Almighty teacher system

Chapter 139 Telling the Laughing Chapter

Chapter 139 Telling Jokes

The four girls had just taken a shower, and the huge suite was filled with the fragrance of shower gel and the girl's unique body fragrance, which made Shen Yi feel a little dazed, he didn't dare to look around, walked straight to the table, The tray is placed on the table.

"Wow, it smells so good, brother, you're so kind!" Shen Xiu walked over with her bare feet while clutching her swollen belly.

"Drink it quickly, and sleep soundly after drinking it!" Shen Yi smiled affectionately, and handed her a bowl of soup.

"Thank you, brother!" Shen Xiushui looked at her brother with moving eyes. Since she was a child, Shen Yi has always taken care of her like this, especially after her parents disappeared. What's missing.

"Okay, why are you being polite to me, brother, drink it soon!" Shen Yi glared at her angrily.

Shen Xiu nodded, picked up the bowl and blew twice, took a sip, and her beautiful eyes lit up: "It's so delicious!"

"You eat too much roast duck, you must be greasy in your heart, and you will feel much better after drinking this!" Shen Yi said with a smile.

"I'm so happy!" Shen Xiuqiao had a sweet smile on her face, which made the other three girls envious.

It's so rare for a brother who can cook soup for his younger sister at such a late hour. I'm afraid as long as it's a girl, he will be envious!
"Come and have a drink, too!" Shen Yi smiled and looked at the other three girls.

"Thank you, Teacher Shen!" The three girls, who had long been envious, were not polite, and walked over to pick up a bowl each and drank it. After tasting it, they naturally couldn't help but praise.

"Okay, you guys go to bed early, you have an exam tomorrow!" After the four girls had finished their soup, Shen Yi packed up the tableware, gave instructions to the girls, and then took the tableware back to the kitchen, holding the tableware for Tang Song. A bowl came back to the room.

Tang Song fell asleep immediately after drinking the soup, while Shen Yi lay on the bed and called Ye Shihua.

"Shihua, did you disturb your sleep?" Shen Yi asked softly after the call was connected.

"No, I just took a shower and was going to bed!" Ye Shihua's gentle voice sounded from the other end of the phone.

Shen Yi was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help imagining Ye Shihua's appearance at this moment in his mind.

The long black and beautiful hair has not yet been dried, and it is draped softly on the shoulders. The loose nightgown can hardly conceal the seductive body. The whole person is lying lazily on the bedside, holding the mobile phone, and the beautiful face blooms With an alluring smile.

As soon as this picture appeared in his mind, Shen Yi swallowed his saliva spinelessly.

"Ayi, why aren't you talking?" Ye Shihua asked suspiciously when she saw the silence on the other side.

"Ah, oh, it's okay, it's okay!" Shen Yi came back to his senses, and hurriedly recited a few heart-cleaning mantras in his heart, finally suppressing this evil fire.

In fact, this is no wonder for him, after all, he is in his 20s, and he is still a young man who has only seen pigs running, but has never eaten pork. In addition, because of his practice of ancient martial arts, he has a strong yang fire. Desire will definitely be stronger.

The most important thing is that the girlfriend is still such a gorgeous beauty as Ye Shihua, it is normal for her to have evil thoughts in her heart.

Fortunately, Shen Yi has strong willpower, if it were any other man, it would be very difficult for him to restrain himself from facing Ye Shihua.

Since the two fell in love, it was the first time that they talked on the phone in different places like this. It felt very good. The two chatted for almost an hour before hanging up the phone in satisfaction.

"You bastard, don't you know that you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry, wait a minute!" Shen Yi stared at the quilt that was covered with a small tent, and recited the heart-purifying mantra several times before slowly falling asleep.


In the early morning of the next day, Shen Yi took a few students to finish breakfast, and then drove to Huaxia University.

"Finally, make sure everything is ready, exam admission ticket, pen, draft paper..." In the car, Shen Yi tirelessly reminded him again.

"Okay, brother, how many times have you said this!" Shen Xiu, who was sitting on the co-pilot, said impatiently.

"You girl, don't forget to bring something!" Shen Yi glared at her angrily.

"How is it possible, I have checked it several times!" Shen Xiu pouted.

Shen Yi ignored the girl, looked behind through the rearview mirror, and found that Zhao Mengqi and Gu Yue were fine, while Tang Song and Li Zihan were obviously a little nervous.

"Let me tell you a joke!" Shen Yi thought for a moment, then suddenly said with a smile.

"What joke, tell me!" Shen Xiu was immediately curious, and Li Zihan and the others all looked at Shen Yi.

"One day, classmate Jiajia said to classmate Xiaohan at the same table: I have good news and bad news for you!"

"What's the good news?" Xiaohan asked.

Jiajia: "Tomorrow's exam is cancelled!"

"Really?" Xiaohan was very happy.

"But the bad news is that the exam has been changed to today!"


As soon as Shen Yi's words fell, Shen Xiu couldn't help laughing out: "Brother, you are so funny, this Jiajia can't be Chen Yujia!"

The students in the back also laughed, and the tense atmosphere eased a lot.

"Don't tell me, Yujia might really do this!" Li Zihan covered her mouth and smiled.

"Brother Xiao Yi, I didn't expect you to tell jokes!" Gu Yue smiled.

"Brother, hurry up, tell me one more time!" Shen Xiu urged.

"Okay, then I'll talk about another one!" Seeing that the effect was good, Shen Yi nodded with a smile and started to talk about the next one.

"The exam is about to take place. The students asked the teacher how to pass the exam. The teacher answered four words. Can anyone guess which four words the teacher said?" Shen Yi asked with a smile.

Shen Xiu thought for a moment, then replied, "Go all out?"

"Is that still a joke?" Shen Yi gave her a funny look.

Shen Xiu pouted her lips and stopped talking.

"Does anyone know?" Shen Yi looked at the other people in the rearview mirror, seeing that everyone shook their heads and couldn't answer.

"Okay, brother, don't be foolish, tell me quickly!" Shen Xiu felt a little displeased with Shen Yi's appetizing appearance, and pinched Shen Yi's arm angrily.

"The four words the teacher said are..."

Shen Yi paused, attracted the attention of several people, and then said: "Come back alive!"

Shen Xiu and the others froze for a moment when they heard the words, and immediately burst out laughing at the same time.

Amidst the laughter, the group quickly came to Huaxia University, the highest institution that most of Huaxia's students yearn for!
Soon, the main gate of Huaxia University, decorated with granite, appeared in sight. Eight tall stone pillars stood up, looking magnificent. Self-improvement, social integrity" school motto.

Duan Duan looked from a distance through the car window, and felt an unspeakable solemnity.

This school, which has gone through a hundred years and witnessed China's century-old storms, has become a holy place in the hearts of all students in China.

 In the new week, everyone recommends a lot, stray dogs are grateful!


(End of this chapter)

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