Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 891 This killer is not too cold (30)

Chapter 891 This killer is not too cold (30)
Lin Chi did this kind of thing because he was in a panic. Now he has no other choice but to make a living for himself in this way. He knows what he will face if he is caught by the police, so he doesn't want to lose. The heart is also very firm.

With a knife in his hand and a calm voice, he talked to the policemen below through the mall's radio.

"Give me a car and let me go to the airport smoothly, or I will kill this girl!"

The girl in front of him was young and thin, she was held tremblingly by him, she was so frightened that she couldn't speak a word.

Lao Huo thought about Z's words just now, and tried to calm down his voice.

"We can accept your conditions, but Lin Chi, you have to think about it clearly. Once you hurt someone, you will be charged with a crime. Don't act rashly."

How could Lin Chi think of these things now? He panicked so much that he just wanted to leave quickly.

On the way out of the shopping mall, everyone in the shopping mall was hiding in the dark, staring at him closely. Lin Chi held a knife in his hand. In order to frighten the people around him, he sent the knife in. The girl saw it on her neck immediately. Blood.

Many women exclaimed and quickly covered the eyes of the children in front of them.

His eyes were dark, and he looked around.

"Don't come here!"

There were too many people in the mall, and most of them were women and children. If Lin Chi really got angry, he might hurt many people.

Lao Huo felt a little heavy, and couldn't think of a better way for a while.

They are just too passive.

Lao Huo was in a hurry, but he could only suppress his emotions and try to appease Lin Chi, while the special police officers also lay in ambush nearby, quietly waiting for Lin Chi to come out with the hostages.

Although Lin Chi panicked, he was still a little clever, so he hid at the entrance of the shopping mall, letting the hostages stand in front of him, while he hid behind the side door.

Such an angle made the police a little afraid to act rashly. After all, if an accident happened and Lin Chi was angered, innocent people would be hurt.

Lao Huo tried to delay time, talking nonsense.On the tall building opposite the shopping mall, a gun stuck out of the window, Chen Zui condensed his face, and aimed at Lin Chi's wrist exposed at the entrance of the shopping mall.

The young man's beautiful eyebrows and eyes were frozen, his fingertips were blown cold by the wind, and his finger bones were slightly red due to the force. The usually calm and powerful young man was holding the gun, but now it was suddenly difficult to pull the trigger immediately.

Chen Zui closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, his light brown phoenix eyes were fixed, the boy's chest trembled, but his hand holding the gun was extremely steady.

He aimed at Lin Chi.

Lin Chi seemed to be aware of the police's perfunctory, and became a little vigilant, shaking his hand holding the knife threateningly.

"Don't force me, hurry up and arrange a car for me!"

Lao Huo was in a hurry, and just about to say something, he saw Lin Chi let go of his hand suddenly with a cry of pain, as if he had been shot.

He suddenly thought of Z, and before he had time to say anything, he rushed up with others and suppressed Lin Chi.

While taking out the handcuffs, he kicked Lin Chi.

"Give me more arrogance!"

Lao Huo was really frightened into a cold sweat, for fear that those innocent people would be involved.

Lin Chi was taken into the police car, and the mall resumed its normal operation. Lao Huo stood at the entrance of the mall, looking for people everywhere.

The voice on the phone just now was very young, it should be a young man, since Z can help, he must still stay here.

He protected a lost girl and came down with the crowd. When Lin Chi came in, she had not had time to come out, so she hid upstairs with others in order not to trouble the police.

Looking at the current situation, things should be resolved.

The little girl was picked up by her mother crying, and He You planned to go back to the dessert shop first.

There were many people around the entrance of the shopping mall, and Lao Huo stood aside, watching a young man with exquisite eyebrows and beautiful eyes approaching him.

The young man had a pair of light brown phoenix eyes, and his eyebrows were beautiful. For some reason, Lao Huo unconsciously looked at him a few more times.

As soon as He You came out, she saw Chen Zui coming this way. She stood in the crowd and waved to Chen Zui.


Chen Zui raised his head in response, facing the noon light, the young man's beautiful eyebrows faded a little, only a pair of light brown eyes caught his heart.

He stood in the crowd and stopped in a daze.

The young man was dressed in thick black, with a thin body, and he just walked across the crowd, with a faint light and unresolved affection in his eyes.

He took another two steps toward him, because of the distance and the noisy crowd, he couldn't see Chen Zui's eyes clearly.

When He You walked forward, Chen Zui also walked towards this side, the young man was very fast, and he was in front of He You in a blink of an eye.

The crowd was bustling, and the boy's arms were icy cold, carrying the strong chill of autumn.

He was hugged heavily by Chen Zui again, and he patted him on the back lightly.


Chen Zui bent over, and a very light and shallow kiss landed on He You's shoulder, the young man slightly bent his lips, and a thin stream of light filled his eyes.

He didn't say a word about the panic and fear just now, but just rubbed his face full of nostalgia and turned his face.

"I miss you."

He bent his lips again, and took his cold hand.

"Well, I miss you too."

She was a little strange: "Did you just come back from the pet store? Your hands are so cold."

Chen Zui nodded, and passed by Lao Huo who had been looking at him, his brows and eyes were light.


He looked up at him again: "What about Tiao Tiao?"

Chen Zui paused, and looked up at the opposite hotel.

He forgot.

The forgotten Chen Tiaotiao paced around the window, looking up at the sky very sadly.

It's just a little cat, what did it do wrong to meet such an unreliable father.

In the end, Chen Zui secretly went to fetch Chen Tiaotiao back, and Tiaotiao lay in his arms, meowing weakly, looking pitiful.

He patted its head again: "What's wrong with Tiaotiao? Is there something uncomfortable?"

Getting He You's attention as he wished, Chen Tiaotiao rubbed his head against her palm and meowed a few more times.

Chen Zui lowered his eyes slightly, and pushed Chen Tiaotiao's head down.


Chen Tiaotiao was so angry that he bit the back of Chen Zui's hand that was holding his head.

Chen Zui paused, raised his hand with Chen Tiaotiao's teeth marks, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

Chen Tiaotiao thought that his father was about to start beating his son, so he shrank his tail cowardly.

But Chen Zui didn't.

The young man pursed his lips slightly, his thick and slender eyelashes drooping, and a pair of light brown eyes with a light light. He stretched out his hand in front of He You, with a low voice and quiet eyes.

"Jump and bite me."

He You immediately frowned, and with a little strength in his hands, he patted Chen Tiaotiao's head.

"No, jump, don't bite."

Chen Tiaotiao: ...

Cats and dogs are indeed natural enemies, how did they become father and son?

(End of this chapter)

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