Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 886 This killer is not too cold (25)

Chapter 886 This killer is not too cold (25)

When He got up to go to work the next day, he found that Chen Zui woke up earlier than himself.

The boy was wearing a pink coat with a string of English letters on the back of the coat.

This is one of those couple outfits I just bought yesterday.

Chen Zui was heating up breakfast, looked back at He again, and pursed his lips.

"Go get dressed."

He said "Oh" again, and walked towards his bedroom.

Just two steps away, he was stopped by the boy again.

Chen Zui's voice was a little soft, although he was uncomfortable, he still sounded a reminder.

"Wear the same one as me."

He bent his eyes again, and responded with a smile.

"it is good."

Chen Zui then lowered his head again, the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

He got up a bit late again, and went to pack his things with bread in his mouth.

"Are you going out today?"

Chen Zui nodded: "I have something to deal with."

He didn't ask any more questions.

"Several customers ordered a large number of desserts today. I may have to work overtime today. If you come back early, go find me in the store."

Chen Zui responded, and raised her hand to pull out the strands of hair that had been pinned into her clothes.

After waiting for He to go to work again, Chen Zui went out and sent Chen Tiaotiao downstairs to Old Mrs. Qiu's house.

When Zhao Tan received the news from Chen Zui, he was still a little strange. He only saw Chen Zui once, and he didn't even say a word. What did Chen Zui come to see him for?
Although he was puzzled, Chen Zui had a close relationship with Lin Yang after all, so Zhao Tan made time for the appointment.

The two met in a coffee shop on the corner of the street. When Zhao talked about it, Chen Zui was already in the seat.

The young man was thin and lean, and looked out the window with his head tilted slightly. His eyebrows and eyes were clear and beautiful, and his pink coat made his complexion white and clear.

Although he was dressed in pink, his aura was faintly sharp, just like what Zhao Tan thought when he first met him.

This boy is not ordinary.

Zhao Tan sat down opposite Chen Zui: "Sorry, I'm late."

Chen Zui nodded slightly, without saying much, and pushed a piece of information to him.

Zhao Tan was stunned for a moment, looked up at the young man with indifferent eyes, and then slowly opened the file.

After only two cursory glances, Zhao Tan pursed his lips and closed the document.

He looked a little serious, looking at Chen Zui's gaze to explore.

"How do you have these?"

It was full of evidence of Lin Chi's petty actions, many of which were due to Zhao Tan's efforts to investigate, but he couldn't find out.

If all these evidences were true, it would be enough for Lin Chi to be charged.

Chen Zui lowered his eyes lightly and his voice was dull.

"There are only two conditions for this item to be given to you."

He raised his eyes, with the tails of his eyes slightly tilted, showing a bit of indifference.

"One, we can't tell Lin Yang about our deal, and two, be tough on Lin Chi."

The two conditions are not difficult to achieve, and even Zhao Tan can get a lot of benefits.

Zhao Tan pursed his lips, a little wary.

"How can I judge whether these things are real or not, and how do I know if you gave it to me with ulterior motives?"

These evidences are not obtained by ordinary people. Chen Zui handed them over to him, didn't he really have ulterior motives?

Chen Zui raised his eyes and sneered lightly.

"Don't think too much, it's just not convenient for me to come forward."

Because of Chen Zui's special status, it is difficult for him to face Lin Chi directly, and Zhao Tan can be said to be the best candidate.

Zhao Tan was silent for a while before speaking: "Why don't you tell Lin Yang directly?"

Because of the cooperative relationship with Lin Yang, Zhao Tan kept in touch with Lin Yang when preparing the countermeasures during this period, and told her all the progress.

But now Chen Zui let himself lie to Lin Yang, Zhao Tan worried that if he didn't tell Lin Yang, it would end badly in the future.

Chen Zui pursed his lips: "Don't worry about this."

He won't let Lin Yang know.

If Lin Chi dared to touch Lin Yang, he would have to pay the price.

Since Chen Zui has paved the way for him, Zhao Tan will certainly not refuse the good things that come to his door.

He put away the documents and nodded lightly.

"Thank you."

It did him a great favor.

Because there are more orders today, and it is the weekend, the traffic is also relatively large.

The people in the store were busy until dark, and the girl couldn't stop complaining.

"Let's hire two more people earlier, and now we have to work overtime here."

He looked at the time again: "There is only the last customer who has not picked up the order, I will wait here for a while, you go back first."

The girl hesitated: "It's getting dark, it's not safe for you to stay alone."

He smiled again: "Chen Zui will pick me up later."

The girl nodded knowingly, and immediately packed up her things in a hurry.

"Then I'm leaving, see you tomorrow."

As she left, the sliding door swayed twice, and He lowered his head to deal with the pick-up list, and only raised his head when he heard the sound of light footsteps.

The slender young man walked towards the light step by step, raised his hand and pushed open the glass door, the pink coat made the young man's lips red and pale, and his eyebrows and eyes were covered with a thin layer of frost.

He smiled again: "Are you done with your work?"

Chen Zui responded softly, leaning lazily on the counter, quietly watching He You clean up.

The boy was quiet for a while, and spoke casually.

"Today is my birthday."

He was taken aback again: "Birthday?"

Chen Zui nodded, rubbing the corner of his clothes with his fingertips, his slender eyelashes drooping slightly, his brows and eyes light.

It was his birthday, but he never cared about it.

But this year, he wanted to celebrate his birthday with her.

He looked at the time subconsciously again, it was already night, only a few hours away from zero.

She put down the things in her hands, and first called the owner of the dessert shop to borrow the machines and materials in the shop.

Because the business was so good today that there wasn't even an extra small cake, He You decided to simply make one.

He put on his apron again, and pointed to the packaged desserts on the counter.

"Someone will come to pick it up later, you just give this to him."

After speaking, he quickly entered the baking room at the back.

When the man who brought the dessert came over, he was stunned when he saw Chen Zui standing behind the counter.

"Isn't it a girl?"

Chen Zui handed him the things, his delicate eyebrows and eyes were cold.

"She's busy."

The man sized up the handsome young man a few more times, but didn't ask any more questions.

After delivering the desserts, Chen Zui stood at the door of the bakery and watched her quietly.

Through a door, He heard the boy's light and soft voice again.

"Can I make a wish on my birthday?"

He nodded again: "Of course."

Chen Zui bent his lips: "Then will you fulfill my wish?"

He raised his eyes to look at him again, and also bent the corner of his lower lip.

"It turns out that what Ah Zui wanted to make was for me to fulfill her wish, so I have to work hard."

The boy under the light softened his brows and eyes, and his voice was soft and low, as if he was sighing.

"This is what it feels like to celebrate a birthday."

Someone will make a birthday cake, and someone will find a way to make his birthday wish come true.

(End of this chapter)

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