Kuai Chuan, fall in love with a fairy

Chapter 832 Domineering and Doting on the Little Wife (3)

Chapter 832 Domineering and Doting on the Little Wife (3)

The entrance of the guild hall was lit with neon lights, Wen Tang came out with his schoolbag in his hand, and checked the time on his phone.

He had just been left behind for a while by the manager of the clubhouse, paying for the drinks he smashed.

It was very late now, and the last bus to school had already been missed.

Wen Tang pursed his lips, put away his phone and walked forward.

He doesn't have his ID card with him, and it's not realistic to stay in a hotel outside, so he can only walk first to see if he can get a taxi on the way.

He propped his chin and waited for a while, the drowsiness gradually came up, and he woke up after being stimulated by the sudden cold wind. She saw the young man coming out of the hall, and straightened up a little.


Mia drove in response and turned the steering wheel.

He You didn't make a sound until the car drove to the boy's side.

"slow down."

The young man with exquisite eyebrows and eyes was walking beside. Mia didn't understand anything, so she slowed down and honked the car horn thoughtfully.

Wen Tang turned his head, and was slightly taken aback when he saw He You.

He leaned over the car window to look at him again, blinking slowly.

"Shall I give you a ride?"

Wen Tang pursed his lips, wanting to refuse.

He You didn't give him a chance to refuse, so he added a sentence.

"Talk about the compensation for my skirt."

The young man with cold brows raised his eyes slightly, and looked at He quietly for a while, the girl's eyes were bright, and there was a light in her eyes.

Wen Tang should refuse. It is very dangerous for a young boy in the blooming season to get into a woman's car in the middle of the night, not to mention that he has always been aware of his attraction to women.

He saw that he didn't want to come up again, and leaned out again, and the suit jacket on her shoulders slid off, revealing the shoulder straps of the skirt inside.

The wind at night was very cool, and the girl's tender shoulders were a little red, but she didn't realize it and exposed her body outside.

He blinked again, trying to look more sincere.

"I'm a decent person."

Wen Tang lowered his eyes slightly, and got into He You's car anyway.

He hugged his slipped coat in his arms again, and made room for Wen Tang.

"Where are you going?"

Wen Tang reported the address of his school in a low voice, and Mia immediately changed direction and slowed down the car thoughtfully.

The boy was silent for a while before speaking, his voice was clear and shallow.

"I'm sorry about what happened tonight, and I will make up for it."

He nodded again: "My skirt is very expensive."

The girl looked serious, her tone didn't have the slightest hint of sarcasm, as if she was reminding him.

Wen Tang pursed his lips: "Can you give me some time?"

Of course he knew that the dress was very expensive, and with his ability, it would take a while to pay back the money.

The boy lowered his eyes slightly, his eyes only fell on his cuffs, his thoughts were a little confused, and he couldn't figure out what the girl next to him would say next.

Maybe it was threatening him to pay back the money immediately, or maybe he wanted him to pay it back with his own body. Wen Tang has encountered many such things, and he knows their thoughts too well.

But the girl next to her was very talkative, so He nodded briskly.


She took out her mobile phone from her jacket and handed it to Wen Tang.

"Then you leave a contact information first, and return it to me when you have money."

The girl's fingers were slender, with white crescent bones on her nails, and she handed him her personal mobile phone so easily.

Wen Tang took it and obediently saved his number.

When I finished saving and exited, I glanced at her address book, only to find that there were very few contacts in it, and he was at the top.

He got the contact information of the little beauty as he wished, and also knew his school address, so he stopped talking for fear of scaring him.

She had been busy all day, and now she was too sleepy to relax, so she slowly closed her eyes.

The girl turned her face slightly, and slowly tilted down because she was asleep, her head fell heavily.

Wen Tang didn't think about anything, he went to help her subconsciously, and when he touched the girl's soft arms, he came back to his senses, his face turned red all of a sudden, and his earlobes turned bright.

The boy blushed, and slowly straightened He upright again.

Mia just saw this scene through the rearview mirror, and couldn't help but sigh.

What a pure love.

Forget about innocence, they are still stunning, and their little Gu has really found a treasure.

The car stopped at the gate of the school, and He woke up again. She was very sleepy, rubbed her eyes slowly, and her voice was soft.

Through the car window, she waved to Wen Tang


Wen Tang understood the shape of her lips, and lowered his eyes slightly. The boy's brows and eyes were cold, and the thin shirt on his body was swept by the wind, outlining a clear and handsome figure.

He didn't respond, and turned around indifferently.

Mia kindly reminded He You: "Mr. Gu, this young man looks quite upbeat."

Really rich and powerful women actually prefer obedient and obedient lovers. After all, they are so busy at work, who has the heart to deal with men.

This young man is very difficult to deal with, he is not pretending to be noble, and he is not the best candidate for a lover.

He yawned lazily: "This is reserved, you don't understand."

Mia: ...

Sure enough, he grew up abroad, and his ability to use words is superb.

It was too late, the door of the boy's apartment was locked, and the dormitory supervisor would have to be alarmed if he wanted to go in. Wen Tang made a detour to the back door of the apartment, where the big iron gate was in disrepair and was left unattended.

The boy leaned against the wall and turned over, picked up the schoolbag on the ground, and went back to the dormitory.

The lights were turned off in the dormitory, but many people were awake.

Wen Tang went to wash in silence, and when he came out, he saw his roommate Liu Ting poking his head out of his bed.

The boy looks a bit feminine and has a thin voice, which makes people feel a little uncomfortable.

Liu Ting sized up Wen Tang, the young man was dressed in ordinary clothes, but his face was stunning, he couldn't match it at all.

He snorted, a little yin and yang.

"Come back so late, you must be near the benefactor."

Always pretending to be dignified, but in the end, it is not about living next to the benefactor, what is there to be proud of.

Liu Ting was a little jealous: "If you have a good funder, remember to introduce it to us."

He went to the guild hall with Wen Tang to apply for a job before, but his appearance and temperament were not good enough, so he was not hired.

Most of the girls in the school looked down on boys like them with ordinary looks and ordinary backgrounds. He naturally had to find a way to find a way out for himself, or after graduation, he might be sold to some old woman by his family.

So Liu Ting was extremely jealous that Wen Tang had the right to choose freely.

Wen Tang sat down at the desk and turned on the desk lamp.

Liu Ting didn't even catch the boy's eyes, he snorted coldly, and retreated on his own.

The desk lamp was dim, Wen Tang opened the textbook and looked at it for a while, then suddenly picked up the phone again.

No missed calls.

The young man pursed his lips, his clear brows and eyes were a little blurred under the light, he lowered his eyes slightly, his thoughts diverged a little.

Mr. Gu?
Is her surname Gu?

(End of this chapter)

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