Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 983 Give You a Home (1)

Chapter 983 Give You a Home (22)

Because of the conversation that night, she vaguely realized how much her beautiful young man cared about such things.

She thought again, she probably couldn't bear to make Zhu Jing uneasy.

So she didn't open the love letter, but returned it to Gao Mingchen intact.

The girl has good-looking eyebrows and eyes, with a little seriousness and apology in her eyes.

"Feel sorry."

Her attitude is very clear, and the way of rejecting people is respectful and polite enough.

Gao Mingchen rubbed his head and raised his hand to take the letter back.

He laughed, though still a little sad.


Boys also respect her choice.

Fang Ya watched her reject Gao Mingchen, and sighed gloomily.

"I still want to see you fall in love."

I always read paper people falling in love in comic books, but I have never seen anyone around me fall in love.

He blinked again: "Then talk about it yourself."

Speaking of this matter, Fang Ya was very sad.

"My mother said that you are not allowed to fall in love until you go to college."

She is timid, and she really dare not fall in love early.

Fang Ya lay on the table: "What about you? Your family won't let you fall in love, right?"

He pursed his lips again: "I don't know how to fall in love."

"I want to stay with my brother," she said.

It was the first time Fang Ya knew that He You actually had an older brother, so she immediately became interested.

"What does your brother look like, is he handsome?"

It must be handsome, after all, it is also very good-looking.

When mentioning the boy, he unconsciously bent his eyes and nodded heavily, showing a little pride.

"It's very beautiful."

Fang Ya blinked and smiled.

"It turns out he's still a brother control again."

She smiled and muttered: "Since my brother is so good-looking, then you must look down on the boys in our class."

No wonder he said that he doesn't fall in love again. I guess my brother is really happy to see that he can't find a second one.

He just laughed and didn't refute her.

Anyway, in her heart, her brother is the prettiest, no one else can compare.

Because she also said that her brother was very beautiful, Fang Ya always wanted to see her, talking about it semester after semester.

But she was unlucky, and she never met Zhu Jinglai.

Until the parent meeting in the third year of junior high school.

Because the third year of junior high school is a very important period, the head teacher of this parent meeting attaches great importance to it and requires all parents to come.

After Fang Ya picked up her parents, Pei He waited outside again.

She was playing with her mobile phone when He pushed her arm again. The girl's voice was clear and cheerful, and she had already run over.

"My brother is here."

He looked up at him again, his eyebrows and eyes curved.

"Brother, you are a little late."

Zhu Jing bent his lips and brought her the small cake in his hand.

"There's a traffic jam on the road."

In fact, it was a little delay to buy her a cake.

Fang Ya heard He You's voice and looked up.

The young man was wearing a simple white shirt, and had a pair of extremely beautiful eyebrows and eyes. Because he was too beautiful, he showed a bit of coldness and sharpness, but when he looked at him, his eyebrows and eyes were soft.

Fang Ya blinked her eyes, a little confused.

She knew that Youyou's brother must be good-looking, but this was probably too much.

Moreover, it seems that it is not the same as Youyou at all.

The classroom was full of parents, and He waited outside with Fang Ya again.

The handsome boy was so outstanding in the crowd that almost all eyes were on him.

The young man lowered his eyes, his brows and eyes were quiet and indifferent.

Fang Ya poked her arm again and spoke to her in a low voice.

"Yeah, you have to take good care of your brother."

(End of this chapter)

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