes!" Lin Lan said lightly, looking at her watch.

"Mom—" Irene, who was sitting next to Ye Shihua, yelled with aggrieved face when she saw her mother like this.

Shen Yi smiled slightly, put down his teacup, and said seriously: "Ms. Lin, can I ask if the reason why you are so eager to let Irene go to the United States is because of her resident singing in the bar? If so, then I sincerely I apologize to you, it was indeed my idea!"

"Sure enough it's you!" Lin Lan glared, "Mr. Shen, don't you think you're taking too much control? As a teacher, isn't your main responsibility just to teach and educate people? You encourage students to go to bars to sing, don't you?" A little too much!"

"Well, it's not Teacher Shen's fault, it's me—"

"you shut up!"

Irene was about to defend Shen Yi, but was interrupted abruptly by Lin Lan, and she could only be aggrieved and silent.

"Ms. Lin, it's inappropriate to describe your own daughter as selling and singing!" Shen Yi said with a faint smile: "Besides, I think many celebrities have had the experience of being a resident singer in a bar. One thing you should know best!"

When Lin Lan heard this, she immediately fell silent. It was indeed as Shen Yi said, many singers in the entertainment circle had been down and out before they made their debut, in bars and restaurants.Even the streets used to be their stage.

Even she herself had a similar experience back then.

In fact, after being kicked out of the United States by Irene's father's family, Lin Lan began to subconsciously look down on herself, thinking that she, a so-called big star, was nothing more than a singing actress in front of those real dignitaries.

That's why she said such words to Shen Yi, but after Shen Yi's reminder, she realized that using these two words to describe her daughter was indeed a little too much.

(End of this chapter)

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